F3 Knoxville

1 or 2 burpees

THE SCENE:  beautiful morning

Windmills  0 burpees

Imperial walkers 2 burpee

tempo squats 4 burpee

LBC forward 6 burpee

LBC ba-kerds 8burpee

TN Rocking chairs 10 burpee


mosey to the back lot, 5 cones

5 burpees / bear crawl to each cone

on to the stadium, up and down all 4 stadium seating areas ( a lot of steps)

tempo merkins


5 burpees

gotta go back reverse the process –

back to the front lot

Brickyard Bear Crawl to 10

time to change the oil



Capt Thor

Flutter kicks

hello dolly

Fob, Charmin, Biohazard, Herbie, Simmons, Fast -and -Easy

you are not guaranteed tomorrow, cherish today.  My wife was in AZ all week taking care of her Grandparents, who really had no idea who each other are and they are struggling with Dementia and Alzheimer’s.   While she was there they started looking at Photo albums that my wife hadn’t seen.  While looking at them, they started to make comments about how they missed each other.  They had a moment where they remembered each other. A couple that have been married for over 60 yrs were given 5 mins together to remember.  Cherish your loved ones.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

It’s High Heels in the End Zone

THE SCENE: If there was a nicer Saturday morning to work out in, I don’t want to know about it
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Cap’n was there, so I think that covers us

Archie and Cap’n were in cooldown mode after 3 rucking miles…Pusher and Crawdad were pulling in…

10 Windmills IC while waiting for Crawdad and Pusher

25 SSH, but only 5 IC. The other 20 we were supposed to do in our heads. We did not all end at the same time. Could’ve been Q’s fault. 10 Burpees OYO.

BAC forward and reverse, OHCs in between


Little Mosey over to the base of Spaceship Hill. Catch Me If You Can with 10 LBCs to the stop sign on the far side.

Another mosey down to Area 51, which has missed us, and which also had an unidentified structure. We took it apart and did some CMU Doras. Pusher found a hole that was hiding, but recovered on the mosey like the badass that he is. 

Indian run over to the FiA parking lot, where Abcess had already delivered baloons. We presented them with a birthday present, candle, and we sang Happy Birthday. Q started us off about two octaves too high but he is not paid for his beautiful singing voice.

Down to the soccer fields to meet Jack Webb! Back in college we used to play Ultimate Frisbee, so we played in Jack’s honor. 2 burpees for everyone if the frisbee touches the ground, 5 merkins for a team that gets scored on. High Heels got the Golden Glove Award.

Mary Schmary



Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is the privilege of human beings to live under the laws of justice and mercy.”
― Wendell Berry



An unexpected birthday gift

THE SCENE: Warm and Humid.

SSHx20, windmills  x 10, Cherry pickers x 10, Moroccan night clubs, Ellie’s Burpees x 10, Tempo squats.  Few warm up sprints and 38 calf raises for my birthday
Mosey to middle of campus for 7’s except the Q can’t count so really we did 8’s.  Dips on walls and bear crawl down the steps for Iron Mikes.

Mosey to sophomore hill for some circuit runs of V-ups, BBS, Bobbie Hurley’s, and Merkins x 20 for all.  3 laps

Hello Dolly and Flutter kicks for the win

The day before this Q was my birthday. My nephew was in a bad car accident the night before my Q, he is going to be ok and looks like make a full recovery from a concussion, small brain bleed, and a bruised lung.  This reminds me to make the most of ever day and that we never know how long we will be on this earth.  Love your family and friends and thank God for every day.  Make the most of our time and be a light to others.  Within hours of the accident F3 brothers, church members, and family were all praying and gathering.. How awesome is it to see God’s love called into action so fast!


Coupons at the Burbs

68 and a little damp


2 mile ruck-run to warm up (stop half-way for 20 Merkins and 20 Squats)

Once back at the cars, everyone take their ruck off and grab a sandbag (60lb).  Carry the sandbag to the base of the hill between the tennis courts.


Sandbag Circuit (all exercises with sandbag)
Start point is the base of the hill between the tennis courts:

  • Bear Crawl/Sandbag Drag up the hill alternating arms (pulling the sandbag up)
  • At the top of the hill, x10 Cleans then carry sandbag toward the parking lot
  • At the parking lot, x10 Reverse Lunges with sandbag (5 each leg), then carry the sandbag down the parking lot
  • At the intersection of the trail and parking lot, x10 Over Head Presses, then carry the sandbag to start point at the base of the hill
  • At the base of the hill, x20 4ct Flutter Kicks holding up the sandbag

Rinse and repeat x4

After the fourth round, cash out with x30 Push-ups/Sandbag Drag (Push-up then pull the sandbag across your body, Push-up then pull the sandbag across your body the other direction).

Carry the sandbag back to your ruck.  Everybody grab their ruck and keep their sandbag for a loop around the park.  Half-way around the loop, stop for 20 Merkins and 20 Squats.

After the loop, drop off the sandbags and then ruck a victory loop up Lover’s Lane.


4ct Flutter Kicks holding Ruck x30


Hot + Dragon Fire –>Burn


88 ish, partly cloudy and light occasional breeze


arm circles up
arm circles down
High Knees oyo
SSH 20 IC(mostly)
Cherry Picker 16 IC

Insert information about the workout.

Mosey to shade area down hill by rte 66

  • Nickel dime quarter – every 5th light pole
    • BBS
    • squat jacks
    • Hello Dolly (4 ct)
  • go to shaded area across grass area to cone
  • Welsh Dragons
  • Remain in plank position the whole time. Bear crawl forward 4 steps, do 1 merkin, 1 plank jack, and tap the BACK of each shoulder 1 time. Repeat adding 1 rep to each exercise each time – bear crawl forward 4 steps, do 2 merkins, 2 plank jacks, 2 sets of back of shoulder taps… etc. Go until you get to 10 reps each, you’ve covered 30-50 feet, or until your arms fall off – whichever comes first.
  • Mosey to top of cardiac hill by benches
  • Partner up
  • 3 rounds of teamwork-
  • one partner runs to benches up the small hill while other does/exercise
    • 1. 15 Bench Dips / Lunges
    • 2. 15 Decline Merkins /Squats
    • 3. 15 Incline Merkins (chest touch) /Imperial Walkers
  • Mosey to Middle of Cardiac
    • Bernie to top of Mini – Everest- 5 burpees
    • Sprint to bottom on mini everest – 20 table saws (4ct)
    • Sprint to top of mini Everest – 25 lbcs (4 ct)
  • Mosey to shade across road by upper lot
  • Plank- hold, right arm up, left arm, left leg, right leg

Mosey to shaded area at Bathouse


10 PAX
Simple word – make every effort to be positive to other people. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Do not look for the negative/find fault and criticize, look for the positive. It is easy to find fault- don’t fall into that trap and do not jump in on group criticism (especially on social media).  Be loyal to the abscent (do not criticize those who are not present).  Follow this at work and at home.
Pray for @Sugarhill friend who is undergoing cancer diagnosis. Pray for @Thunderstruck and his family whose mother has cancer and is not responding to treatment. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.