F3 Knoxville

Post Labor Day Labor

THE SCENE: Clear and humid

T-Plank arm circles x 10 ED EA

Tempo Squat x 15 IC

Leg Lunge Pa-Diddle x 10 EL

SSH x 20 IC
Deconstructed Burpee (10:1)

  • Squat
  • Leg Thrust
  • Merkin
  • Leg Thrust

Aiken Legs x 3 rounds

  • 20 Squat
  • 20 Box Jump
  • 20 Lunges (EL)
  • 20 Split Jacks (10 EL Forward)

Jump Relay Partner Up

Step 1: Partner 1 completes 5 Burpee, 5 diamond merkin, 10 BBS while Partner 2 holds plank.

Step 2: Partner 1 picks up cone and does double foot jump and places cone at base of heel.

Step 3: Partner 2 completes reps while Partner 1 holds plank. Continue rotation until reaching finish line.

Five Cone Station Thing with Exercises

  • At start perform 20 Squat
  • Run to 1st cone and perform 15 mountain climbers (4ct)
  • Burpee broad jump to second cone and perform 15 CDD
  • Alligator crawl to 3rd cone and perform 15 ranger merkin
  • Lunge to 4th cone and perform 10 Iron Mikes


When you encounter difficulty or disappointment don’t retreat back to your previous position. Stand firm and work through this position in your life. Don’t revert back to where you were previously.


Goose Poop Shuffle

THE SCENE: 68, clear, and humid

  • Mosey to middle parking log
  • SSH x 25 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Windmills x 15 (IC)
  • Burpees x 5 (OYO)


Mosey to the Sophomore for 11’s

  • BBS’s & Merkins, Bernie Sanders up the hill, Mosey back down

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • Curls, Tri-Ceps, Squats x 15, run the steps, R&R
  • BBS’s, CCD’s x 15, R&R, Calf-Raises x 30

Mosey to the short walls

  • Dips x 10
  • Decline Merkins x 10
  • Step-ups x 10 Each Leg

Mosey back to start

Flutter Kicks x 25 (IC)
Listen.   Really Listen.  Don’t miss an opportunity.  It’s too easy to only hear the “loud” stuff.  Just as Elijah did in the mountain, listen for God’s whisper.


It was great to be a part of this group this morning. We pushed hard and burned some Goo.  Thankful for Booster’s attendance and continued support even when he’s on the injured list!

THE SCENE: Clear and humid

SSH x 30 IC

Arm Circles x 10 EA ED IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 15 IC

PT Test – 2:00 Push-ups; 2:00 sit-ups

DORA 50-1-2 w/coupons: While partner 1 does reps, partner 2 will travel to cone carrying buckets or CMUs

  • 50 merkin
  • 100 BBS with log across chest with two to three others
  • 200 squat with CMU

Log/Pipe/Bucket Carry

Two to three man carry on beam and PVC pipe. Others will carry 5 gallon buckets or CMUs. Stop at end of lot and do 20 overheads with beam or pipe (over and back is one rep).

Capn Thor

Flutters x 30 IC

Hello Dolly x 15

Studies have shown that men of 30-50 years old are able to push their bodies further and endure over greater distance that those age 29 and younger. That doesn’t mean we’re tougher or stronger, we just know where the wall is for our bodies and know we are no where near done yet. It also means we have been here, done that and know what to do and what not to do. Take that ability and apply it to you daily life. You know what works and what doesn’t. You know shouting, cursing, and slamming your head into the day does not get the job done. Be consistent and think before you act.

F3 Olympics on November 3!!

The 600 Club

THE SCENE: Beautiful Late Summer morning

  • SSH IC x 25
  • Squat IC x 10
  • Demonstrate Crab Toes, Side MTN climber, lunge hops & Pistol Merkins


  • Circuit – Decline Merkins, Box Jumps, Squats x25 – 1 hill climb R&R x 2
  • Merkins OYO x 25
  • The 600 club:
  • Lunge Hops x 20
  • Crab Toes x 20
  • CDD x 20 (feet on hill)
  • Slap Squats x 20
  • Side MTN Climbers x 20
  • Pistol Merkins x 20
  • Run to parking lot R&R x 5
  • Mosey to the clean soccer field – Bear Crawl, back peddle, Sprint the goal box x 3

Swirlie worked over the boys while I grabbed my phone.

What we do here at F3 has been passed down from man to man for generations. It’s not just a workout it’s a right of passage.


Earn the Stargazers!

THE SCENE: Started out clear and bright, but clouds and fog moved in to keep us cool.

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x8 IC
SSH x5 more just for Crawdad, who rolled up late…
Crabettes (Like Rockettes, but from crab position) x20 IC
Cossack Squats x20 IC
Mountain Climbers x10 IC
Walk toes forward as far as possible toward planche position for 10 more IC
Walk toes backward until abs are fully engaged, 10 more IC

Mosey toward the base of Everest, stopping about halfway for 15 Inchworm Merkins OYO

At the base of Everest, 10x Travoltas each side

Promised everyone 30s of Stargazers after an AYG charge up Everest. If you can breathe when you get there, you didn’t push hard enough…
30s count is OYO, then flutters until everyone has had their 30s.

Everyone grab a CMU-equivalent coupon (1 per person) and partner up.
Coupons go in a line about 10 yards away. Entire group goal is to move all coupons to a line about 70 yards away.
One partner runs to the nearest coupon, does 3 Burpee Broad Jumps with coupon to advance, then mosey back to switch with partner.
Stationary partner alternates between squats and crabettes after each trip.

Once all coupons are across the line, everyone grab one and mosey partway down Everest, line up across the hill for Tombstone Toss.
Everyone toss coupon as far up the hill as possible. Bunny hop to your coupon, pick it up, and continue hopping until you reach the furthest one. Once everyone has arrived at the furthest one, toss again.

When everyone has reached the top of the hill, put away coupons and 10 Hand Release Merkins OYO.

Mosey back toward the AO, stopping at the corner for a 30/30/30 of merkins, big boys, and squats.

Q noticed the big ol’ stone block monument thing just sitting there, so 10 Derkins on the block

Mary started out with 10ct Stargazers, just because I’m nice…
30x flutter kicks IC (with a small rest as Crawdad attempted to avoid being run over…)
15x slutter kicks IC
15x side crunch IC (each side)
4x Row Your Boat (caused a bit of a scene since traffic is kinda picking up in the park by this point)
Everyone had to hop up and allow a vehicle to exit the parking lot. This presented a great opportunity for some Monkey Humpers (x15 4ct IC)
10x Shoulder Tap Merkins
About 30s of OYO SSH to finish out the hour.

13 strong this morning, including one FNG – Snoopy (Terry Hill)
Ephesians tells us to love our wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for her. The thing that first comes to mind when you hear this is how He died for us. As men, we like to think, “Yeah, I’d die for my wife.” However, Christ gave himself fully, not just on the cross, but daily as he lived on earth. He walked dusty, excrement filled roads, lived day and night with 12 of the most annoying, bad listening, etc. guys you can imagine. Did everything that sucks with no thought for himself, poured his life into them. Through each day, look for opportunities to give yourself in those kinds of ways.
I forgot about the Saturday relocation to the upper parking lot… Much appreciation for Hawk running down and getting me before time to start the beatdown! I had a great time working out with the Asylum PAX this morning. F3 Knoxville is full of HIMs – I would encourage everyone to be promis-Q-ous and make your way around to as many AOs as you can. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do them all in a single week!
Sendoff this morning for Soot (Daniel Anders) at the Overlook. Heading off to be stationed in Colorado Springs.