F3 Knoxville

Many Happy Returns

THE SCENE: Some sort of 20’s… But dry and calm so it’s not really cold.  Except them stones!

SSH IC x30
Cossack Squat Tempo IC x16 (8 each leg)
Hindurkins x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck Jump x7 (I thinK)
LBAC IC x20 Fwd, x20 Bwd
OK, time to open the present! Box Cutters IC x30

Mosey to the Pee Rock pile to pick out your gift – CMU-ish pee rock
Great… Now you have to pretend you love it. Hold it proudly above your head for a lap around the parking lot!
Drop this one in a parking spot, head over and grab 2 hand-size pee rocks. Drop in adjacent spot

Pick up the CMU-size pee rock, move about 20 yards away and form 2 single-file lines.
Now it’s time to wait in line to exchange your gift.
To pass the time waiting in line, do an exercise. Start with curls.
First man in each line runs to the service desk to exchange CMU-size for 2 hand-size and a new exercise.
He heads to the back of the line and the next PAX makes the exchange. When 2-rocks gets back to the front, run down and switch to 1-rock and a new exercise:

One Rock Two Rocks
Curl Man Makers
Fwd Shoulder Raise Side Raise
Rows Wax On/Off
Tricep Extension Raise the Roof
Goblet Squat Bent Over Side Raise

Standing in line always takes longer than you think… No time for Mary this morning!
14 PAX, no FNGs
We exchanged gifts with my in-laws on Christmas Eve night.  They headed home, and then the next morning we found the gift cards that we’d given them sitting on the side table where they had left them.  It made me think about the fact that just being offered a gift isn’t everything. You have to reach out and take it, a conscious act of receiving.  Some of God’s gifts we just get (and often take for granted), no acknowledgement or recognition required.  A sunrise, our next breath, a baby’s laugh… But His greatest gift requires an act of receiving or it just sits there like my in-laws’ gift cards. Theirs for the taking, yet unused.  Be sure you’re not leaving God’s greatest gift for you sitting on the table.
That circuit took much longer than I expected… I was thinking we’d run through it twice, then maybe I’d need to fill the time with some 7’s or something… Not so! Made it about 97% through once before we ran out of time.

Gonna be feeling a tingle in the fingertips all morning from the freezing pee rocks!

Great to be out this morning with my F3 brothers working off some of that goo!  Coffeeteria was a good unwind as well.
February 24th – Bomb Shelter CSAUP!

Bringing balance to the 4s

THE SCENE: Mid 40’s and foggy enough that I missed the turn into the AO…

SSH x25 IC
LBAC x20 each F/B IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
Tempo Merkins x10 IC
Tennessee Rocking Chairs x15 IC

Blacksnake around the Fountain of Youth to the base of One Tree Hill

Balanced 4’s:
4 count merkins IC x4, all together, both bottom of hill and top, each trip.
4 trips up the hill: AYG Sprint, Bernie, Bunny Hop, Bernie hop. Recover mosey down

Mosey to the Grinder

Balance set up 40yd from the Pavalon
Split up into 2 groups (Light side, Dark side)
Team up, one PAX does exercise, one PAX running gems to the balance
For each set of 4 you complete, run one gem to the balance when partner returns.
2:15 for each exercise:
Merkins (4ct)
BBS (4ct)
Box Cutters (4ct)
Jump Squat (4ct)
Monkey Humpers (4ct)
Burpees (single count)

10x Step Ups on picnic table bench
10x Derkins from picnic table bench
10x Step Ups on picnic table bench
10x Derkins from picnic table top

Circle up for some ab work on the nice Pavalon floor
Row your Boat – 4 rounds
Side crunch x15 each side IC
Cash out with LBC AMRAP before time

The 4s was with 15 PAX
My Utmost for His Highest from yesterday (linked):

The Christmas tree at the top of One Tree Hill was a beautiful sight through the fog of this morning’s gloom.

The Balance exercises were timed and called out by an app because I’m lazy.  You can set up whatever exercises and intervals you want, and it uses text-to-speech to call them out.  Available for real phones.  I-Toy owners are SOL.  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hybrid.intervaltimer
Hammy celebrating 45 years with his wife! Inspiring!  Don’t forget CSAUP Feb. 24.  Gather at the Municipal Building instead of the Springbrook AO for the Saturday beatdown on 12/30!

No Degrees Today

THE SCENE: Clear skies and crisp out at JUCO.  “Cs” may get degrees, but there are zero degrees C this morning.

Let’s get going quickly to generate some heat! Mosey around the parking lot while Q spouts disclaimer from Bernie.  Pax kindly alerts Q to the impending curb and embankment…
Next we have:
Cossack Squats x10 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC, keep plank for:
Alternating shoulder taps x15 IC
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x8 IC (most reps yet for this exercise… Literally fell to the ground on last rep)
Somewhere between 5 and 10 burpees. These were mainly to rest the quads for:
Monkey Humpers x15 IC!

Mosey to the drainage ditch and pick up 2 hand-size coupons.
Dang, these are friggin’ cold!
Side raise IC x15
Forward raise IC x15

Keep the coupons and mosey toward the fitness center.
Stop at the long parking lot.
“Cat on a hot tin roof” (bear crawl, but extend arm and leg fwd/back) for 2 parking spaces, 2 Raise the Roof. 2 more spaces, 4 Raise the Roof
Dang, these coupons are still friggin’ cold! And slippery. Audible to standard bear crawl. Continue to 20 Raise the Roof.

Get rid of still-frozen coupons at a different drainage ditch.

Team up for Dora 1,2,3 with 100 Merkins, 200 Big Boys, 300 squats, partner runs up the hill and back carrying larger 2-handed coupon.
Ran out of time during squats, mosey back to AO:
Airplane mode (run with arms out to the side)
Zombie mode (arms straight out),
Praise the Lord (arms up straight)

Sneaked back into the AO with just enough time for a minute of boat/canoe
8 PAX, no FNGs this morning.
Brief Word this morning… This weekend was a but hectic as we had my niece and nephew for a visit. They lost their mother unexpectedly last July. Just a reminder to pour yourself into the lives of others, and especially cherish that time with your loved ones. Only God knows how long they will be with us. Don’t miss an opportunity to tell them you love them.
Not sure my fingertips have ever been colder than when holding those coupons this morning. Great teamwork by the PAX on the Dora 1,2,3!
No announcements this morning

Are you ready for me? ‘Cuz I’m ready for you!

THE SCENE: Just about 33 degrees.  A hair above freezing.
Welcome Eric Rice!
Grab some CMUs, then a pretty standard warmup.
15x normal speed SSH IC
10x more high speed SSH IC
High knees for a while
7x Al Gore Tucks (new record!)
10x Hindurkins IC
Round-the-clock Merkins (circle up, one merkin on each CMU, plank shuffle right to next CMU)

Mosey with CMU to the Grinder
Cone lines set up 35yd apart, split into 2 teams. Half the CMUs at each line.
Disciple playlist on the Jambox:

During each song, do 15 reps of corresponding exercise, then travel by specified mode to other line and steal one CMU.
When track changes, switch to next exercise:

Track Exercise Travel
Game On Burpees Bear
Battle Lines Iron Mike carioca
Rise Up BBS sprint
Wait over Tuck jumps Bernie
Worth the Pain Ranger Merkins Gorilla
Unstoppable American hammers 4ct carioca
Worth it all Monkey Humpers 4ct Rev Bear

One more track:  Lay My Burdens.  Mosey around the park with CMUs.  During chorus, lay your burden down, and lay your body down.  While laying down, do BBS.

Just a little time for Mary:
Row Your Boat (balanced on CMU) – 6x through song
Slutter Kicks x20 IC
One minute left! Cash out with LBC OYO
14 PAX Strong! Welcome to FNG Squatter (Eric Rice)
A lot of the music in the Q today has to do with standing strong, persevering, and fighting because it’s worth it. But we need to make sure we are fighting the real enemy. Sometimes that might seem like a coworker who’s always trying to undermine you, and disagreeable neighbor, someone who’s wronged you, even sometimes your spouse or kids. But Eph 6:12 tells us, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Remember who we’re fighting, who we’re fighting for, and ultimately where our power comes from – the One who has already won the war!
The Jambox speaker sounds a lot louder in the house than out on the Grinder. PAX could barely hear the track change. Time to update the Christmas list…
3rd F this Saturday. Carpool from the Bomb Shelter following beatdown!

Pirates vs Vandals

THE SCENE:  52 (way to kick it off, December) and…. um, moist.
Started with 0.01s to spare… Welcome FNG!


Good ol’ increasing OYO burpee warmup:

SSH x30 IC – 2 burpees
Windmill x20 IC – 4 burpees
*Hindurkins x15 IC – 6 burpees
Al Gore Tuck Jumps x6 IC – 8 burpees
LBAC x20 each way IC – 10 burpees

*Plank, down for 1, push fwd with toes for 2, stay low and pull back, bending knees without touching ground, until arms are straight forward for 3, extend knees with arms straight to return to plank.

Mosey to the base of Everest, plank for 6.
LBC – 4-count x20 IC
Jailbreak all the way to the road at the top!

Pick a coupon and circle up:
Squrls x30 OYO – Squat plus curl, rock has to hit the ground (stones don’t though)
Drop coupons and move to the fifth one on your right.
Weight check – Lighter than your original? Everyone says “No”. Lack of honesty is disturbing…
4-count fwd raise – nice and slow – IC x10
4-count back-and-forth across chest – IC x10

Number off 1s and 2s (Pirates and Vandals)
Put all coupons in a line across the road, Pirates stay with coupons, Vandals line up 50yd away
Pirates begin exercise… Vandals come steal all coupons (2 each) and observe exercise, return to line and do exercise.
When the last Vandal has made it back, Pirates stop exercise, run steal all coupons, return, and begin next exercise.
Iron Mikes
Bobby Hurleys
Monkey Humpers

Dang. Running out of time. Mosey back to AO

Made it back to the AO right at 6:15. No time to row the boat.
32 strong – Welcome to Streak (Paul Chattaway)
Today each group stole the other group’s coupons while they were busy doing an exercise.  The enemy often looks for similar opportunities to steal, kill, and destroy while we are busy or distracted.  Often that distraction is indeed important and valuable, but don’t lose sight and vigilance over what you’ve been entrusted with that is truly valuable.
The construction up here wreaked havoc on my preparation this morning. I ran into roadblocks several times trying to follow my map to get around.  Also, I learned a little Q-tip this morning.  Sidewalk chalk disappears almost completely if the pavement is the slightest bit… moist.
Wesley House 2.0 workout Sunday at 2 with disadvantaged kids.  Check GroupMe for more info from Tank.  Bring a wrapped gift!

Praise from Tonka – 2.0 is 14 weeks into construction!