F3 Knoxville

The non-CSAUP beat down

THE SCENE:  Warm & wet



  • SSH x 20
  • Hand release merkins x 10
  • Tempo squats x 10
  • LBAC fwd/bckwd
  • this/that stretch


  1. Mosey to concrete bleachers
  2. 11’s on the hill:  burpees at top / derkins at bottom.   Must box jump up the bleachers each trip up the hill.
  3. Mosey to soccer field
  4. Suicides the long way.  Perform 2,4,6,8,10,12 reps at each line.
    • round 1: Merkins
    • round 2: Lunges
  5. Mosey to playground
  6. More 11’s.   Start at top of hill by new bathrooms.  Squats at top / pullups on playground equipment at bottom
  7. Mosey back to AO


  • Box cutters x 20
  • Boat / Canoe
  • Peter Parker

6 strong!  La-Z-Boy, Deadhead, Shooter, Cosmo, Bartman, Cornhole (FNG)

I’ve shared the same BOM at my last 3 Q’s because it continues to stay on my mind:  are you pursuing things in your life that ultimately matter or are you succeeding at things that don’t matter?


Special prayer of safety for those at the CSAUP event today.

Hardship Hill – May 19

Being Flexible Is More Than Doing Yoga…

THE SCENE: Warm and Cloudy

SSH x15 IC, Merkins x10 IC, Tempo Squats x10 IC

PAX formed two lines and moseyed to the TN Ampitheatre and partnered up with a battle buddy.

The PAX completed 4 rounds of each of the following:

Partner A completes 25 Merkins while Partner B sprints to the top of the Ampitheatre stairs and completes 2 burpees.  Switch out until BOTH partners have completed 4 round of each.

The PAX completed 30 flutter kicks on a 4 count in cadence and formed the mosey lines back up.

The PAX went on a mosey to the steps of the backside of THE HILL on UTK campus, each man had to sprint the stairs touching every step along the way and hold plank until everyone had completed the evolution.

The PAX moseyed by Neyland Stadium, Thompson-Boling Arena, and down by The Rowing Team Boathouse for a river mosey to the steps to the bridge by Walnut Street.  The PAX partnered back up and completed 2 rounds a piece of sprinting those stairs while their battle buddy completed 25 merkins.  After both battle buddies completed the task the PAX moseyed back up those stairs and across the bridge to Walnut Street.

PAX did an all out jailbreak sprint up the Walnut Street Hill.  A 10 count was administered and the PAX moseyed back to the Start Point for the finishing touch…

At the Ampitheatre stage the PAX did 14 4 count plank jacks IC, Hello Dolly x 15 IC, and Boat/Canoe variations until 8 AM.
8 PAX including 1 FNG (8 seconds)
Spoke on stepping outside our comfort zones and being able to be flexible and selfless on a dime’s notice and the importance of being flexible each day with all that life can give us.  Belding also mentioned the prayer requests for educators, students, admin, and all involved not only in FL after the school tragedy but across the nation as we all move forward.  Aye.
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Wet N Wild

THE SCENE: Wet and cold

• Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 (4 CT)
• Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 (4 CT)
• Side Straddle Hops X 20
• Cherry Pickers X 10 (IC) 4 CT
• Mountain Climbers x 20 (4 CT) IC
• Tempo Squats x 10 (3 CT) IC
• Tempo Mercan x 10 IC (3 CT)
• High-knees x 10 IC (4 CT)
• Burpees x 10 OYO
• Mosey around to Pond Parking Lot


Pond Parking Lot:

4 rounds of 4 exercises at 4 stations

• 10 Burpees – OYO
• 15 Star-jacks – OYO
• 20 Merkins – OYO
• 25 Squats – OYO

Mosey to the sunken ship.

Sunken Ship

• 10 Box jumps and 15 American Hammers
• Repeat for 5 rounds
• Mosey to the hill in back


Flutter Kicks IC 4 CT
Superman Swimmer
Box Cutters IC 4 CT

Being consistent with the small things in life will eventually add up to something great.


Keep it simple

THE SCENE: Warm 60 degrees

Baby arm circles x10 ED

SSH x 30 IC

Tempo Squat x 20 IC

High knees x 20 IC

5 burpees OYO

4x4s x 10 IC

Squat Jump x 5 OYO

Jump Relay: Partner up

P1: 5 burpees, 5 diamond, 10 BBS

P2: plank

when P1 finishes takes cone and broad jumps with cone. Places cone at heels and P2 does burpees, diamonds, BBS. Continue to finish line.

Grinders: Partner 1 lunge to fist cone, sprint to second, and perform reps at cone two. P2 jump rope until P1 returns then goes through cones.

  • Rd 1: Wide hand release merkins x 20
  • Rd 2: Side lunges x 20 Each leg
  • Rd 3: Flutters x 20 (4ct)
  • Rd 4: Burpees x 10

P1 and P2 conduct two rds of each exercise before starting next round.

10 air squat, 10 in place lunge, 10 jumping lunge, 10 jump squat

Billy Graham spent decades ministering to this Nation and the World. What was his message? It was simple but very Biblical. He stated who Jesus is, why He came to Earth, why and how he died, and how he will return. He taught repentance of sin. Through his simple speech he brought the gospel to millions. Looking on the Billy Graham ministry website they had his bookend sermon. He had many points but one that struck me most was how he instructed new believers to tell a friend about Jesus. Simple right? Take time to watch a Billy Graham crusade at one of the sold out stadiums. Listen how simply he speaks to the audience. It doesn’t have to be fireworks and lights. It just needs to be the truth. Let people know about Jesus.

Brickyard will meet at Big Ball on Saturday morning at 7a-8a in Worlds Fair Park. CSAUP will be at Bomb Shelter in Maryville at 6a.

Riding the escalator

THE SCENE: 65* perfect weather to get a sweat on

Baby arm circles forward 12x IC
Baby arm circles reverse 13x IC
Imperial walkers 10x IC
SSH 20x IC

Form two lines behind Gretzky and Swanson, headed toward amphitheater.  PAX mosey in and hop up on stage for directions.  Routine is escalator – start with first exercise, then take a lap around the pond.  Get back, do the first two exercises, take a lap.  Continue adding next exercise down until you’re completing 5 exercises at the end.  Exercises as follows:

  • Plank jacks 10x on a four count (PAX instructed to do half high and half six inches off the deck)
  • Jump squats 10x
  • Pull ups 10x (pull ups performed midway at the Big Ball before returning to stage)
  • Mountain climbers 10x on a four count
  • Lunges 10 each leg

Jack rabbits perform ab exercises on stage waiting for the 6 to complete the routine.  Ab exercises led by Singlet: flutter kicks, penguins, hello Dolly’s, WWII sit ups.  Once 6 is all in, PAX recover and 10 count.

PAX begin short mosey across first bridge and up first set of stairs near the Big Ball.  Next routine is the 4 cone escalator.  Focused on lower body for first routine, second focuses on upper body.  Routine:

  • Crawl bear between cones, at each cone you have a set of merkins.  First cone 5 merkins, second cone 10, third cone 15, fourth cone 20 merkins.  Jog back to start line.
  • Inch worm between cones (start in plank, walk feet to hands, then walk hands back out to plank.  Can’t move feet and hands at the same time), at each cone you have a set of burpees.  First cone 3 burpees, second cone 6, third cone 9, fourth cone 12 burpees.

Recover and 10 count.

Slow mosey back to start point for Mary.  No jailbreak across the park so I don’t lose my pride and my stomach.  MARY:
Flutter kicks 10x IC – quick transition to
Wide flutter kicks 10x IC
27 out in force, including 4 FNGs!! Preacher, Gretzky, Sheldon, Hillary, Guppy, Steam, Stage Hand, Soot, Popeye, Putt Putt, Pfeiffer, Cheatsheet, Prom King, Quarantine, Passport, Bessie, G6, Sprinkler (FNG), Swanson, Petey, Amazon, Singlet, Cheeks (FNG), Garfield (FNG), Petro (FNG), Careless, Abort.
Just spoke about the terms Dolphin and Daffodil, and encouraged anyone who hasn’t read Freed To Lead to blaze through it.  Make sure to know your direction, and have a hold on what you do the best and who you care about the most, intersecting that Dolphin and Daffodil for your highest impact.  Challenge to myself as much as to anyone else.

Big thanks to Swanson for getting the prayer today, I couldn’t get my thoughts in order to properly do it.  And he executed much better than I can anyhow.
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