F3 Knoxville

Farewell to Everest

Asylum AM

THE SCENE: Getting chilly and dark.  Winter is coming.


-20 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct, in cadence)

– 10 windmills (4-ct, in cadence)

– 20 Grady Corns (4-ct, in cadence)


Mosey to EVEREST.  FAREWELL TO EVEREST!!  We’ll be switching our meeting place to the opposite side of the park for winter, so we might not see Everest again for awhile.  We shall pay our respects before we leave…


Up and back to tree stumps/trees. Every time you get to the bottom, do 10 reps of an exercise, which will change for each Suicide.   At end of each suicide, hold a plank until 6 catches up.


  1. Plank Jacks
  2. Monkey Humpers
  3. Squats
  4. Merkins
  5. Stargazers (you’re welcome)

Mosey to flat area at base of the Summit.

Partner UP.  One partner, run to bottom of the Roadshow Run stairs, do 10 SSH, run back.  Other Partner BEAR CRAWL to tree, do 10 Merkins, and Bear Crawl back. Meet back at starting point, do 5 Patty-cake merkins, and switch.  Rinse and repeat

STOMACH BUSTER! 20 Am. Hammers, 20 flutter kicks (both 4-ct IC).

AYG up the summit and to the AO

No time for her.

9 HIMs


THE LANGUAGE OF GOD PART DEUX: Things that make you go Hmmm…

Continuing on with my Words about The Language of God by Francis Collins, I just wanted to share some of the observations he makes regarding Life, the Universe, and Everything when contemplating his Christian views and how they aren’t incompatible with his rigid and extensive training as a scientist.  [DISCLAIMER ABOUT BELIEFS].  His observations have helped me, as a scientist, understand how the origins of Creation can have a supernatural, Godly origin yet still obey the laws of science.  There are an amazing number of incredible coincidences that have led to where we are today, standing in a park, on a planet we call Earth.  Consider for example…

  • In the early moments of the universe, following the BIG BANG, matter and antimatter were created in almost equivalent amounts.   But there was one part per billion more subatomic matter particles than anti matter.  If there was pure symmetry, or more dark matter, the universe would have devolved into pure radiation.  But that tiny bit of extra matter is what forms all the mass in the universe.
  • The way the universe expanded following the Big Bang depended critically on how much total mass and energy the universe had and the strength of the gravitational constant. If this constant was smaller by even one part in 100 thousand million, million, the universe would have collapsed before it reached its current size.  If it had been GREATER by just 1 part per million, stars and planets could not have formed.
  • And there are at least 15 other physical constants whose values are impossible to predict how they came to be what they are. And yet they are exactly the values they need to be to have a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms.  As it happens, the existence of a universe as we know it rests upon a knife edge of improbability.  Is this really an accident?…. Are we just really, really lucky to be here today?  HMMM…


Prayers for Abscess’ MRI, prayers for Jetlag’s return journey
Coat Drive still going on for another week; Sign up for Brovember challenge; we’ll move our meeting spot to the parking lot across the street from where AM meets starting next week after the time change.