F3 Knoxville

The Power of Friends

THE SCENE: Temps in high 50’s, clear, breezy

10 Pinto About-Face Twists each way, 20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Plank Jacks, 5 Baby Arm Circles forward and backward, 5 Wide Arm Circles forward and backward, 10 Cherry Pickers
Mosey to northern parking lot of park.  We will do Route 66 along the sidewalk that heads to park entrance at Lyon’s Bend.  We will run back to the start after each exercise.  These will be the exercises:

  • Plank Jacks
  • Dive Bombers
  • Jump Squats

After these exercises we will alternate between Bernies, Lunges and Sprints along each light until we get to street that extends from entrance gate.

Mosey up street towards AO but stop at stop sign at intersection of road coming from Admin Bldg.  On grassy area near stop sign we will do 20 Hello Dollies and 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to Northern Ball Field Entrance Parking Lot.  We will do the following from one end of parking lot to other and then do ten merkins after each run there and back:

  • Sideways runs with feet crossing.
  • Hops for four parking spaces then sprint to curb and back.
  • Bernies to curb and back.
  • Bear crawl for four parking space then sprint to curb and back.
  • Lunge for four parking spaces then sprint to curb and back.
  • Sprint to curb and back.

Mosey to AO.

Box cutters and planks.
16 men, no FNG’s.
Proverbs 18: 24.  A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Sometimes our self-doubts, our shame, our anxiety, or even our pride can keep us from turning to friends when we are hurt or in trouble.  As a psychologist, I often see individuals coping with hurtful issues that they are too embarrassed to speak to their friends about.  A young man in his twenties recently lost a job that he had out of state.  He has friends who are smart, energetic, and growth-pursuing and who appear to be going places with their lives.  He has come back to his home town and has a few of those “successful” friends who still live here in Knoxville.  He hasn’t even contacted them, too embarrassed to tell them about his loss of job.

If these guys are true friends, they are the very ones he should turn to at this difficult time.  If they are true friends, they will care for him and hold him up.  His true friends won’t begrudge him for losing a job. They like him for who he is, not the type of job he has.  Yes, back when he got the job they may have praised, pat him on the back, wished him well, told him he was going to “kick ass” at it.  They were saying that because they care for him and want the best for him.  They won’t turn their backs on him because he has stumbled.  They are going to want to pick him up, carry him.  If they don’t do that, what kind of friends are they?

I remember a troubled time I had in my early 20’s.  I was lost in terms of what I wanted to do with my life.  I had fumbled around in a few jobs and was working as a forklift driver at a warehouse just to earn enough money to buy groceries while I lived with my uncle who put me up.  I was depressed and certainly not my usual self.  I remember my friends hanging in there with me at that difficult time.  They would take me to rec centers to play basketball, take me out for meals, call me to shoot the breeze, – not necessarily ask about my job search or career struggles but just be there for me and certainly lend an ear if I needed to talk.  They didn’t have the “sage” advice that I needed from older men, sometimes even offered stupid advice to me.  But they cared and I knew it.  They were going to be my friend through thick and thin.  They were there for me at a most important time and I made it through that time because of them.

We need our friends.  Don’t shy away from telling them about your troubles when you hit a low spot.  Turn to them for strength.  It may not be their words of wisdom that push you through – leave that to the shrinks, philosophers, and preachers.  But your friends will give you that powerful something that is hard to put into words – unless you call it love and that love will raise you up.


Ruck friendly workout, not so much?!!?

THE SCENE:  dang near 60 degrees!!!!

over head claps 30

merkins 10

Baby arms circles 10

squats 10

imperial walkers 10

Split into 2 groups 4×4

1-10 burpees swap stations

change the oil ( run the lot )

1-10 merkins swap stations

change the premium oil ( add the driveway )

1-5 burpees and merkins  swap stations

change the oil in a semi ( run the entire lot up on the greenway, and the small inside lot )

10-10 squats swap stations

change the oil ( reverse osmosis truck oil)

flower boxes,

step ups 20

lunges 20

Flutter kicks, hello dolly, box cutter, Bruce lee
Patience, have some, find some, use some!!
Keeping Chaucer and Quamires mom in our prayers

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Who’s the Q?

THE SCENE: Confusion..no Q….Is it spring?… 57 degrees with a slight breeze ended up being a perfect morning.

warm-up: 25 4xSSH, 25 Imperial Walkers, a bunch of baby arm circles and overhead claps (burning!). 5 bur-pees
Did a little mosey around the park with 3 sets of light poles to light pole including lunges, jog, high knees, jog karaoke one way, jog, karaoke the other way with 5 bur-pees to top it off x3

We conveniently ended up at Everest:

  1. Everest at 50% to the top
    1. at base we did (all 4x) 20 Freddy Mercuries, 20 box cutters, 20 flutter kicks
  2. Everest Bernie style with 2 15 step sprint break (turn around sprint 15 steps and then burn again repeat)
    1. Plank workout with all variations of knee to elbow, hands and feet out and up
  3. Everest All the way to the Rock pile with what you have left(there is not rock pile, Rogero took our rocks WTH!!!)
    1. Al gore till 6 arrived and knocked out 5 bur-pees while heart was pounding!

We mosied on down and around the loop back to the cloud. Took a couple breaks to perform 5 squat jumps, 5 star jumps with 5 bur-pees to top it off.

Cloud: 2 sets of 10 incline merkins/10 box jumps/10 decline merkins/10 triceps dips

Plank and Superman to end off the session
9 including Boomer our FNG of the day brought to us by the internet…welcome Wade!
Secrecy and Unity. Talked about how we as brothers need be unified and remember when you gain someones trust and the share keep their secrets a secret. Sometimes we even need to withhold details from the M and keep it between you them and God!
Prayed for G6s son as well as Quickbooks friend

Kraken at the Scrapyard

THE SCENE: It was like 60

SSH x 15
Squat 4-ct x 15 IC
OH Claps 4-ct x 15 IC
Bodybuilders x 5 IC
Kraken at the scrapyard
2 different sets of exercises to alternate each round. Run down to the street for a single bodybuilder then run back for the next exercise:
First round
1. Merkins 2. Squat touch jumps 3. Mt climbers 4. Burpee 5. Lunge 6. V-up 7. Diamond merkin 8. Split squat
Second round
2. Dry dock 2. Squat 3. Ww2 sit-up 4. Derkin 5. Deadlift touch 6. BBS 7. Pull-ups 8. Plank jack
LBCs x 20
Repeat twice
18 HIMs came out on an oddly warm January morning. Couldn’t tag Potato.
“There is no passion to be found playing small–in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Nelson Mandela

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Thomas A. Edison

JUCO Birthday Q

THE SCENE: JUCO AO, comfortable low 40’s temp

15 SSH, 10 Peter Parker, 15 mountain climbers, 10 Tempo Merkins, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 10 tempo squat, 10 windmill

Mosey toward the grassy hill (Bartman, what was it called again?) near the maintenance building for some hill work.  Starting from the opposite side of the road:

  • 20 merkins at the bottom
  • bear crawl to the edge of the hill and run up the hill
  • 20 squats at the top and mosey down
  • Repeat and then mary until the 6 is done
  • Do 2 more rounds with diamond merkins and sumo squats as the exercises.
  • One more round with 10 burpees at the bottom and 10 lunges each leg at the top

Mosey to the hand rails on the edge of campus for some more fun.

  • 20 lunges, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • 10 burpees, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • 10 supine pull-ups, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • Mary until the 6 is done
  • 20 box jumps, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • 20 dips, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • 15 supine pull-ups, run to the edge of the parking lot and back
  • Mosey back to shovel flag
    Circle up for some ring of fire hand clap merkins.  All PAX hold plank as each person completes 1 merkin around the circle, then 2 hand clap merkins, and then 5 hand clamp merkins all together.
    20 PAX at the AO this morning!
    Lead by example.  I have had similar WORDs before, but this one seems to stay on my mind a lot.  Raising kids can be difficult especially considering the impact that we have on them with the way we act in our lives.  Arguing is a big topic in the Erector household with my 6 year old boy right now.  I caught myself yesterday telling him to stop arguing to which he responded “I am not arguing” and then I said “Yes you are!”.  What did I just do?  I argued about him arguing.  So there I go leading by showing my son how to argue.  Sort of the opposite affect that YHC intended.  Remember how impactful you can be with even the small things in your day-to-day.  Do your best to lead by example and look to Jesus as the ultimate example to follow in life.
    What a way to start off my birthday surrounded by a great group of HIMs early in the morning!  Thanks to all who attended.  See you in the gloom!
  • None today (forgot to ask!)