F3 Knoxville

Finding Hope in the Lord of the Rings


THE SCENE: Not as cold as you might think.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I did this… poorly


Blindside-y Warmup things … 


“All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.”

Mosey to Rockpile and pick two hand-sized rocks

  • 3 Burpees (You shall not pass!)
  • 7 Merkin Rows each arm (Legolas Bow-Pulls)
  • 9 Lunges each leg up “S” curve (One does not simply Lunge to Mordor)
  • 1 Lap around Stonehenge 

Repeat 3x 

Mosey to SplashPad

  • 3 Pull-ups (Riders of ROWhan)
  • 7 Box Jumps (Shall I fetch you a box?)
  • 9 Deep Squats (Helms Deep)
  • 1 Lap around Stonehenge

Repeat 3x 

Mosey back to Rockpile 

  • 3 Manmakers (I am no man)
  • 7 OH Press (Light of Galadriel Raises)
  • 9 Deadlifts (Army of the Dead)
  • 1 Lap up and around “S” curve with rocks (Samwise Gamgee Carries)

Repeat 3x 

Mosey to Flagpole

  • 3 Imperial Squat Walkers (The Royal Line of Gondor Squat Walkers)
  • 7 Decline Merkins (The fall of Sauron Merkins)
  • 9 BBS (Big Olephant Situps) 



“Fellowship” Mosey back to the AO 


6 HIMs; 0 FNGs

Stripped, Snitch, Choir Boy; Mouthwash; Swimmies; Blindside


There is Always Hope

There are some pretty heavy moments in Tolkien’s writing. There are good people who suffer, while others give in to the darkness, but no matter how far a character falls there is still always hope and the opportunity of forgiveness. Even a character like Boromir, who betrays his companions, ends up finding redemption in the end. For Christians, the message of hope is a powerful one, and it is very comforting to find it within the pages of The Lord of the Rings. There is a quote in The Return of the King where Pippin asks Gandalf if there is any hope for them, “There was never much hope,” the wizard replies, “Only a fool’s hope.” And yet, that is all that’s really needed. Despite all the adversity we might face in life, God’s grace is still present, and no matter what we’ve done he can still use us to demonstrate His glory. One of Tolkien’s greatest gifts to his readers was the message that hope exists, even when we’re faced with overwhelming odds.

Tolkien’s Christian worldview equipped him to have the discipline of hope. To borrow from the Apostle Paul:

Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us (Romans 5:3-5).



CSAUP at Asylum on 2/26. Apparently, there will be snacks.