F3 Knoxville

The Politician’s Workout


SCENE: Mid-thirties. Just cool enough to have us reminiscing about last week’s weather.



  • Windmills IC | SSH IC | Tempo Squats
  • Overhead Claps IC | Seal Claps IC |


Fellowship, laps, and body weight exercises: We talked in circles & left the heavy lifting to someone else.

Tennis Court Four Corners – 20 15 10

  • Diamond Merks | Shoulder Taps
  • Hand Release Merks | Inch Worm

(Mosey to Playground)

SEVENS at Playground

  • Step-ups & Squats
  • Squats & Imp Walkers
  • Imperial Walkers & Split Squats

(Slow Mosey to Flag)

PAX-Called Core Exercises

  • Captain Thors | Pickle Pointers
  • LBCs | American Hammers
  • Flutter Kicks | Box Cutters

(Mosey to Tennis Court)

MARY: 45 secs of burpees


Candidates I like never do as well as I hope & candidates I dislike never do as badly as I fear. Invest your time & energy in the people & activities that change your life.