F3 Knoxville

Checking In

THE SCENE: 33 degrees F, Partly Cloudy

SSH, Cherry Pickers, Inchworm Merkins, Little Baby Arm Circles

Jog across grinder, skip across grinder, bear crawl to CMU storage and claim one.


Mosey with your CMU on the Block Party circuit while stopping at the following 20 stations:

    • Bent rows x24
    • On the shelf x6 each side
    • CMU toe tap x67
    • Squats x24

    Road Block merkins, x18

    • Clean and press x12
    • Roll over merkins x6 each of 4 CMU ends

    Run to Springbrook fountain w/o CMU and then return to retreive CMU

    • Dead lift x6 per arm
    • Triceps extensions x12
    • Dips x24
    • Straight arm overhead lift x12
    • Upright rows x24
    • Burpee press x12

    Interlude: Mt Crumpet count off by 2’s.

    #1 run up, #2 farmer hold – switch.

    #1 Bernie up, #2 farmer hold – switch.

    #1 bear crawl up, #2 farmer hold – switch

    • Curls x24
    • CMU swing x12
    • Overhead press x12
    • Lawn mowers x12 per side
    • Squat press x12
    • Lunge to grinder with CMU

Box Cutters, Floor Wipers, Flutter Kicks, LBCs to cash out.
Total of 15 HIMs including Knoxville visitor Umbro.
When I first started with Alcoa, Inc in 1974 the Engineering and Maintenance Manager was Dick Taylor.  In his late 40’s, Dick was three levels of management above me and reported to the Operations Manager.  Dick was sharp, energetic, smart, confident, experienced, driven, and demanding.  He was also introverted.  Like many of us, we are often required to function out of our personality comfort zone.  Dick did and he did it well.

Dick had the habit of touring around the plants to maintain a pulse on things.  Often he would show up in an engineer’s office, say hello, and take a seat.  And he would be quite.  We have heard of the pregnant pause.  This seemed longer.  When it happened to me the first time, I was taken off guard.  What did he want?  Why was he in my office?  What should I do or say?

In short order I started telling Dick what I was into from a work perspective.  I talked about the projects that were consuming my time.  I asked for any advice he might have.  After that we might get into a little conversation about life things outside of Alcoa, Inc.  Dick used these impromptu meetings to touch base, to learn some details, to connect with his entire staff.  Over a period of 5 years, Dick probably stopped in 3 or 4 times.  Each one got easier and more beneficial to me.  Perhaps for Dick also.

Years later I looked back at the time spent with Dick and it hit me that this is a good way for me to spend time with God.  Instead of Dick sitting across the room from me, what if it was God that just came in and sat down.  I know, He was there all the time, just like He is here as I type this.  But the difference is that I act like He is in front of me.  There are certainly things I need to tell Him; not for His sake since He already knows it, but for my sake.  By telling Him, I can bounce things off of Him, ask Him for advice, and understand His will for me.  I need that kind of relationship with God and I know He wants that from me.

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40 Years

THE SCENE: 28 degrees F, 92% humidity

40 yard Jog/butt kicks/high knees/skip
7 cherry pickers (to remember the sabbath and keep it holy)
Grab a block for a trip around the park. Stops along the way.
40 Decline Merkins
40 Dead Lifts
With block, Crawl Bear / Bear Crawl / Crab Walk / Walk Crab
With block 40 step ups (20 each leg)
40 4ct Mtn Climbers IC
40 left side crunch / 40 Right side crunch
40 curls
Side lunge 40 yards / other side 40 yards
40 burpees
40 box cutters
Circle up, hold Al Gore, pass block 40 times

Super man / banana 40 sec
Shoulder taps til time
8 HIMs
Inserted as photo on Group Me
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Old Man

THE SCENE: 33 degrees F, 93% Humidity, Snowing with 1″ on the ground.

SSH, Little Baby Arm Circles, Walk out Planks, Cherry Pickers

Modified Route 66:  Run to the 3rd light pole on the Greenway path and do 10 Merkins and 1 WWII Situp, run to 3rd light pole and do 9 Merkins and 2 WWII Situps, continue until the last stop 1 Merkin and 10 WWII Situp.  Continue run to base of Mt Krumpit but stop once to do 0 WWII Situps and 11 Merkins and a second  time to do 11 WWII Situps and 0 Merkins.

Mt Krumpit Partner

Partners alternate the types of ascents up Mt Krumpet until the follow exercises and reps are completed.

50 Bodybuilders, 100 Squat Jumps, 150 Dry Docks, 200 Flutter Kicks (2 ct), 150 Dry Docks, 100 Squat Jumps, 50 Bodybuilders


1st ascent Run, 2nd ascent Bernie/Run, 3rd ascent Bear Crawl/Run then repeat the sequence until above is complete


Perform 10 LBC’s at the top of each ascent.


When complete, run back to scrapyard on the AO grinder.


Perform two rounds consisting of 10 inverted pull ups and 10 Merkins


ABCs (capital letters)

8 HIMs total on this blistery, snowy morning.
Over a year ago I did a BOM about my favorite song, My Back Pages, written in 1964 by Bob Dylan and made famous by The Byrds in 1967.  I recently heard some comments made by Clint Eastwood on his 88th birthday last year that touches on the main refrain from My Back Pages.  He was asked how he continues to stay active and do the things he does.  His reply, “I just get up each morning and go out.  And I don’t let the old man in.”

It is easy to let the “old man” in.  He can creep in any time and rob us of our potential, prevent us from reaching our goal, or in some cases stop us in our tracks.  Routine helps to combat the old man.  One of the routines for me is F3.  Another is the reminder from Philippians 1:6 “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completions until the day of Jesus Christ.”  That verse should poke us into action no matter the endeavor.  We are not ever done until our last breath … or until He returns … whichever comes first.

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I’m Not Woodshack

THE SCENE:  55 degrees, 88% humidity with cloudy skies.

SSH, Overhead/Out Front Claps, Imperial Squat Walkers, Plank Walk Out, Cherry Pickers


Run to Wax Job Hill

Wax Job 7’s

Merkins @ Base

Bear Crawl Up

WWII Sit Ups @ Summit

Run Down

Indian Run to 1st Baptist Parking Lot

Church Times

Dry Docks x20, Burpees x5, Rock Balboas x100

Indian Run to Alcoa Elementary

I Go – You Go (Partner Up)

100 Toes to Bar/Bear Crawl 20 Yards

100 Box Jumps/Run Across Soccer Field

150 Flutter Kicks (4 Count)/Bernie 40 Yards

200 Squats/Ascend Mt. Suckmore

Indian Run to 1st Baptist Parking Lot

Church Times

Dry Docks x20, Burpees x5, Rock Balboas x100

Indian Run to AO Scrap Yard

Scrap Yard Push/Pull (5 Rounds)

Pull Ups x10

Merkins x10


Box Cutters, Protractors, LBC’s

8 HIMs including 2 honored guests that usually post in Knoxville.  Welcome Abscess and High-Heels


Science says that we need at least 4 basic elements to survive.

    1. Water
    2. Air
    3. Food
    4. Light

And look what the Bible tells us about Jesus.

    1. I am the Living Water
    2. I am the Breath of Life
    3. I am the Bread of Life
    4. I am the Light of the World

Science was right, we need Jesus to Live


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Rodney RIP

THE SCENE:  43 degrees F., 83% humidity, dark.

Cherry Pickers, Imperial Squat Walkers, Little Baby Arm Circles, Windmills

Mosey around the baseball field in honor of the Boys of October.


Perform the following exercises:

Merkins x12, WWII Sit Ups x12, Dry Docks x12, SSH x12 (4 count), Pull Ups or Inverted Pull Ups x12, Burpees x6, Box Jumps x12 or Step Ups x12/leg, and Dips x12

Bear Crawl then Lunge to CMUs (40 Yards total distance)

Perform the following CMU exercises:

Bent Rows x12, Curls x12, Upright Rows x12, Squat Press x12, Triceps Extensions x12, On the Shelf x6/arm, Lawn Mower Pulls x12/arm, and Russian Swings x12

Run to Trail Apex at Road and do Burpees x6

Run Back toward Scrap Yard

Bear Crawl up hill at steps

AMRAP Until Time for Mary


CMU Flutter Kicks, CMU Box Cutters, CMU X’s and O’s

11 HIMs
I just got back from a 6 week, 8,000 mile RV trip into Canada and along the Pacific coast of Washington, Oregon, and California (as little of California as possible).  In all, about 900 photos were taken.  This number is down from previous trips because I decided I needed to see more through my eyes and absorb more in that way.

One picture that will always be burned into my brain is one of those scenes I did not record with a camera.  It is a picture of Rodney in Kearney, NE.  While getting gas after a day of traveling from Cheyenne, WY, the car he was riding in pulled up behind our travel trailer.  A woman, Amber, jumped out of the driver seat and started yelling for help while she ran around to the passenger side of the car.  I alerted my wife, Julie, before running to Amber.  She was trying to pull Rodney from the car but she was not able to do so.  I took over and was able to pull a non-responsive, purple colored, eye bulging Rodney out of the passenger seat and lay him face up on the pavement.  I then looked at a frantic Amber and told her there was nothing else I could do to help.  I do not know how to perform CPR.

Seemingly out of nowhere a nurse showed up (it had to be a God thing) and she started chest compression.  She worked tirelessly until 3 separate policemen arrived and attached an AED and pumped air into Rodney’s seemingly lifeless body.  Paramedics showed up and took over.  After he was loaded in the ambulance and gaining our composure, Julie and I got into the truck and drove a few miles to the RV park for the night.

The next day, Julie called the station while on our way to Kansas City, MO, to find out if the store clerk knew the outcome.  Rodney had died before reaching the hospital of a massive brain aneurysm.  I suspect he was dead when I pulled him from the car.

Few times have I felt helpless in my 67 years of life.  This was definitely one of those times.  The thing that bothers me the most is that I helped raise three children and now have seven grandchildren and I have never taken a CPR course.  That is going to change and it is going to change quickly.

We are all expected to be our brothers and sisters keepers.  I hope everyone listening to my story assesses their own life saving training and takes appropriate actions to avoid the helpless feelings I experienced.

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