F3 Knoxville

President’s Day Trivia at the Equalizer


THE SCENE: Above freezing, clear morning… how long until coffee?!?



SSH IC x23 | LBAC IC each way x10 | Little bit of This/Little bit of That | Tempo Squats IC x10 | Rockettes IC x10 


Mosey to the Flagpole for 23 Derkins 

Mosey to Playground for 23 Rocky Balboas IC 

Mosey to Splash Pad for Presidential Trivia! 

Correct Answer = Do the exercise and reps on the cardboard

Incorrect Answer = Do double the exercise and reps 

  • 5 Burpees
  • 20 LBCs 
  • 10 Diamond Merkins
  • 30 Flutter Kicks
  • 20 Squats
  • 30 Mountain Climbers (2ct.)

3 Rounds; After each round Mosey to Dock for 25 CDD and Mosey to Rockpile for 21s Curls and 21s OHPress; Tricep Ext.; Rows 

Questions: ((Bolded questions were answered correctly))

Q: What does the “S” in Harry S. Truman’s name stand for?

A: Nothing 

Q: Which president made Christmas a national holiday?

A: Ulysses Grant 

Q: Who was the first and only U.S. president to serve non-consecutive terms?

A: Grover Cleveland

Q: Which president had turned down offers to play professional football?

A: Gerald Ford

Q: Which president was often mocked in the press for his unkempt appearance?

A: Abraham Lincoln

Q: Though three presidents (Adams, Jefferson, and Monroe) died on the 4th of July, which president was the only president to have been born on that date?

A: Calvin Coolidge

Q: Which president hated his painted portrait so much that he eventually burned it?

A: Theodore Roosevelt

Q: Which president and his wife hold the record for the longest-married first couple?

A: Jimmy Carter

Q: Who were the four presidents that were assassinated?

A: Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy

Q: What state produced the most U.S. presidents?

A: Virginia (8)

Q: Who was the first American-born president?

A: Martin Van Buren 

Q: Which president and his wife attended Napoleon‘s coronation at Notre Dame Cathedral?

A: James Monroe

Q: Who was the first president to have written a biography of another president?

A: After he left office, Herbert Hoover wrote a biography on Woodrow Wilson

Q: Which president donated all of his presidential salary (and his congressional salary before that) to charity?

A: John F. Kennedy

Q: Which president put up the first Christmas tree in the White House?

A: Benjamin Harrison

Q: Which presidents also served as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? 

A: William Howard Taft 

Q: Which president served as both President and Vice President without being elected to either office? 

A: Gerald Ford 

Q: Who was the youngest person to become president? 

A: Theodore Roosevelt; 42 at the time of inauguration. JFK was the youngest *elected* at 44. TR assumed office after the assassination of William McKinley in 1901 

Of the questions answered correctly (and it wasn’t many), High Heels was the HIM who answered the questions; Choir Boy answered 1 right. 


Fellowship Mosey part of the way back 

Ring of Fire (Down from 3)


12 HIMs; 0 FNGs; 1 DownRange (Shoota from F3Franklin)

Stripped, Ribbed, Choir Boy, High-Heels, Trunk, Aladdin, Snitch, Head Gear, Mouthwash, Inspector Gadget, Shoota, Blindside


As I am coming up on my 1 year F3 anniversary, I have been reading through Freed to Lead for the first time and am really gaining a lot of knowledge about the initial creation of F3 and what it has done for men across the country. I am so completely thankful for this group and what it has done in my life this past year. If you are iffy about this whole F3 thing, please read Freed to Lead


CSAUP this Saturday 2/26 at the Asylum at 6:30 am start HARD OUT at 9:00 am

Bring donations for the food and for The Wesley House

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