F3 Knoxville

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THE SCENE:  Cooler than it has been.  Good morning to get out and go!

Started with 25 ssh on the 4ct, did some tie fighters right and left, some tempo merkins, a few windmills and a lap around the parking lot
Started with a mosey to the pavilion for 2 sets of 20 table rows and 20 dips

When completed headed to circus maximus.

Set up for a take on the Sea Biscuit.  End of the parking lot 20 merkins, 15 squats, 10 big boys, and 5 burpees.  Perform the exercises and then run one lap.  Second time around all the exercises and 2 laps.  So on until you perform all the exercises and get in 4 laps.

About 3/4 got in all 4 laps.  We did one final group of exercise and a lap to finish off.  After completion we headed to the cloud for a 5 minute ab closer.  An AMRAP circuit of one minute of LBC’s, Flutters, Freddy’s, Big Boys, and Gas Pumpers

After complete head back to the AO.

See above

Spoke about being purposeful and intentional with our time.  Told a story about my daughter throwing a lacrosse ball against the house.  I went out to tell her to stop and a bit later realized the reason she was throwing the ball against the house is because she was playing by herself.  I grabbed a stick and went out to throw with her, but it reminded me of how often I miss the small opportunities to spend time with people I love because I’m distracted.  Put it down.  Walk away.  Spend the time.


Grab Your Partner

THE SCENE: Not a bad morning for a workout.  We did find out the grass was wet…

Started with some SSH on the 4ct (25 reps) then moseyed to the lower parking lot for a 4 corner warmup. Perform 12 Tie Fighters R leg out then mosey to other end of parking lot for 12 L leg Tie Fighters.  Moseyed to third corner for some windmills, and then headed to the 4th corner for some plank jacks.
Once we were warm we moseyed to the hill of the dragon for a partner workout.  Round 1 was DORA’S with 200 merkins and 150 4ct flutter kicks.  While partner 1 performed the reps, partner 2 ran up the hill (2 man makers at the top) and back down.

Once completed same partners did a AMRAP rep total of Squats and a Plank Hold while the other partner ran up the dragon’s tail and back around.  Once completed we headed to the AO parking lot to grab a coupon.


With coupon’s in hand partner 1 performed an AMRAP of curls while partner 2 rifle carried their coupon down to the other end of the parking lot and back.  This was performed 2 times.

Put up the coupons and headed to the cloud for some ab exercises.  20 4ct hello dolly’s, PacMan led us in some Freddy Mercury’s, Fishnet led some Big Boy’s, and G String led some Toe Touches.  We finished up with some heel touches and one last mosey around the lower parking lot.


Remember 1 Corinthians 13:4-7


It was Yesterday


20 SSH on the 4ct, some Wayne Dunn’s, to the curb for some Rocky Balboa’s, then butt kickers half way down parking lot and the same thing back.
Mosey’d over to cardiac.  Idea was to carry a CMU with us the entire time and not let it touch the ground.  So, while group did rep counts of 20,05,10, and 5 Merkins and Jump squats at bottom, first and second bends, and top someone stayed at bottom and did curls and OH press with block.

Once completed we mosey’d back up cardiac to the front of the asylum.  Here we did 3 burpees at first light pole and then every third light pole.  HIM with the CMU did 3 OH presses at every 3rd pole.

Mosey’d to the bottom of Everest where there were 3 cones set up.  Cone suicides of 20,15,10 and then we did 5 reps at the bottom.  Exercises were 4ct flutters and dry docks.  Idea was to run to cone 1 and do 20 rep count then back down.  Next time run to second cone for 15 reps and back.  So on…

Once completed man with CMU led everyone up Everest.  Once at the top we mosey’d to Asylum building.  Man with CMU shouted out an exercise for PAX to perform while he ran up space needle.  Once he came back down he passed the CMU to the next HIM and they did the same.  Ran out of time before everyone made it up stairs.  Headed back to AO.

Did a few Freddy Mercury’s for Kentucky

2 Timothy 2:2

The StairMaster*

THE SCENE: Foggy but nice.  A hint of super moon left for us

20 SSH on 4ct, 10 tie fighters R and L, some Wayne Dunn’s, a joggle to the curb for some windmills, butt kickers to the other end of the parking lot.  10 4ct plank jacks on the far end and butt kickers back down.  Short stroll to the bottom of baby Everest for a lunge up half way, 10 squats, mosey up the rest and 10 squats at the cross walk.
Mosey to front part of the Asylum.  Found the first set of double stairs.  Idea was to do sets of 20,15,10, and 5 reps at the bottom and running up and back down steps after every set.  We did sets of Merkins here


Mosey’d up to Asylum building for reps of 20,15,10, and 5 of dips while running to the top of space needle after each set

Mosey’d to Overlook. Reps of 20,15,10 and 5 as we ran the outside of the eye up stairs to touch the front doors of the Asylum.  Did 4 count flutters here.

Lastly, we mosey’d to steps on far side of Overlook for 20,15,10 and 5 reps of squat jumps with trips up those stairs.


Mosey’d back



Talked about the grace of God and how he loves us just like he loves his son.  Stop worrying about messing up and holding ourselves to the standards of the world.

Ride The Lightning

THE SCENE: Humid with storms in the distance.

20 SSH on the 4ct, some Wayne Dunn’s over to 10 4ct Mountain climbers, then some baby arm circles front and back with a seal clap.  Ready to mosey
Mosey’d to hill on the dragon for a circuit of exercises with rep counts of 20,15,10,5.

The idea was to perform 20 reps at the bottom of the hill, then run up and do 15…back down for 10, and up for the final 5

Exercises were

  • Merkins
  • Dry Docks
  • Froggy Squats
  • Imperial Walkers
  • 4ct LBCS

Once complete mosey to asylum building (idea was to use metal stairs but lightning dictated otherwise) and completed 20 4ct flutters

Mosey’d back to the pavilion for some partner DORA’s rep total AMRAP

Exercises were dips, rows, and flutters.  While partner one does exercise, partner two ran around AO light pole.

Finished on the cloud with some wayne dunn’s and some leg stretches.




Not really.  See above

Spoke on leadership.  More specifically Spiritual Leadership.  “Let us not pass the buck of leadership because we think ourselves incapable.”