F3 Knoxville

Dice Game

  • THE SCENE: Typical August morning, warm and muggy

  • Michael Phelps
  • Imperial Squat Walkers
  • Goofballs
    We moseyed over to the front opposite side of the parking lot to get under a light so we could play a dice game.  Using 3 dice, Orange determined the exercise and Green x Red determined reps.  We made it thru nearly 3 rounds of rolls, taking turns.  Exercises were:
  • 1.  Sprints
  • 2. Lt. Dans
  • 3. SSH (4-count, IC)
  • 4. Merkins
  • 5. Dips
  • 6. Burpees

While we never had anyone roll a combination that was over 25 reps, the majority of rolls for exercise were 2s.  Everyone was over the Lt. Dans by the end and I was accused of bringing loaded dice.

Plank position for Bring Sally up song.  1/2 plank on Bring Sally down and regular plank on Bring Sally up.

Hello Dollys

Captain Thors

Even Now faith.  From the story of Lazarus, the disciples were afraid of returning to Judea due to threat of stoning.  Once Jesus explained to them that Lazarus was dead, Thomas said he would go that he would die with him.  They still didn’t get it.  Once they arrived, Martha told Jesus that if he had been there, Lazarus would not have died, but EVEN NOW I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you.  Then Jesus told her, “Your brother will rise again.”  We should have the faith of Martha who believed that Jesus could conquer death instead of being like the disciples and either fearing death or not believing in Jesus’s power.
A-Rod sickness, families of those killed in Emory Rd. crash on Saturday
CSAUP coming up on Saturday morning

Put away your toys

THE SCENE: Nothing to write home about… Mid 70s, maybe not so humid

23x SSH IC (just until Trolley reached the circle…)
10x Travoltas each side IC
Cossack Squats IC – Chaco picked rep count of 23!
10x Hindurkins IC

Mosey in the direction of the coupon pile
Stop halfway for 15x Big Boys OYO
Continue to the back of the maintenance building and grab a CMU
15x Overhead Reach BBS OYO
Mosey with CMU to the parking lot near the fitness center

4 corners of large grassy area each have an exercise on cardboard weinke.
Start at Corner #1 with 10x HR Merkins
Mosey with CMU to Corner #2: 16x Catalina Wine Mixers (8 each arm), 10x HR Merkins
Bear crawl pushing block to Corner #3: 30x Pickle Pounders, 16x Wine Mixers, 10x HR Merkins
Mosey with CMU to Corner #4: 20x Carolina Dry Docks, 30x Pickle Pounders, 16x Wine Mixers, 10x HR Merkins
Crawl Bear pulling block back to Corner #1 (Flutters etc until 6)

Next lap around: Flip the card over to reveal leg exercises!
For time, just mosey w/CMU to each corner. No accumulator either – Just the one on the card
10x Prisoner Get-up (each leg)
15x Squat Jump
30x Monkey Humpers (single count)
10x Donkey Kicks
More Ab work for the 6…

Time to put the toys away! Mosey back to the maintenance building.

Mosey back to the AO, stopping halfway for 10 more BBS OYO

Got home 1 minute past curfew… No Mary today.
8 PAX today – A Wednesday record according to Booster!
As most of you know, we’ve been prepping our house for sale. This presents a number of opportunities for… friction. The thing that can grease that friction and keep it from flaring up and causing a fire is Love. Not touchy-feely type of gushy love, but Love that lays down Its life for another. Here’s the description of what love does. Read from The Message because this is a very familiar passage, and sometimes we can gloss over the words when we know them so well…

From 1 Cor. 13 (The Message)
No matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.
Love never dies.


Truckin’ to the Pound is this weekend!  Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the F3 Anniversary first weekend in November.

Ruck tire flipping

THE SCENE: 75, humid

Unload big tire from truck!

Do the required number of reps for each exercise then run a lap around parking lot . Repeat until 8 minutes expire .  Then move to a different exercise and repeat….so on and so forth until all exercises arr complete .

  • 20 ruck merkins
  • 20 ruck curls
  • 20 ruck oh press
  • 20 rows with 60# bag
  • 20 squats with 80# bag
  • 5 tire flips

No time

Insert the WORD here.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

8 Men and a Matterhorn

THE SCENE: upper 60’s…felt like October – great weather



  • SSH x 20
  • Tempo Merkins x 10
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Cherry Pickers x 5
  • This/that stretch


  • Indian run to the base of the Matterhorn
  • 4 Cones spread along the upper half of the hill.  1=closest, 4=farthest.  Exercises written at each cone.
    • 4-Burpees;  3-Diamond Merkins;  2-Plankjacks;  1-Squats
    • PAX run to the 4th (farthest) cone and do 25 reps of the exercise written.  Then mosey back down the hill stopping to do 25 reps of the exercise written at each cone.   Rinse & repeat eliminating the furthest cone each round until you end with only going to the 1st cone.
  • DORA work
    • 50 Thrust Merkins;  50 Squat Jacks;  50 Leg Pass Throughs
    • Partner 1 does reps at the speed bump, while partner 2 runs up the lower portion of the Matterhorn to where the rock ditch starts.


  • Hello Dolly x 20
  • Box Cutter x 20
  • Spread Eagle Merkins x 10
  • Superman/Banana

8 PAX:  Ratchet, Pepper, Scooter, Woodshack, Shooter, Barn Door, Moped, Bartman

Words matter.  Say what you mean and don’t generalize.  Shared from John 21 an example of this when Jesus asked Peter “do you love me?” 3 times.  The first 2 times Jesus asked if Peter loved him he used the word Agape which is a deep, unconditional love…Peter in return said that yes he loved Jesus, however he used the word Phileo, which is a brotherly love.  Finally, the 3rd time Jesus asked Peter, he said “Do you Phileo me?”, in other words Jesus said “is that all Peter, do you only love me with a brotherly love and not a deep unconditional love?”.  Jesus was making the point that we should love him unconditionally.  It’s a good example of how our English language doesn’t quite capture the gravity of scripture.  Our word “love” is used for everything:  I love my wife, I love coffee, I love exercising.  The word doesn’t allow you to differentiate between its different meanings in different contexts.  Therefore we should take the time to be specific when we can be….to use the word that will relay our message the clearest.


Truckin to the Pound this weekend – 6am at the Truck Stop;  F3 anniversary celebration in November

Ode To The HIMs

THE SCENE: A bit damp but great!

  • Side straddle hops (IC) 4ct
  • Baby Arm circles forward x 10 & Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm circles reverse x 10 & Michael Phelps
  • Squats (IC) 4ct
  • Hand release merkins


Ode to Trolley (0-5 min) – Get in 2 lines or one depending on number of people.

  • Indian line formation, single man sprint to 3 stations leading to maintenance building
  • Start in plank position
  • Station 1, burpee
  • Station 2, big boys
  • Station 3, merkins

Ode to Booster and detention (6-20 min)

  • Pick up block and run to bottom of stairs at hill. After each exercise below, run stairs do 20 American hammers at top, then repeat
  • 50 overhead press w/block (OYO)
  • 50 squat w/block(OYO)
  • 50 curls w/block (OYO)
  • 50 rows w/block (OYO)
  • 25 left lumber jack (OYO)
  • 25 right lumber jack (OYO)
  • Repeat the above twice.

Run to quad

Ode to toto

  • 5s in door to door railway (squat jumps – Carolina dry docks)


  • 10 V-ups 4ct
  • 10 baby crunches (4ct)
  • 10 box cutters (4ct)
  • 10 Flutter kick (4ct)
  • 10 hello dollys (4ct)
  • 10 scissors (4 ct) then sprint


Booster, Cookie Monster, Dreamer, Rocket, Snaggletooth, Stye, Trolley, Waxjob


Remember to be grateful for things you typically take for granted. An example is our F3 brotherhood.  We shouldn’t take it for granted because it has changed my health and emotional outlook.  Let’s challenge each other to be cognizant of that throughout the day and to acknowledge with thanks something that you have typically neglected.


  • August 25 – CSAUP – Trucking To The Pound
  • November 3 – F3 Olympics