F3 Knoxville

Shamrock Getting “Tire”d


THE SCENE: Shamrock. about 65 with some on and off sprinkles

15 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Back

5 Cherry Pickers

15 Rockettes

The work out involved 1 HIM flipping a giant tire while the rest of the PAX spun a wheel and randomly selected 1 of the 8 workouts below. When the PAX completed each exercise they then would pick of the person flipping the tire and then another member would begin flipping such tire and it was rinse and repeat

  1. Big Boy Sit Up (15)
  2. Merkins (15)
  3. Squats (15)
  4. Side Straddle Hops (15- 4 count)
  5. Flutter Kicks (15 – 4 count)
  6. Mountain Climbers (10 – 4 count)
  7. LBC’s (15 – 4 count)
  8. Burpees (10)

We then gather round and used the song “Flower” by Moby and when the word “down” was said in the song you held an Al Gore and could not stand up until the word “up” was said in the song.

Gathered back at the AO and did Box Cutters, Freddie Mercury’s, Merkins, and Flutter Kicks
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
During the workout a variety of different songs were played. Anything from hip hop, to classic rock, and even country. All the songs had a similar theme though and it was about tires, traveling, wheels etc. One point to take away is that just like the variety of songs F3 is a variety of different men who come together for one thing and that is to get better as men together.  Also the tire represents the fact that alot of us are “tire”d of something right now whether it be mandates, job loss, family issues or anything. Just like at a workout we all need to know that we will get through what ever we are tired of and will be stronger for it.