F3 Knoxville

Iron Sharpens Iron

THE SCENE: damp but just about perfect temp!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – certainly not a professional

– 20 Big Boy Sit-ups – oyo
– 20 tempo squats – ic
– 10 tempo Merkins – ic
– 30 Side straddle hops – 4-count ic
mosey to base of the big ball

4 circuits with one lap around the pond between each circuit. Everything completed with a Battle Buddy.

Circuit 1
– 50 squats
– 40 Merkins
– 30 shoulder taps (Left, Right = 1)
– 20 dips
– 10 squats with knee lift to elbow (Left, Right = 1)

Circuit 2
– 50 burpees
– 40 reverse lunge with twist (20 each side)
– 30 Cross Body Mountain Climbers (Left, Right = 1)
– 20 high knees
– 10 inchworm Merkins

Circuit 3
– 50 jump squats
– 40 Ranger Merkins
– 30 bicycle crunches (Left, Right = 1)
– 20 superman flies
– 10 donkey kicks (Left, Right = 1)

Circuit 4
– 50 alternating scissor jumps
– 40 wide squats with heel raise
– 30 Plank knees to elbows (Left, Right = 1)
– 20 single leg deadlift (touch the ground/10 each side)
– 10 clams

no time for miss mary


the 2 reasons that i continue to return to F3 are the ideas of 1)no man is left behind, yet no man is left where they were found, and 2)Iron Sharpens Iron. I have never felt “put down” for how out of shape I was/am at F3, only encouraged to keep going and to get better. We do a good job of sharpening each other physically, my challenge is to shift that in to our every day life. We did every exercise with a battle buddy this morning, we need battle buddies in our relationships, our workplace, in ever day decisions. We so often isolate ourselves; lets break out of that isolation in 2019!

FNG Parade

THE SCENE: low 40’s but warmed up quickly

a little bit of this and a little bit of that, side straddle hop, and I can’t count to 8 and do a body builder at the same time!

  • Disclaimer
  • Warm up
    • Side Straddle hop – 25
    • Stretching
  • 8 count Body builders – 5
  • Mosey to the big ball
  •  Circuit 1 – lap around pond after circuit with bear crawl down stairs, R & R
    • Toe touch sit ups – 12/15
    • Plank – 30/45 sec
    • Jump squats – 12/15
    • CDD – 12/15
  • Circuit 2 – lap around pond after circuit with bear crawl down stairs, R & R
    • Squat thrusters – 12/15
    • Bear crawl shoulder taps – 12/15
    • Plank row – 30/45 sec
    • Hello dolly – 12/15 4 count
  • Circuit 3 – lap around pond after circuit with bear crawl down stairs, R & R
    • Frog squats – 12/15
    • Flutter kicks – 12/15 4 count
    • Plank one arm – 30/45 sec
    • Pull-ups – 12/15
  • Mosey to fountain
  • Name o rama
  • Circle of trust

7 FNG’s

practice being present in someones life. take time to listen to what is going on.


New Years Beatdown

THE SCENE: low 50s, mostly cloudy, and mostly pleasant!!




20x then 19x SSH (4-ct, IC) (2019, baby!!); 20x Cherry pickers (4-ct, IC), 30x Ussain Bolts (10 for each squat increment),  baby arm circles forward (10x) and backward (10x); little of this, little of that.


Mosey to Parking Lot south of ball fields

  • PARKING LOT PYRAMIDS (hat tip to someone else who did this… maybe Woodshack?)
    • PYRAMID LAPS! Partner up with like speed. Run opposite directions, high five when you pass at the far end, and every time you meet at the near end, do the following exercises in reps of 20 except burpees, which will have 10 reps:
      • Lap 1 LBCs
      • Lap 2 LBCs, Mtn Climbers
      • Lap 3 LBCs, Mtn Climbers, Bobby Hurley’s
      • Lap 4 LBCs, Mtn Climbers, Bobby Hurley’s, burpees
      • Lap 5 Mtn Climbers, Bobby Hurley’s, burpees
      • Lap 6 Bobby Hurley’s, burpees
      • Lap 7 burpees

Mosey to sidewalk leading to Cardiac Hill:

  • Starting at end of Parking Lot, do PAULA ABDULS. Run two lightposts, Bernie Sanders back one, do 10 Iron Mikes (5 each leg), rinse and repeat until path intersects perimeter trail.
  • Reverse course.  Do 11s back up to parking lot (jump squats).

Mosey to perimeter road.  AYG sprint back to AO.

20x EH2s right side, 20x left side (it was at this point that the Q couldn’t figure out which was his left or right ankle); 25x American Hammers (4-ct, IC); 20 BBS (OYO)

6 F3 HIMs and two FNGs, Stockton Webb and Ross Dempster, who we named Misfire and Cellar.


About a year ago, I did something I’m not particularly good at: practiced forgiveness.  A friend of the family approached me after my mom passed and mentioned a sizable loan that she had given to him a year or so previously.  Trying to tie up loose ends quickly, I approached him with a number of payback options, all of which he agreed to.  However, he failed to live up to his promises, and claimed that one emergency after another consumed the funds he was trying to save up to pay back the loan.  After years of this, I became frustrated and angry.  A year ago this past Christmas, however, I prayed on the matter and felt an overwhelming peace.  I must do the Christian thing and practice forgiveness.  Not with regards to accepting the excuses, but with the loan itself.  I resolved to trust him that his reasons were valid, and the only conclusion at that point was to decide that he needed the money more than I did.  I let him know of this in an email, and felt satisfied that I had done the right thing.  But after a few months, the old feelings of resentment, anger, and frustration resurfaced.  I prayed again, and realized I had not fully gone through with the forgiveness process.  I had forgiven him in my mind, but not in my soul and heart.  I prayed again, and this time I felt fully at peace.  I tried to put Grace into practice, and forgive my debtor, as my debt is forgiven by God.  I encourage everyone to adopt as their New Year’s resolution to release the negative energy and forgive at least one person in their life that has wronged them, completely and unconditionally.

This also ties in with the link that Cap’n Crunch posted a month or so ago describing an amazing act of forgiveness when a man lost his wife and unborn child in a traffic accident involving a firefighter medic who fell asleep at the wheel.  An excerpt: “In moments where tragedy happens or even hurt, there’s opportunities to demonstrate grace or to exact vengeance.  Here was an opportunity where I could do that. And I chose to demonstrate grace.”

For those who missed it, the link is https://www.today.com/news/one-man-s-forgiveness-after-tragedy-creates-profound-friendship-stranger-t144626?fbclid=IwAR1l1J1wtO2ymOSzzE8MfHHp9oor_GjRSaApQGTQY7mINCtlPHv4lGnrFAg


Ephesians 4:31-32

31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.


Lords Prayer: “and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”

We had a lot of fun and fellowship at the Polar Bear Plunge this year.  Let’s do it again next year!  Also, a word of appreciation to all the PAX who showed support in any way for the Pitstick family during the difficult time following the loss of Quickrete (Grady Pitstick) last month.  F3 at its finest…


Nothing Fancy – just grind it out

THE SCENE: upper 40s and clear


  • SSH x 20
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Outhouse mosey


  • CMU workout today.  Menu was written on the ground.  PAX worked through the entire list 5 times.
    • Round 1 = 25 reps
    • Round 2 = 15 reps
    • Round 3 = 10 reps
    • Round 4 = 5 reps
    • Round 5 = 5 reps
  • Menu consisting of the following items
    • Blockies
    • Curls
    • Bent over rows (each arm)
    • Squat Press
    • Kettlebell Swing
    • Nose Wipers
    • Calf Raises
    • V-up/roll-up
    • Outhouse run

N/A – plenty of abs in the main workout

9 strong!  Farva, Swirlie, Mayberry, Butters, La-Z-Boy, Doubtfire, Frosty, Cavalier (FNG), Bartman


One good thing about Qing yesterday and having no repeat PAX today….I can recycle the BOM!  It’s still applicable!

We talked about resolutions for the new year.  New year’s day is a good time to reflect on the past year and put plans in place to make yourself better in the coming year.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says that anyone who is in Christ is a new creation; old things have passed away and new things have come.  This is refreshing to hear as we begin a new year.  We all have parts of 2018 we’d like to forget.  I challenged the PAX today to center their resolutions around being more like Christ in 2019.  If we draw closer to Christ and become more and more like him each day, the “normal” resolutions of physical fitness, time management, diet, fiscal responsibility, etc. will take care of themselves.



New Year at the Pound

THE SCENE: warm…almost 50!   Jan 1st??



  • SSH x 20
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10


  1. Mosey to Matterhorn
    • Ascend Matterhorn by alternating 10 broad jumps, 10 lunges
  2. Mosey to Pavalon
    • 10 rounds of the following:  5 pullups, 10 derkins, 20 squats, run to gate
    • 5 rounds of the following:  5 v-up/roll-up, 10 big boys, 20 flutter kicks
  3. Mosey back to the AO

Mary was baked into the workout!

3 new year HIMs:   Frenchie, Wagon Wheel, Bartman


No suprise, with it being January 1st we talked about resolutions for the new year.  New year’s day is a good time to reflect on the past year and put plans in place to make yourself better in the coming year.  2 Corinthians 5:17 says that anyone who is in Christ is a new creation; old things have passed away and new things have come.  This is refreshing to hear as we begin a new year.  We all have parts of 2018 we’d like to forget.  I challenged the PAX today to center their resolutions around being more like Christ in 2019.  If we draw closer to Christ and become more and more like him each day, the “normal” resolutions of physical fitness, time management, diet, fiscal responsibility, etc. will take care of themselves.