F3 Knoxville

IPC Week 1 at The Project

The Project

THE SCENE: Clear and a little cooler than it has been lately.

OYO. Some arriving early to get started on the challenge.
Iron PAX challenge week 1

  • 3 burpees EMOM
  • 50 hand release release merkins
  • 100 leg lifts
  • 150 jungle boi squat jumps
  • 200 big boy sit-ups
  • 250 stationary lunges (125 each leg)

Stargazers! We were done!
8 worked on the IPC week 1 challenge this morning.
I have been thinking a lot lately about being lukewarm: being half a man, half a husband, half a father, etc. Basically, being lukewarm means you are not putting in enough effort.  Jesus tells us something very important regarding being a lukewarm Christian. He states that “I will spew you out of my mouth”, Revelation 3:16. I am sure most of you can recall a time in your life, or witnessing it in someone else’s life, being on fire for God. Perhaps a youth group trip. Try to remember how that felt. We are called to be hot, on fire for God. I encourage you to consider this and evaluate how you may return to that zeal and also apply in all that you do.
The return of Rocket! What an awesome workout for your first one in a while! IPC week 1 was intense. That was a lot of leg and core work. Definitely feel good for doing that workout, but man is YHC going to be sore!