F3 Knoxville

The Project Launch

THE SCENE: a balmy low 50s.  Perfect!
15 SSH, 15 Moroccan night club, 15 mountain climber, 10 tempo merkin, 15 Freddie Mercury, 10 windmill
Mosey to the playground.  Perform 10 pull-ups and 20 merkins at the playground.  Run to the opposite side of the amphitheater and do 20 derkins and 20 dips.  Repeat once.  For round 2, perform 10 pull-ups and 20 squats at the playground and then 10 box jumps and 20 lunges (10 each leg).

Mosey to the track and football field.  On the field, assemble on the goal-line for a modified version of Bear-way-to-Heaven.

  • bear crawl to the 10 and do 10 burpees, mosey back to goal-line
  • bear crawl to the 30 and do 8 burpees, mosey back to goal-line
  • bear crawl to the 50 and do 6 burpees, mosey back to goal-line
  • bear crawl to the 30 and do 8 burpees, mosey back to goal-line
  • bear crawl to the 10 and do 10 burpees, mosey back to goal-line

Next, perform 20 squats at the goal-line and sprint to the 50 and do 20 merkins and sprint back to the goal-line. Then, do 20 sumo squats at the goal-line and sprint to the opposite goal-line and do 20 diamond merkins and sprint back to the goal-line.

No time today, but we did get in some Hello Dolly before leaving the field so we could catch our breath.
8 PAX today to launch The Project
I had a bit of a rough weekend.  There is a lot on my mind right now:  upcoming Professional Engineering exam, projects at the house, and constant job of trying to be a better father.  Teaching our children and the other young ones around us is more than just instruction.  It is also teaching by example.  I sometimes find myself being very negative about some of the things I do especially if I mess-up.  I accuse myself of being inadequate to put it nicely. I remember my father doing similar things when I was a kid and it makes me think about the example I am setting for my children.  We need to be sure we are living the lives that we want our children to lead one day.
Thanks for the support from the JUCO HIMs this morning!
CSAUP coming up this Saturday!

Blessed CMU

THE SCENE: 45 deg. Foggy but not soggy.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Welcome + No pro + Free + Injury Mindfulness
SSH + Windmills + Cherry Pickers +
Partner up for some tough-mudder exercises https://www.instagram.com/p/BtQpsB-lkCl/:

  • Reverse Lunge (Iron mikeish) & Leg Lifts
  • Merkins & Claps
  • Plank & reverse Lunge

Blessed CMUs:
Enroute to CMU pile and mulch pile: Bear Crawls, Crab walks, Side Straddles, Kereeoke, Bernie, Zombie mosey.
Grab CMU take to Mulch pile.

Teams of Three do these:

  • Run over three mulch mounds with CMU as a relay – as other team member does SSH
  • Run over three mulch mounds with CMU as a relay – as other team member does Big Boy situps
  • Run over three mulch mounds with CMU as a relay – as other team member does SQUATS

Over at Sand Volley ball court.
Right arm CMU carry sprint Heisman Football Run across court.
Left arm CMU carry sprint Heisman Football Run across court.
Right arm CMU carry sprint Heisman Football Run across court.
Left arm CMU carry sprint Heisman Football Run across court.

Carry CMU to Soccer field.
100 Sprint from Goal to Goal on soccer field without CMU. 2X.

Back to AO.

For this song  Lyrics https://www.google.com/search?q=david+crowder+I%27m+blessed+lyrics&oq=david+crowder+I%27m+blessed+lyrics&aqs=chrome..69i57.8416j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Stay in a plank the whole song.
When he says “My God is able” put right arm to sky and back to plank.
When he says “My God is good” put left arm to sky and back to plank.
When he says Blessed or blessing do a merkin.
When he says The days of the week, cycle through Freddy Mercuruies ending with a High Leg lift to the Sky on “All day Sunday”.

13 HIMS.
In being at a funeral this past week, death was constantly on my mind. Be sure to count every breath and heart beat as a blessing. Rest assured they are numbered.

Congrats on The Oak Ridge Men getting a brand new AO up and running tomorrow!!! Can’t wait !! It’s gonna be awesome!

Flying headlock con queso at the Fountain City OTB

THE SCENE: Low 40s. Very foggy.

SSH x25 IC 4CT

Cherry Pickers x15 IC

BAC x25 IC 4CT

Flutters – x10 4CT IC

Mosey to the base of the Gresham Middle hill

  • 11s
    • 1 jump squat at the bottom
    • 10 burpees at the first lit light pole about 3/4 of the way to the parking lot up the steps along the path
    • repeat until numbers reversed

Mosey to the Duck Pond

  • 3 situp stations around the left half of the pond loop
    • Station #1 – 25 BBS OYO followed by 10 overhead claps OYO. Run to #2.
    • Station #2 – 25 Edward Scissorlegs followed by 10 overhead claps OYO. Run to #3.
    • Station #3 – 25 LBCs followed by 10 overhead claps OYO. Run back to #1 the way you came
    • Repeat 2x
      • More overhead claps, batwings, and cherry pickin’ IC

Mosey to AO

Plank position – 15 shoulder taps on a 4CT for remaining 30 seconds.
Herbie, Frasier, Clinger, Filter
2 Timothy 1:7 – “For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self-control”.
The PAX performed a flying headlock con queso on a younger guy who was in the park hanging with some other folks when we arrived. He approached us to see what we were up to and noted he’d been drinking and getting high (hence the queso bit) over there this morning / last night after finishing work… (shoutout to Abort for the new(?) definition). He joined us for the warm-up and first several minutes of the exercise and got after it. The 11s with the burpees and jump squats on the Gresham Hill did him in though. Hopefully he comes back out. And I hope and pray we brought some light into his life this morning.

We also chatted with the ladies who regularly walk in the morning as the PAX were leaving. They inquired about F3 and said they were glad we were out there in the mornings while they are walking. Really good to develop that connection with them.

Prayers for Herbie’s daughter, Filter’s mom and MIL.
CSAUP is Saturday at the Bomb Shelter

The Quacken launches on March 1

Adding Mondays to the mix in addition to Fridays

Heavy Metal

THE SCENE: 35 and clear


  • Stretch OYO
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • LBAC fwd/bkwd x 10 IC
  • Squats x 10 IC
  • Run a lap around the island

Grab something heavy and begin a slow mosey.  Weights consisted of Ratchet’s gas cans, several kettlebells, 30, 25, 20 lb dumbbells, and the golden cmu.  We moseyed for about 100-150 yards at a time around the park, stopping for 25 reps of the following exercises.

  • Burpees
  • Nose wipers
  • Squats
  • Gas pumpers
  • Curls
  • Dry Docks

Once we reached the paved hill by the bathrooms.  11’s….sort of.  We started out doing 11’s but then the QIC changed it to just 10 reps at the top and 10 reps at the bottom each time.  Merkins at the top, Squats at the bottom.   Each trip up the hill the PAX carried all the weight and were allowed to leave the lightest weight at the top of the hill.  We were done once we’d worked our way down to just a single 87lb gas can.   Probably 10 or 11 trips up and down the hill with the weight.

Mosey back to the AO with the weight.  Stop along the way for sets of 25 of the following:

  • Dips
  • American Hammers
  • Burpees


  • Star Crunch x 10 IC
  • Heel ups x 10 IC

10 this morning:  La-Z-Boy, Mayberry, Toto, Cosmo, Cornhole, Gibbler, Judge Judy, Sparky, Wagon Wheel, Bartman

Don’t compare yourself to others.


upcoming CSAUP at the Bomb Shelter


Chaco & Rocket Co-Q

THE SCENE: a good day to feel some pain…

  • Side straddle hops (IC) 4ct
  • Squats (IC) 4ct
  • Hand release merkins
  • Cherry pickers
  • Some other fun stuff…


Rocket on the Q

Mosey in 2 lines to the back of campus r of people(3 stops before maintenance building)

  • Indian line formation
    • Station 1, burpee (10 – OYO)
    • Station 2, big boys (20 – OYO)
    • Station 3, merkins (20 – IC)

At the maintenance building

  • 11s at the stairs (squat jumps – Carolina dry docks)


Concentration game. Break into two groups, each group picks two cards. If they match to one exercise and sprint to end of parking lot and back to repeat. If cards don’t match, do both exercises.



10 V-ups 4ct then sprint

10 baby crunches (4ct) then sprint

10 box cutters (4ct) then sprint

10 Flutter kick (4ct) then sprint


5K, Bagger, Booster, Cable Boy, Chaco, Doubtfire, Dreamer, Erector, Judge Judy, Kenjo, Rocket, Snaggletooth, Spotter, Sweeper,


don’t stress about parts of like you can’t control. take that time and energy and apply it to things that you can control.


  • Bring snacks for the Wesley House
  • Oak Ridge AO starts in February