F3 Knoxville

Let The Bodies Hit The Floor!

THE SCENE: 73 with a little breeze…perfect!

  • Cherry Pickers X 10 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Side Straddle Hops X 10 IC
  • Calf stretches OYO
  • High knees across the parking lot
  • Frankenstein (straight legs) across the parking lot
  • Tempo Squats X 10 IC
  • Hand release Merkins X 10
  • Burpees X 5 OYO
  • Mosey


Parking Lot Next To AO – Descending Ladder

  • 5 Merkins & 5 Air Squats at each corner & sprint to next corner
  • Complete 4 reps of the same exercises on the next round
  • Continue to descend with 3, 2, 1, etc.
  • When you finish, Farmer Carry CMUs back & forth across parking lot
  • Mosey to Alexander Building

Side of Alexander Building – Tabatas (20 seconds of exercise, 10 seconds of rest)

  • 4 sets of pullups on the walkway rails – (AMRAP)
  • 4 sets of big boys (AMRAP)
  • 4 sets of bench step-ups/box jumps (AMRAP)
  • 4 sets of flutter kicks (AMRAP)
  • 4 sets of calf raises on steps – (AMRAP)
  • 4 sets of lunges (AMRAP)
  • Mosey to CPAC

Clayton Performing Arts Center

  • 2 sets of dips (AMRAP)
  • 2 sets of American hammers (AMRAP)
  • 2 sets of curls, overhead press w/ CMUs
  • Mosey to AO


15 burpees since Mary was a part of the workout


Great to have Erector visit JUCO for the first-time (was in F3 Charlotte but recently moved to Knoxville); Barnacle, Mr. Clean, Neutron, Onesie, Rocket, Snaggletooth, Stye, Trolley & Booster


My health has been bad in 2018. Fortunately, my doctors figured out my thyroid wasn’t functioning properly so I’m now taking medication to increase my thyroid levels. While it’s been rough for me and my family, I never thought I was going to die.

My charity helps people every day who have cancer and may actually die. Instead of feeling sorry for myself like I have over the last 6 months, I need to appreciate that my doctors have figured it out AND it’s treatable AND I’ll survive AND I’m blessed with basic resources that I can afford (food, clothing, shelter, medications, etc.).  Many people don’t have those so it’s time to focus on doing what I can to help them!


Have compassion on me, LORD, for I am weak. Heal me, LORD, for my bones are in agony. ~ Psalm 6:2

The LORD will sustain him upon his sickbed; In his illness, You restore him to health.  ~ Psalm 41:3


  • CSAUP – August 25th at 6:00 a.m. at the Truck Stop
  • F3 3rd Anniversary Olympics – November 3
  • F3 3rd Anniversary Family Picnic – November 4


Neutron’s Ladder

THE SCENE: Clear & Calm

• Baby arm circles Forward X 10 (4 CT)
• Baby arm circles Backward X 10 (4 CT)
• Michael Phelps X 10 (IC) 4 CT
• Quad stretches x 10 (L&R) IC
• Tempo Squats x 10 (3 CT) IC
• Side straddle hops x 10 IC (3 CT)
• Mountain climbers x 10 IC
• Burpees x 10 OYO


JUCO-Manjaro Ladder

  • Partner up
  • 18 cones
  • Starting at the bottom of the hill,  run to 1st cone and back while partner does pushups (1st set), squats (2nd set), or LBC’s (3rd set).
  • Switch and repeat.
  • Once second person completes an up-and-back, the pair “steps up one rung” and starts the process over at the next cone until you reach the top.


Flutter kicks and box-cutters.

As the school year starts back up and you find yourself running all over town (school, ball field, birthday party, Lowes, a work trip, etc), take a moment to slow down and make sure you find time for what’s important.

3 Parking Lot Circus

70 and light rain


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– SSH x30 (IC)
– Tempo Squats x15 (IC)
– Windmill Merkins x10 (IC)
– Diagonal Lunges x10 each leg (IC)
– Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
– Arm Circles Backward x15 (IC)


Hill Runs + Tabata
Two Rounds of Tabata (8 sets of exercise, 20 sec on 10 sec off):

  • Rd 1: Jump Squat Jumps
  • Rd 2: Wide Merkins

After each round, run to the top of the hill and do 3 burpees.

Mosey to the new parking lot.  Once there, partner up.


One person performs the routine while the other jump ropes, then switch.

Run to far cone, perform x20 reps.  Run back to first cone, perform x15 reps.  Run to the second farthest cone and perform x10 reps.  Run back to first cone perform x5 reps.

Perform 2 rounds of each of the following exercises:

  • Dry Docks
  • Frog Squats

Flutter Kick until all PAX finish.

Mosey to parking lot at bottom of the hill.


Partner up with new Battle Buddy.

1st Battle Buddy lunges to the first cone, then sprints to second cone, does 2 reps of the exercise while Battle Buddy 2 is jumping air rope.  Switch. Each round increase by 2 reps until each man does a total of 10 reps.  Two rounds:

  • Rd 1 = Diamond Merkins
  • Rd 2 = Tuck Jumps


American Hammers (4ct) – x20 IC
4ct Flutter Kicks – 20x IC
Rinse and repeat

Mosey back to the SP, run hard up the hill!


Number off and Name-O-Rama (18 PAX)


Proverbs 11:25 – Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.

This Proverb is a simple reminder that joy and sense of significance comes from giving, not taking.  The world around us pushes us to live as consumers.  Always taking, looking for the next thing that is going to bring happiness.  The problem is that is not how life is meant to be lived.  True joy comes from living with a sense of purpose, and the highest purpose is the welfare of others.  HIMs seek inject purpose in all they do, wherever they go.  Today, keep your heart and mind open for those places where you can bring life.


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

Kickball Warm Up

THE SCENE: Lovely. 67 degrees. Misty, then rainy, then down-poury, then just flat out wet.
This & That; Cherry Pickers x5; Toe Touches

10 stations, spread out over 1 1/2 miles (with about equal distance between stations), as follows:

  • 100 Merkins
  • 100 Prisoner squats
  • 50 chest to bars; 50 squat jumps
  • 30 pull ups; 25 lunges (each leg)
  • 20 burpee box jumps (audible to 15)
  • 50 flutter kicks (4ct) (IC); ABC (IC)
  • 50 Iron Mikes
  • 100 BBS
  • 25 diamond merkins; 50 CDD’s
  • Burpee Jack Webb (1 burpee and 2 overhead claps = round 1; 2 burpee and 4 overhead claps = round 2) x 10 rounds

The rules: everyone stays together; everyone stays working; those that finish a station can take up to 20% of the reps of those that have not finished a station (put another way, each person may allow the rest of the PAX to help with 20% of their reps)(in this way those that finish early keep working, help the PAX that need it, and keep up the pace needed to finish all 10 stations in an hour).

8 dudes
Many of these exercises required each PAX to push to the body to exhaustion (i.e. total muscle failure).  Sometimes life’s trials require the same – maybe total muscle exhaustion, but more likely, emotional or spiritual exhaustion.  So, press on to exhaustion. Lean on Jesus and those that can help with a few reps. Eek out a few more on the way. Enjoy being stronger – you will be.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Lots of stuff coming up: CSAUP; F3 Knox Olympics

Ring around the Mosies

THE SCENE: 70’s and raining a good bit at times.

Mosey down to the creek and back.
20 Burpees, 20 box jumps, 20 derkins
Run down grassy area To creek and sprint back up hill
Repeat x 5

Indian mosey around the near part of the park.

Sprint grinder and do 20 squats.
Repeat x 5
BBS x 20 IC
Franklin Flutters x 20 IC
Repeat x 2

Indian mosey around 1/3 mile portion of trail.

Superman/banana for 2 min to finish.


7 HIMs
We’re here to push ourselves and get better. Thank you for joining me on this terrible journey.
This sucked.

Trucking to the Pound next Saturday at 6 am.