F3 Knoxville

Dora’s faithful beat down!

THE SCENE: Cloudy 43 Degrees. Perfect temp for a beat down!

Cherry Pickers x 15 IC

Baby Arm Circles both ways IC x 10

SSH x 15 IC

Jog at 50% across parking lot

High Knees back

Jog at 75% across parking lot

Butt kickers back


Doras on the hill next to the AO.

Partnered up. All exercises at the bottom of the hill were x 100 and the top of hill exercises were x 10

  • 100 Burpees at bottom and 10 calf raises at top
  • 100 Merkins at bottom and 10 squats at the top
  • 100 Big Boys at bottom and 10 dry docks at the top
  • 100 Star Jacks at bottom and 10 Box Cutters at the top
  • 100 4ct flutter kicks and 10 Mountain Climbers at the top
  • 100 Iron Mikes at bottom and 10 Superman Swims at the top
  • 100 American Hammers at bottom and 10 Imperial Walkers at top
  • Plank When Done

Mosey to the playground benches for one round of 11’s with box jumps and derkins

Mosey to parking lot next to playground for one round of suicide sprints.

Mosey back to AO

Discussed the need to fight for faith in God just like we fight to get better at other areas of our life, fitness, family, job, etc. Sometimes we may not feel like fighting for faith but just like we had to fight to make it up the hill in DORAS we need to fight to believe in God’s promises.

Stairs of Doom


A warm 40 and crystal clear sky

Cherry Pickers x10 IC, Baby Arm Circles (Forward/Reverse) x10 IC, Side Straddle Hops x25 IC

PAX formed two lines of 7 and we moseyed to the backside of The Hill on UT campus for some work on a beautiful and brutal staircase.  The PAX picked a battle buddy to complete the following:

Partner A sprint to the top of the stairs and do 2 burpees while Partner B does 25 merkins and jump rope at the base of the hill.  Partners A & B interchange and this will be completed 4 times for both partners.

As a PAX we moseyed up the stairs and reformed our two lines.  We kept a tightly formed two lines and moseyed to the Humanities building outdoor Amphitheater and performed the following:

  • 11’s with Prisoner Box Jumps (Hands locked behind head) and Dips

The PAX then did a two line indian run around the backside of campus and headed back to the AO.  Along the way we performed 40 Flutter Kicks IC  on a 4 count and moseyed to the AO.  As we came to the infield across from AO the PAX did a jailbreak sprint and we circled up. 

40 Flutter Kicks IC on a 4 count along the mosey back to the AO.
15 PAX (3 FNG’s)
“Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too. (NLT)” -Phillipians 2:4

We all as human nature would have it worry about ourselves.  I know that I do the same at home with my wife in regards to helping at the house or with the dog, etc. after a long road game or a stressful day but she needs my help as a teammate and spouse.  This is true for all of us in lots of areas, the challenge today is to see how we can be sensitive to other’s needs and adhere to them today.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Super Bowl 52 Party at the Dog Pound

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning, a steamy 45 degrees

15 side straddle hops 4 ct (cadence), 52 Merkins on your own, Ran to outhouse, 52 alternating step ups, 52 alternating lunges, Ratchet led Shoulder Blaster



mosey to the bottom of “the hill” with our rock/rocks

at bottom of hill:  26 mountain climbers, 12 burpees, 52 an of your choice

At top of hill:  26 merkins, 52 bicep curls w rock, 52 triceps extensions w rock

repeated once more


hello dollys, American hammers, slow merkin/ plank combo, baby crunches


Take an “inside look” at your heart on a regular basis.  Ask your self deep and challenging questions.  Examine yourself before the Lord.  Don’t walk away with guilt and shame, but instead respond with Godly repentance which will lead you closer to the Lord, with a better understanding of your desperate need for HIM in every area at all times.   Read 1 Timothy 5.  We have 2 choices:  1) Run after the Lord day and night or 2) Run after our own pleasures and desires and if we do this we will be dead even though we are alive.

My final Q

THE SCENE: Cloudy, cool, with a few snowflakes drifting into view… Ratchet and Bowflex to name a couple.

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
LBAC x20 each way IC
Russian Dance x10 each leg (holding squat, alternate forward heel taps)
Outhouse Run, Bernie back
Shoulder Taps x20 IC
Plank Twist with reach through – x10IC each arm

Form 2 lines and Indian Run over to where the boats were for 11s on the hill.
Box jumps at the bottom, Ranger merkins at the top.
First and last trip up the hill are backward bear crawl.
Other trips alternate sprint and Bernie Sanders.

Finish up at the top, mosey across the parking lot and down the path and stairs for
10 burpees at the bottom
20 BBS between staircases
30 Merkins at the top of the hill
20 BBS betweeen staircases
10 burpees at the bottom
Gas pumps or other ab work until 6 up

Mosey around to the base of the Matterhorn, circle up for Tempo Sumo Squats – x20 IC

2 lines Blacksnake back to the AO

Bicycle x20 IC
Side Crunches x20 IC each side
Row your Boat a few times
Superman Swim x15 IC
AMRAP Merkins for the last minute.

18 PAX representing! (sorry, Pirate… working on your tag)
Nothing extremely profound today. It was my final Q… for the month of January. February is a new month with a bunch of opportunities to step up and lead!
Over January I snagged a Q at each of the 7 Knoxville AOs. Getting out and working with men from all the areas of town was a real joy and privilege. If your AO’s slots get filled up, grab a Q or two at another AO. You’ll be glad you did!
Apparently box jumps on the big rocks by the hill are deemed a bit risky by most of the PAX. Something about not wanting to fall down a cliff or something? I dunno. Some of them managed to not jump all the way over their rocks…
3rd F opportunity this Sunday delivering basketballs and leading 2.0 workout at Wesley House, Alcoa CSAUP

Double Vision

THE SCENE: 25 with no wind, actually pretty nice.  Also had the Super Blue Blood Moon going on.



  • Around the world
  • Halos
  • Figure 8s
  • 10 tempo merkins
  • Outhouse run
  • 100 JR


  • Descending ladder.  Work your way from top to bottom then repeato, eliminating the top exercise and working your way down the ladder again.   We had time for +/- 3 rounds this morning.
    • 10 Turkish Getups (5 per arm)
    • 10 Sandbag clean & squat
    • 20 Burpees
    • 20 American Swings
    • 30 Hip Thrusts
    • 30 Overhead Press
    • 40 Lunge (20 out & back)
    • 40 Calf Raise
    • Waiter carry  (length of tennis court fence & back)


  • Flutter kicks x 15  (4ct with KB overhead)
  • American Hammers x 20 (4ct with KB)
  • Big Boys with KB for final remainder of time

4 strong:  Ratchet, Shooter, Costanza, Bartman

This morning we witnessed an astrological event that hasn’t occurred in 150 years:  a Super Blue Blood Moon.   Look it up if you don’t know what it is… it’s pretty cool.   Therefore, we got to see something that no living human being has ever seen before.  The thought of this led me to a few quotes regarding the “unseen” aspect of leadership.

  • Leaders must wake people out of inertia.  They must get people excited about something they’ve never seen before, something that does not yet exist.  –Rosabeth Moss Kanter
  • If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.  –Thomas Jefferson
  • Leave the beaten path occasionally.  You’ll be certain to find something you have never seen before.  –Alexander Graham Bell

These quotes in turn moved my thoughts toward Christ and his omniscience.  We are so quick to forget that he knows our path and prepares a way for us.  Our job is to follow him obediently, even if it leads to new or frightening places.  It’s a trust exercise.

  • Faith is the confidence of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen   –Hebrews 11:1
  • Walk by faith, not by sight  –2 Corinthians 5:7
  • So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal   –2 Corinthians 4:18
  • No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him  –1 Corinthians 2:9