F3 Knoxville

Mosey at the Truck Stop

THE SCENE: Damp and dark
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: we already knew eachother so we said hello

We stretch on our own.
We ran around the park with some turns and hills and stuff.

We skipped Mary
Again we knew eachother.  In fact as far as I know his real name is Frosty.
We shared a lot while on the run, mostly between breaths of huffing and puffing.  Frosty’s daughter is headed off to Cleveland on a youthgroup mission trip.
While running we questioned where all the other people are who wanted to have a cardio workout.  I’m looking at you Swirlie, Tank, Hydro, Bartman, Shooter, etc.
We had none but said we would see other tomorrow at the Dog Pound AO

Crazy Eights and Synchronized Squats

THE SCENE: Misty and temperature in 40’s

20 Lateral Leaps, 10 Burpees, 10 Synchronized Squats (for Crawdad), 10 Tempo Merkins , 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Twisters

Mosey to Dragon Tail.  We will do a Route 66 up the Dragon Tail with the following exercises:

  • Mountain Climbers (Four Count)
  • Ice Skaters (Four Count)
  • Star Jumps (Four Count)

The first person to reach the eleventh light (where a cone will be placed) should turn and sweep all men back to the starting point before we begin the next exercise in the sequence.

Mosey to Stop Sign at Northeast Corner of Administration Bldg.  Gander at the view of the river below.

Mosey to Boulder Pile by Admin Bldg Parking Lot.  We will be running clockwise on the road that goes around the Admin Bldg., stopping to perform the exercise(s) written by each cone that will be placed along the road.  We will rinse and repeat after going around the first time. The exercises to be performed at each cone are as follows:

Cone 1 (at boulder pile):  Each man picks up a cinder block weight boulder and does the following:  20 Rows, 20 Overhead Presses, 20 Curls, 20 Squats

Cone 2 (at north end of Admin Bldg parking lot):  Run up and down fire escape at Admin Bldg.

Cone 3 (a few feet from Cone 2):  Bear Crawl to Cone 4.

Cone 4 (located about 20 yards from Cone 3):  Hop to Cone 5.

Cone 5 (located about 20 yards from Cone 4):  20 Merkins

Cone 6 (Located about 20 yards from northeast corner stop sign.):  20 Squats

Cone 7 (Located on east side of admin bldg., 20 yards from northeast corner):  20 Squat Jumps

Cone 8 (Located close to sidewalk leading to front of admin bldg):  Run up steps at front of admin bldg.  Do 20 Box Cutters.  Return back to cone and do 20 lunges (each leg).

Cone 9 (Located about 20 yards west of southeast corner stop sign):  20 Diamond Merkins

The first two men to finish should split up with one man going clockwise and one man going counter clockwise to sweep all men back to the sidewalk that leads to the front of the Admin Bldg.

Mosey to Pavillion.  We will run counter-clockwise to the following locations and do the following exercises:

  • 20 American Hammers, 20 Hello Dollies, 20 Big Boy Sit-ups, 20 Bicycle Kicks

Mosey to AO.

Let’s face it men, we are sinners.  We screw up.  We make mistakes, saying I will never do that again, yet do it again the very next day.  Thankfully, we have a God who truly loves us.  That is so difficult to grasp.  It is easy to think of God as angry and judgmental, ready to jump all over us for our sins.  There are times in our life when we truly hurt, when we truly have messed up and we think, How could God really love me?

Yet, the Bible tells us of God’s overwhelming love for us.  God made and truly loves every inch of you.  Ponder on that today.  God cherishes you.  Thinks about that one.  God is always with you.  Huh, really?  Yes, he is always there, always walking with you.  And this God is a God of grace, all powerful, yet willing to die on the cross for you.  So walk on with that knowledge, that God is fond of you, has your back, and is always there.

Upcoming 3rd F Event will be at Outlook, 8:30 am on March 24.  Praise that Crawdad’s MRI was negative for any tumors!!!!

Quarter pounder with cheese please

THE SCENE: 45 and possible chance of rain, 30% it won’t

1 burp

SSH X20 ic

smurf jacks z10 ic

plank jacks x10 ic

merkins x10 ic

Surfees x 5-6

squats x20 ic

imperial sq walkers x10 ic

oh, we threw in some burpees too

  • Rt 66 to the football field w merkins , big boys, and squats along the way
  • Quarter pounder on the football field
  • Sprint to 25 Yard line 25 merkins , rum backwards back to goal line
  • Add cheese, 10 burpees
  • Sprint to 50 yd line. 50 squats , run backwards to goal line
  • add cheese, 10 burps
  • sprint 75 Yard’s , do 75 mtn climbers
  • run backwards back to goal line
  • add cheese, 10 burps
  • sprint 100 yds, 100 SSH IC , run backwards to goal line
  • add cheese, 10 burps
  • we mixed in some abs too
  • Indian run back towards AO
  • rt 66 again w froggie hops and air presses

Flutter kicks 20 ic

slutter kicks x10 ic

box cutters x10 ic

SURFEES! Superman swim until the big wave came . Slugger was waiting for the big one!

cash out w ATMs
13 incl 1 FNG, welcome singlewide and guest from Memphis SLIK NUT!!!
Do the little things and the big things will take care of it’s self

Mole skin:

put the lid up when you piss!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

CMU Movers

THE SCENE: Cloudy 42


Michael Phelps 60 seconds

F3 Cherry Pickers x 10

GoRuck Cherry Pickers x 10

Round the Clock Merkin

SSH x 40 IC


Quarter Pounder with Cheese: 100 yards with CMU

  • Sprint 25 yards do 25 merkin on CMU. Run backwards to start
  • Sprint 50 yards do 50 squat. Run backwards to start
  • Sprint 75 yards do 75 mtn climbers on CMU. Backwards
  • sprint 100 yards do 100 flutters with CMU. Backwards

BBS CMU Conveyor

On your six head to toe in a line. First man grabs CMU from pile and passes overhead to man behind. Last man stacks CMUs. Start line again and move CMU pile.

CMU Shuttle Run: Partner Up. P1 Starts exercise and P2 runs CMU to partner from CMU pile.

  • 100 SSH
  • 100 Jump Squat
  • 100 Merkin
  • 100 BBS

Build F3!: Move the CMUs to spell out F3. Conduct the following exercises and the set block down.

  • 25 swings
  • 25 Rows
  • 25 overhead

Deconstruct F3

  • 25 Tricep
  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Cleanouts

Move CMUs to Qs car!

5 Burpees and move CMU to car. Return and do 5 burpees and take next block until all are gone.

Aiken Legs 2 rounds

  • 20 box jumps
  • 20 squat
  • 20 lunge (10 each leg)

Flutters x 50 IC

Capn Thor to 20

Hello Dolly x 15

Pray for our community leaders, city, state, and federal government leaders. We are fortunate that our sin is not on the news/social media. Regardless of political affiliation those in elected office need our prayers to faithfully execute their office.

Sign up to Q!!!

Bags N’ Buckets

THE SCENE: 49 Degrees, surprisingly warm, glorious day!

  • Toy Soldiers IC x 15
  • Rockettes (Left Leg First) IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • SSH IC x 25
  • Body Builders IC x 8 or 9ish


  • Take the Long Way Around
  • Mosey around the baseball fields, Ascending Squats at each Lamppost (Try not to throw your back out!)
  • Plank it up in the parking lot
  • Wheel of Merkin OYO x 5
  • Mosey to the Cans and pick up something Heavy (Sandbag, Bucket or CMU), mosey to Soccer Field
  • Dora 1-2-3
  • 100 Mtn Climber Heel Taps
  • 200 BBS
  • 300 Plank Jacks
  • Farmer Carry one or two (Pax Choice) to Midfield and Switch
  • Split into 2 Teams – Relay style
  • Relay Number 1 – Bear Snake Moan to Midfield and Back
  • Relay Number 2 – 2 Pax Double Farmer Carry to Midfield and Back. Remaining Pax does Rocky Balboas/Mtn Climbers
  • Relay Number 3 – AYG Sprints
  • Grab something heavy and hoof it back to the AO with some Lunges mixed in



  • Hello Dollies IC x 25
  • Caterpillar Merkin Tap Outs IC x 5 (Yes we can do one more!)


A Father isn’t always what you may think it is. We can show love and acceptance that can really make a difference to the people in our lives. My Father-in-Law showed me what it was like to be welcomed into a family.
Great turnout this morning, with a visitor from Davidson (Kwame), who brought us the gift of an FNG this morning (Podium) it was a challenging workout. I thought I was going to have to turn the Q over this morning after throwing my back out in the first 10 minutes… It was great to see the PAX step up when I went down. I am always humbled when I’m around these guys. Thanks for pushing HIM’s!
Hardship Hill on May 19th & I was getting my phone for the rest… Check the announcements section of F3Knoxville