F3 Knoxville

It’s all about the Benjamin’s

THE SCENE: A crisp and clear 23°


No warm up, just straight to business

Today’s workout was brought to you by the number 100.
3 circuits of 4 exercises. 1st 3 exercises of each circuit is 100 reps each, the 4th exercise is 10 reps.


  • Lunges
  • Squat Jacks
  • Speed Skaters
  • 8ct Body builders x10


  • Merkin
  • My Climbers
  • Overhead Claps
  • Big Boys w/CMU OH Press x10


  • CMU Curls
  • CMU Rows
  • Dips
  • Pull Ups x10

Those that made it to round 2: 50 reps of the 1st exercise from each circuit, 50 of each 2nd exercise, etc.

100 second wall squat and 100 second Boat
8 men rolled out of their cozy beds and braved the cold.
As we receive gifts it’s our duty to multiply those gifts and give to others. People all too often focus on finances when the word Give comes up. We have the ability to gift time, support, advice, love, or even aomething as simple as a listening ear. We have many that have poured into each of our lives at different times to help build who we are today, and we will all need support again in some fashion. Don’t let those blessing stop with you.

Forgot to mention Moses moving day December 8th.

The 4th place solution!

THE SCENE: First legit cold of year, some fog, probably 10 degrees below average, ominous. Just the way we like it.

25x Imperial Squat Walker. (IC)

Listening Tubthumper by Chumbawampa, start with SSH at beginning of song, then every time they say, “I get knocked down, but i get up again” you do a burpee. While not doing burpees, you are continuously doing SSH. 27x burpees… No telling how many SSHs.

1 mile run with 20 burpees / 20 jump squats at quarter miles.


Round 1:

Hill repeats from fence to tree at the parking lot to soccer field close to Watt Rd. At the bottom 10x derkins, at the top 5x lunges each leg. Something like 14ish hill efforts. 

Round 2:

Ran out of time…. saving it

Pyramid Intervals on the soccer field. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1  laps perp. across on 75 sec intervals.

Round robin PAX selected efforts. box cutters and squats with partners saddled up.

6 HIMS straight dealing.

As HIMs we need to keep are heads up. People are hurting around us and we have the ability to impact them positively.
Barely got this published the same month…. leaving room for improvement.

Chopping Wood on The Moroccan Boat

THE SCENE: COLD but warmed by the fire of Christ within the PAX!

Short and sweet – SSHs (IC) Cherry Pickers (IC), High Knees

  • PARKING LOT ASSAULT – rotating bear crawls and lunges across entire student parking lot. Felt like July after.  Mosey….
  • WOOD CHOP GRINDER – 5 rounds of 20 Wood Choppers w/CMU, 20 Squats w/CMU, 20 Curls w/CMU, 20 Lat Rows w/CMU, 20 Merkins, Run up hill stairs and touch building, Rinse and repeat.
  • To boost morale, QIC introduced the all new “Moroccan Boat Club” exercise: on 6, boat position, while doing 4ct Moroccan Night Clubs. (X25) (IC). Mosey….
  • ROUTE 66 – Stop off at Sophomore Parking lot for a quick Route 66. ×1 Burpee increase with every pole (6 poles, 21 Burpees total). Mosey to AO….

7th Cicle of Plank Hell – PAX formed circle in plank position, go around circle, increasing PAX Merkins every round. Cashed out with 30 4 Ct Flutterkicks.

12 Strong
Just before he passed away, 99 year old Rev. Billy Graham was asked what, if anything, surprised him about life. His response was “the brevity of it.” Life on earth is short.  We need to prioritize, re-focus from time to time on what is truly important.  Our relationships with others are the only thing we will carry with us into eternity.  What is more important? Prioritize them now, spend quality time with your spouse, children, siblings, parents, co-workers, etc. Focus on genuine, beneath the surface conversations with others and develop/cultivate meaningful, God-Centered relationships with them. Your warmth will represent Christ well.
Special points to Bagger, Chaucer, Doubtfire, and FastnEasy for showing up to pre-ruck the JUCO mountains with QIC.
3rd F coming up

Rust Never Sleeps

THE SCENE: 32 degrees, overcast skies, light north wind

SSH, Baby Arm Circles, TN Rocking Chairs followed by jog, sprint, skip across parking lot.

Mosey to the ball field hill to crab crawl down and bear crawl up – started with 6 burpees at top and decreased by 1 burpee until complete at the top with 1 burpee.

Mosey to the grinder.
Three stations in the 1/4 mile short loop:

CMU Station: Lunge dead lifts x12 per arm, Bent rows x12, Squat to OH lifts x12, Upright rows x12, and American swings x12.

Sprint across grinder and do Dips x24, Steps ups x24, and Pull ups x12.

Run to bottom apex of 1/4 mile loop and do Merkins x12, BBS x12, and Dry docks x12.

Run up to the CMU station and repeat as time allows.

Little baby crunches in sets of 25 with 10 seconds rest between set until time is up.
7 HIM’s
The songs of the day were My, My, Hey, Hey (Out of the Blue) and Hey, Hey, My, My (Into the Black) by Neil Young.  They were bookend songs to his 1979 album “Rust Never Sleeps.”  He wrote the songs out of his concerns that he was becoming obsolete as a performer.  The electric version (final track) really kicked his career back into gear and is often referred to as the precursor of grunge rock by artists such as Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Smashing Pumpkins, etc.

I use these songs today as a reminder that rust never sleeps.  We all can rust – we all can just fade away.  Obviously, F3 helps us to keep from rusting away physically through the first F.  Through Fellowship and Faith we can also counteract the rust that tries to creep into our mental and spiritual lives.

God has given much and God requires much of us.  One of my favorite Bible passages about this is from Ephesians 6:10-20.  In particular Verse 13, “Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.”

Remember, rust never sleeps!

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

Moses is moving and needs some help on December 8th and posted an event on F3 Alcoa.

Frustration Station

THE SCENE: Cloudy, temp at about 30 degrees.

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 20 Plank Jacks, Ten Tempo Merkins, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers
Mosey to the long parking lot that is south of the northern ball fields and is adjacent to the serpentine sidewalk.  There will be six cones places along the length of the parking lot.  We will do suicides.  First we will sprint to each cone and back to the start until we have sprinted to every cone in order.  Next, we will do the same thing but do 10 Big Boy Sit-ups each time we come back to the starting cone.

Mosey to Pavilion at Northern Ballpark.  We will go in counter clockwise run, stopping at the following areas to do the following exercises: (we will rinse and repeat)

  • Pavilion:  20 Picnic Table Pull ups
  • Flag:  20 Boxcutters
  • Benches:  Ten Bench Jumps
  • Dugouts:  Ten Pull ups or 15 second hang

Mosey to Cardiac Hill.  We will run up the hill to the benches but stop to do the following exercises at the following areas:

  • First Turn:  20 American Hammers (four count)
  • Second Turn:  20 Hello Dollies (four count)
  • Third Turn:  20 Decline Merkins (four count)
  • Benches:  20 Bench Dips
  • Rinse and repeat

Mosey to AO

20 Flutter Kicks, 20 Bicycle Kicks, 20 Pickle Pounders, ATMS
Eight men, no FNG’s.

John 16:33

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

I chose these verses because, this week, I needed to read something in the Bible about coping with frustrations.  And, my frustrations were minor, when I think about the home fires, the prejudices, the poverty, the joblessness, the family deaths, and life struggles that many are coping with.  We all get frustrated, no matter what our positions in life.  At such times, it is good to think of God having our six, being there for us. God knows we will have tribulations.  But He is there for us.  He has overcome the world and he can certainly help us overcome what we are dealing with.  He asks us to fear not.  He tells us that he will strengthen us.  He says he will hold us in his righteous hand.  We can think on these comforts during frustrating times.  It may not answer our questions immediately, nor take away all the pain, but knowing that he watches out for us, loves us, and has plans for us, certainly helps.

3rd F event on Saturday, December 11, 8:30 AM at the Outlook.