F3 Knoxville

Love Triangle

THE SCENE:  Almost 50 and rainy.   The DP pav-a-lon is a grungy place but it’s nice to have on rainy days.


WARM-O-RAMA:   Stretches


Valentine’s Day Special:   The Love Triangle

3 stations under the pav-a-lon.  Each station had a list of exercises and # of reps.   Work your way around the triangle completing item #1 at each station on the first lap, item #2 on the second lap, etc. until you complete 4 laps and all 4 items on each list.   We had time to get through 2 complete circuits.

  • Station 1
    1. 25 Pullups
    2. 20 Overhead Presses
    3. 15 Goblet Squats
    4. 10 American Swings
  • Station 2
    1. 25 Table Jumps
    2. 20 Hip Thrusts
    3. 15 Burpees
    4. 10 Sumo Side Lunges (each leg)
  • Station 3
    1. 25 Knee Ups (with basketball)
    2. 20 Basketball Merkins
    3. 15 Leg Lifts (with basketball)
    4. 10 Inch Worm Merkins


Ratchet, Bartman

Valentines Day should not be any different than the other 364 days of the year when it comes to showing your wife how much she means to you.



Thirsty for Sling Shot!

THE SCENE: 40 +/- Damp +/- but ALL good!

As Willy Wonka said, “SO MUCH TIME, SO LITTLE TO DO! Strike that, reverse it!” Lets get going….

Disclaimer while jog across parking lot x2, High Knee skips x2 across PL, Karoake x2 across PL

  • Partner up and grab 2 CMU
  • P1 take off running or walking briskly with 2 CMU
  • P2 does 20 merkins and 20 squats, when finished, P2 sprints to catch up with P1
  • P2 takes over CMU and begins to run while P1 does the same merkins and squats
  • This repeats until we get to Mt. SUKMOORE

LT. Bernie at Mt Suckmoore

  • Every pax carries their own CMU up Sukmoore Bernie style.
  • Every 4th step, do 4 squats
  • At the top of Sukmoore, do 5 cmu presses
  • back to the bottom and then back up again doing 4 steps and 3 squats and 10 CMU presses at the top, you get it….4 steps Bernie style with 2 squats, 15 CMU presses, back down then up Bernie style 4 steps , one squat, then 20 CMU overhead presses
  • back to bottom. We are always moving forward in life but sometimes life has set backs…..based on that, we Bernie back up the hill 4 steps, 2 steps down, 4 steps up, 2 steps down, ALL backwards/Bernie style to the top of Sukmoore
  • At the top, do 25 cmu presses
  • At that time, we SLING SHOT BACK to the AO
  • Total distance about 2 miles +/-

no time but we worked in a little bit of mary during the thang…
12 Pax Strong!
What did the most interesting man in the world say in the Dos Seque commercials??

STAY THIRSTY MY FRIEND! Stay thirsty for getting better, stay thirsty in your faith, stay thirsty in your positivity, just stay thirsty for LIFE!

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: 39 degrees, cloudy, a slight pleasant drizzle

Cherry Pickers x 10

SSH x 25 in cadence

Tempo Merkin x 10

Tempo Squat x 10

5 burpees on your own

  • Mosey to the Big Ball
  • Morning Call:  Pax split into 2 groups, first person does 5 Big Ball pull-ups, rest of the Pax in plank position, as first person calls out his pull ups, Pax performs 5 merkins, switch and repeat until everyone has completed pull-ups.
  • Split into groups of three, mosey towards Volunteer Landing, each group picks up one rock along the way.  Share the load until we reach Volunteer Landing.
  • In our teams of three, partner 1 does shoulder presses with rock while partner 2 performs  WWII sit-ups at other end of the Landing, partner 3 runs between performing 5 burpees in the middle.  Switch until each partner has completed both exercises.  Repeat with curls/flutter kicks, squats with rock/sweat angels, triceps extensions/American Hammers.
  • Mosey back towards the AO with rock, putting it back along the way.
  • Out of time

No time for Mary today.  We had already put in a bit of overtime.

17 strong this morning planting good roots.  No FNGs today.
Jeremiah 17:7-8 But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.  They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when the heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.

Where are your roots?  What do you place your trust and confidence in?

Jeremiah 17:5-6 Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord.  That person will be like a bush in the wastelands…

Assessing our roots:  What is your first response when tribulations or calamity strikes?  If your response is stress, fear, worry it may indicate we have faulty roots.  In trials are we life givers or takers?  In the midst of struggles are we continuing to bear fruit and breath life into others?

Womens Work

The scene: 40 and moist

Welcome and disclaimer

Warm o Rama

Mosey around the tennis court
10 Burpees OYO

The Thang

Mosey to the outhouse
30 box jumps

Partner Dora (suicide)
100 decline stacked Merkins
100 rotating lunges
100 stacked feet Merkins
100 cobra squats

Different partner
Mosey to the skate rink (long lap)
100 iron mikes
100 alternating BBS
100 flamingos
100 CDDs

Whose got wheels?

5 tennis court sprints with 10 Merkins

Worm crunch
London bridge


Be a part of a men’s group and you will be a better believer. As part of mine I am leading a session on wives next week. My first thought was to go into the Word and see what God said about wives. He says:

Proverbs 18:22

“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.”

Ephesians 5:25

“Husbands love your wife as Christ loved the church.”

I can honestly say I haven’t always been the best husband. Or at least the husband my wife deserves. Thankfully she hasn’t caught on that she could do better… but if I am supposed to love her like Christ loved the church, it means I’m supposed to be kind to her, fight for her, pray for her, lead her, and love her with all my heart. Thankfully God and wives forgive us when we don’t do as we should.

And while I believe that Valentine’s Day is a holiday made up by card, chocolate, and flower companies to offset their losses during the holiday season, we are supposed to show our wives how much we love them tomorrow, I encourage you to not let it just be tomorrow, but everyday.

We joke about the inspiration book for today, “Women’s Heath Little Book of Exeecises”, and the pictures in the book, we shouldn’t compare our wives to other women. It does us no good to compare our wives to 20 year 0% body fat cheerleaders. We need to stop looking at this pictures, or phones, or other women at all, and love our wives for who they are and what Christ sees in them.

So go home hug your wives and really tell them how much they mean to you and how much you love them.

If it was easy, everyone would do it!

39 and drizzling…PERFECT!





  • SSH x25 IC
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x15 IC
  • Little Arm Circles x10 each Forward and Back IC
  • Side Lunges x15 IC
  • Two laps around the parking lot

Partner up and line up along the curve marked by the yellow cones.


It Takes Two
Battle Buddys will take turns performing 1 rep of exercise each until they reach 30 reps total.  Sprint to the orange cone, complete 10 4ct SSH then lunge to yellow cone.  At yellow cone, sprint back to start point.


  • Rd 1: Burpees
  • Rd 2: Dry Docks
  • Rd 3: Wide Merkins

Rinse and repeat!

Mosey to the playground


1-2-3 Pyramid on Benches
Do the following: 1 Box Jump, 2 Decline Merkins, 3 Squats.  Repeat adding one rep to the first exercise and multiplying that number by 2 and 3 for the other exercises until you get to 10, 20 and 30 reps respectively.

Mosey to new parking lot


Parking Lot 11’s
Start at one end of the parking lot, 1 Diamond Merkin.  Run to far end, 10 Jump Squats. Run back to start, rinse and repeat adding 1 rep of Merkins and subtracting 1 rep from Jump Squats each round.


MARY (On the Run)
Gather in the parking lot for quick abs.

  • 4ct Flutter Kicks x25 IC
  • 4ct American Hammers x20 IC

Mosey back to the SP


Number Off & Name-O-Rama (43 PAX, incl 1 FNG)


“King. Warrior. Mentor. Friend.  Four pillars of a manly heart.  Every man is commissioned by his Creator…
to provide, as a Servant-King
to protect, as a Tender Warrior
to teach, as a Wise Mentor and
to connect, as a Faithful Friend

– Stu Weber, The Four Pillars of a Man’s Heart

I’ve recently picked up a book I read a long time ago, “The Four Pillars of a Man’s Hear” by Stu Weber.  In the book Weber presents that all men four core pillars that support and give shape to their masculinity: King, Warrior, Mentor and Friend.  The transformation from boyhood to manhood is about growing and stewarding these masculine energies.

Part of what I experience in the mornings at F3 is an awakening of my warrior.  Pushing hard, struggling, embracing the suck…all that reminds me that I am alive and made to move, to have impact.  This is a good thing, a needed thing.  I’ve also noticed that sometimes I bring the warrior home and relate to my family from that place.  Usually not what they need.  What my family needs is for me to be a King.  One who lovingly leads and serves them.  Every King is a warrior, but not every warrior is a King.  The King channels the Warrior’s energy so that it is productive and life giving.

Today I want to challenge ALL of us to enter back into our world as Kings.  Speak life to those around you.  Play the man…be a king!