F3 Knoxville

Rise Above


THE SCENE: True meaning of SYITG. 52 degrees and thick fog. Perfect!
F3 = Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
F3 = Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
F3 = Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
or 10 burpees. You decide~

Cherry Pickers
Side Straddle Hops
Arm Rotations (forward/backward)
Lunges (forward, backward, side to side)
Tempo Merkins


  • 10 Merkins


  • 20 Squats


  • 30 Flutter Kicks

Arrive at JuConte

  • Start at the first mark run four marks
  • 10 Merkins. Run back a mark.
  • 20 Squats. Run back a mark.
  • 30 Flutter Kicks. Run back a mark.
  • Walking lunges to the next mark.
  • Rinse and Repeat
  • Audible. Run to the next mark with HIMs Calling what we did 10, 20, and 30 of… to the top.
  • 5 mins of KB’s Ab Class under the stars and full moon (some of us got to see a shooting star).
  • Mosey back down, stopping to admire God’s beauty before creeping back into the gloom and finding the flag.

No time.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Humility: is something that garners wisdom; it is a requirement for wisdom. You cannot be proud and wise. Humility brings wisdom.

On Monday I went for hike on my lunch break. Which I do pretty often. I was wearing a 20lb vest and had on brand new shoes. I lost my footing and in a very awkward and super slow motion fashion I ate it. When I hit it hurt. I made sure there were no visible injuries and finished my hike. I was about halfway through the hike so there was no short cut.

What do you do if you get knocked down? Or fall down in my case? You get back up! You find a way to modify as necessary and keep going. This can be metaphorically speaking about job loss, a failed marriage, letting someone down, etc… Get back up!

I’ve seen you do it. I won’t name names… but I will say it’s inspiring! It helps me to be a better person.

Bonus from the Bible Study: God involves us and our prayers in his process of redemption.
I thought this was really cool. The relationship between us and God, is just that. A relationship. It’s a two way street. Never be ashamed to ask God for help, you will be surprised.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Remember to bring coats for men, women, and children to the AO for KARM. There’s also the Mudder’s Day Madness Run tomorrow.