F3 Knoxville

[bluegrass-pm-otb] The first Bluegrass Killer hot workout!

Asylum AM
AO: bluegrass-pm-otb
Q: Pusher
PAX: Brick, The Situation, High Heels, Steam, Flashback, OnStar, Down Under, Lightweight, Glamper, Pele (Jon Lindberg), Fingerlicking
FNGs: 1 Fingerlicking
COUNT: 12.
WARMUP:The motivator x 5 , arm blasters x 10, slow tempo squat x 10, Merkins, Trunk twist

THE THANG: Run through the track with 4 stops (5 reps)
1st set: Merkins, Diamond Merkins, Wide Merkins
2nd set: Flutter Kicks, hello dollys, bigboy
3rd set: Jump Squats, squats, Apollo oh no speed skates

Mosey to rd
10 reps 2 stations up and down the rd. 10 merkins, dry docks, shoulder tap 3 laps

Mosey to benches and 7s of step up and Dips

Walk to the playground hang tight stretching shoulders.

Mosey to the front of the School (tables) Sevens incline Merkins, Squats, Then anothnset of Dips and squats.

Go to the corner of the school and feet against the wall or back against the wall and hold for 20 secs, squats x 10 , Rocky Balboa.
And Final push mosey to the Flag. :punch: :punch: :punch:

ANNOUNCEMENTS: launching of Bluegrass AO

COT: Be the leader and helping others for their weakness.