THE SCENE: Clear skies, 67 degrees F, 97% humidity
SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, Arm Circles, Cherry Pickers
Grinder Run
Grinder Bernie
13 stations each named after an original colony. One HIM carries a 40# sandbag and the AO shovel/flag and runs down to the road and back while the remaining PAX picks one of the 13 stations. HIM with the flag exchanges with the one behind them in the rotation and all perform the workout in Kraken style. Happened to be the perfect number (14) so that one person was at a colony while one was running. Each person completed the flag bearer run and each of the 13 colonies.
Delaware Dips
Pennsylvania WWII Sit Ups
New Jersey SSH
Georgia Dry Docks
Connecticut Box Jumps
Massachusetts Merkins
Maryland Bent Rows
South Carolina Squat Thrusts
North Carolina Curls
New Hampshire Triceps Extensions
Virginia Body Builders
New York Russian Swings
Rhode Island Flutter Kicks
Push Pull
Two Groups with one starting with Merkins and the other with Pull ups.
13 Merkins followed by 13 Inverted Pull ups or 7 strict Pull ups (3 Rounds)
Waxjob Hill 7’s
1 Box Cutter
Bear Crawl Up Hill
6 Dry Docks
Run Down Hill
Box Cutters, X’s and O’s, and LBCs
Total of 14 including Spook from Fredericksburg, VA
Started the morning with the Stars Spangled Banner version by Jimi Hendrix. It was played at Woodstock almost 50 years ago on August 18, 1969. Some believe it was and is an irreverent rendition but I always liked the fact that his guitar playing brought out the chaos that Francis Scott Key must have seen when he wrote the words “rockets red glare” and “bombs bursting in air.”
The main part of THA-THANG with the colony stations involved an AMRAP while the flag bearer was running and each HIM had the “freedom” to do as many of each exercise. As with each F3 workout, we have the freedom to come out and to give as much or as little as we want. Suffice to say, everyone wore it out this morning but it was an individual decision to do so. (OK, we all have a great ability to overtly or covertly push each other.
We all should appreciate the freedom we have that was started in 1776 and resulted in 1% of the colony’s citizens giving their life to attain it. We should also be overwhelmed with gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus to gain eternal freedom with God the Father. In the end of this earthly life that is what will ultimately matter. For as 2 Corinthians 3:17 says, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
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