F3 Knoxville

Run The Block

THE SCENE: Definitely getting colder



SSH x20; Lunge across court and back; Butt Kicks across court and High Knees back

Indian run to the Oval Office with a heavier than normal CMU. PAX member that needed up with the CMU runs the loop counter clockwise while everyone else runs clockwise. Whenever passing the person with the CMU they give others an exercise to do 10 reps of. Put down CMU and join PAX running clockwise after completing a lap. First one to the block picks it up and starts counterclockwise, rinse and repeat for time.

Indian run back to the grinder

Overhead Claps x50; Boxcutters x20; LBCs for time

8 HIMs this morning

I went to a men’s conference two Saturdays ago and wanted to share a summary of what one of the speakers said.

The quote that stuck with me the most was: “Our families need more than a provider, they need a leader that provides.”

Lead with love and lowliness

John 13:1
“Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come to depart out of this world to the Father, having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end.”

Ephesians 5:25
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,”

John 13:12-14
“When he had washed their feet and put on his outer garments and resumed his place, he said to them, “Do you understand what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”

Pray for Smuggler as he works with his children to make good decisions, Pray for Walt’s neighbors, Pray for Swerve for God honoring solutions

Friendsgiving this Saturday the 20th at 6:30pm at the Cracker Barrel in Alcoa. Bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate to Children’s Hospital.

Getting Educated

THE SCENE: 40s and gloomy aka perfect



SSH x20, Little Baby Arm Circles x10, Imperial Squat Walkers x10

Mosey over to the Educator (Q didn’t realize that most of the hill is inaccessible due to construction but we made due) Partner up, one partner bear crawls up the hill and crawl bears back down while the other works through the following exercises.

  • Burpees x100
  • Iron Hurley x200
  • Big Boy Sit Ups x300

Flutter Kicks x15; Big Boy Sit Ups x20, T Merkins x10, LBCs for time

7 HIMs worked for their education this morning

When I was in middle school my grandmother got very sick and the last two months of her life she lived with us. The day she died I sat in her room crying and God brought a song to my mind. Fast forward to adulthood and my M and I are matched with a birth mother to adopt our first child, a boy we named Sebastian. While with my whole family celebrating my parents 50th wedding anniversary, we receive a call that the birth mother had backed out and we would not be Sebastian’s parents. God brings the same song to mind and we sing as a family. Fast forward about 1 and 1/2 years later and we are in a hospital in Florida preparing to leave with our baby girl. We have gone into say goodbye to her birth mother and although this is a joyous day for us we recognize the pain that Carrie’s birth mother is experiencing. We sing that same song with her and the social worker. The song’s lyrics are this:

“I love you Lord and I lift my voice to worship You. Oh my soul rejoice. Take joy my King in what you hear. May it be a sweet, sweet sound in your ear”

Some may think this is a strange song to sing during some of the hardest times in my life and they may just be right. The thing is, God is worthy of our praise no matter the circumstance we find our self in.


Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Long Legged Ladder

THE SCENE: Plenty of gloom to go around

SSH x 20; Tempo Squats x10; Walking Lunges across basketball court and back
Mosey to the Gravel Pit to start the ladder. Work your way up stopping to do exercises and then back down.

  • First Rung: Gravel Pit, Bonnie Blair x10
  • Second Rung: Road, Imperial Squat Walker (4-ct) x20
  • Third Rung: Pavilion, Box Jumps x30
  • Fourth Rung: Top of Blind Man’s Hill, Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct) x40
  • Fifth Rung: Up hill to stop sign, Bonnie Blair x50

PAX roulette for some ab exercises
8 HIMs climbed the ladder
Been out the last week and a half as my kids had COVID. God used that time to show me what I was taking for granted. First was F3, I wouldn’t work out or be who I am if it weren’t for the men of F3. Second was my kids. My girls are 3 and 7 and sometimes I would get annoyed about someone always wanting to sit on my lap or play some crazy game that was made up as we go along. That was until I couldn’t. The night my 7 year of was in tears because she couldn’t hug me really showed how much I take for granted. What are you taking for granted? Ask God to reveal that to you.
Prayers for Walt in the loss of his grandmother and Smuggler’s coworker that has been going through some difficult times.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Heavily Modified DORA

THE SCENE: Beautiful 50 degree morning



SSH x25; High Knees, Butt Kicks, Frankenstein

Mosey to the Oval Office and partner up

One partner runs Splash Mountain doing 5 Merkins, 10 LBCs, and 15 Squats at the bottom while other partner works through the following exercises

  • Kracken Burpee x50 (Burpee w/ 3 Hand Release Merkins
  • Iron Hurley x100 (Iron Mike followed by Bobby Hurley)
  • Marionettes x150 (WW2 Sit up touching in order the left side of feet, middle of feet, than right side of feet. Three sit-ups equal one rep)

Overhead Claps x50; Hello Dolly x10; LBCs for time

10 strong including FNG Baby Weight

This weekend my wife got to go on a women’s retreat with some ladies from our church. It, quite honestly, sucked for me because I had to do everything for the kids by myself this weekend. That being said I would absolutely do it again because it is important that we do not neglect the spiritual health of our wives. We are the leaders of our household and need to be willing to do whatever is needed to make sure our families flourish.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Hardship Hill this weekend

Didn’t Have A Clever Name

THE SCENE: Mid 60s, quite a lovely morning



SSH x20; Tempo Squat x10; LBAC x10

Workout determined by cards drawn by each PAX member. 2 Blockee buy in before each new card. For the number cards you would do the number of reps at the prescribed location and for the Ace you would do 15.

  • Hearts = Tennis Court – Hand Release Merkins
  • Diamonds = Baseball Field – Squat Jumps
  • Spades = Apex Point – Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Clubs = Troll Bridge – Side Straddle Hops (4-ct)

Cones set up for the face cards. There was some mumble chatter about them being too far apart.

King = Bear Crawl CMU Drag out and Crawl Bear CMU Drag back

Queen = Inchworm Merkin out and Burpee Broad Jump back

Jack = Murder Bunny out and Resurrection Bunny back

No time

7 HIMs this morning

Shared a story from someone I know about his experiences on 9/11.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.