F3 Knoxville

Old Man

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: 33 degrees F, 93% Humidity, Snowing with 1″ on the ground.

SSH, Little Baby Arm Circles, Walk out Planks, Cherry Pickers

Modified Route 66:  Run to the 3rd light pole on the Greenway path and do 10 Merkins and 1 WWII Situp, run to 3rd light pole and do 9 Merkins and 2 WWII Situps, continue until the last stop 1 Merkin and 10 WWII Situp.  Continue run to base of Mt Krumpit but stop once to do 0 WWII Situps and 11 Merkins and a second  time to do 11 WWII Situps and 0 Merkins.

Mt Krumpit Partner

Partners alternate the types of ascents up Mt Krumpet until the follow exercises and reps are completed.

50 Bodybuilders, 100 Squat Jumps, 150 Dry Docks, 200 Flutter Kicks (2 ct), 150 Dry Docks, 100 Squat Jumps, 50 Bodybuilders


1st ascent Run, 2nd ascent Bernie/Run, 3rd ascent Bear Crawl/Run then repeat the sequence until above is complete


Perform 10 LBC’s at the top of each ascent.


When complete, run back to scrapyard on the AO grinder.


Perform two rounds consisting of 10 inverted pull ups and 10 Merkins


ABCs (capital letters)

8 HIMs total on this blistery, snowy morning.
Over a year ago I did a BOM about my favorite song, My Back Pages, written in 1964 by Bob Dylan and made famous by The Byrds in 1967.  I recently heard some comments made by Clint Eastwood on his 88th birthday last year that touches on the main refrain from My Back Pages.  He was asked how he continues to stay active and do the things he does.  His reply, “I just get up each morning and go out.  And I don’t let the old man in.”

It is easy to let the “old man” in.  He can creep in any time and rob us of our potential, prevent us from reaching our goal, or in some cases stop us in our tracks.  Routine helps to combat the old man.  One of the routines for me is F3.  Another is the reminder from Philippians 1:6 “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completions until the day of Jesus Christ.”  That verse should poke us into action no matter the endeavor.  We are not ever done until our last breath … or until He returns … whichever comes first.

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