F3 Knoxville

The Final Count Down

THE SCENE: Rainy, Rainy, Rainy!

  • Side Straddle Hop X 30
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 20
  • Little baby arm circles Front x 10 and back x 10
  • Speed Skaters x 20
  • 10 Hand Release Merkins

The Count down – Complete each exercise is succession.  When completed do 25 Box jumps or run the hill.   PAX choice!  Remove the bottom exercise after completing each set.  Rinse and repeat

  • 11 Rows
  • 10 Burpees
  • 9 Sun Dial to Big Boy
  • 8 Wide Hand Release merkins
  • 7 Bench Squats
  • 6 Pull-ups
  • 5 Bench Lunges (each leg)
  • 4 mountain Climbers (4 Count)
  • 3 Around the clock merkins (12 total)
  • 2 Squat Jumps
  • 1 Super Burpee


  • Flutter kick (4 Count) x 25
  • Proton Parkers x 10


God Initiates and so should we to get better physically, spiritually, and relationally.

It has been often said that the chief sin of Man is the sin of passivity.  We can be like Adam and standby and allow sin and separation to occur.  We busy ourselves with the material world while disengaging relationally or emotionally from what is going on in and around us.  We don’t have to be in great shape to show up to F3 and get better.  All we have to do is set the alarm, show up, and work hard.   Are there places in our lives relationally where we have avoided discussions because they are hard or uncomfortable?  We don’t have to have all the right answers we just need to initiate and step in where we know God is calling us.  Don’t be silent like Adam.  Step up an be the leader that God has called you to be.

Prayers for the students family and friends that lost his life on campus due to alcohol poisoning.  Praying that those effected would be impacted in a positive way through the other students seeking to meet them where they are and share the Gospel.

It’s all about the CORE

THE SCENE: 33 degrees


SSH (IC x10)
Global Warming – Al Gore:
10 Merkins
10 Bobby Hurleys
10 Hand Release Merkins
10 Groiners

Mosey to school playground/soccer field. Count off by 1’s and 2’s and split up with 1’s starting at the soccer field and 2’s starting on the playground equipment.

Soccer Field:

40m Sprint

V-Ups (x10)

40m Sprint

Flutter Kicks (ICx25)

40m Sprint

Cross Crunch (x25)

40m Sprint

X’s & O’s (x10)


Swing Groiners (x10)

Derkin (x10)

Pull-Ups (x5)

Toes to Bar (x10)

Burpee Pull-Ups (x5)

Abs Knees to Chest (x20)

Some plank movements to break up the mosey back to the AO

14 Men Started the day off with a victory!
The benefits of sharing Godly time with your loved ones. I have started a yearly bible reading plan with my girlfriend and have dedicated time each day to gain Godly knowledge with her. The benefit is seen both, within our relationship and between myself and God.

A Love-Hate Relationship

THE SCENE: Perfect. 33 degrees, very little wind. Dark and crisp, time to work.

SSH x 30 IC 4 CT
Cherry Picker x 10 IC 4CT
Merkins x 15 IC 4 CT

Mosey to the amphitheater for 11s
Derkins on the stage and Rows at the top

Mosey to Walnut Street (with a hill sprint en route) for a little Love-Hate Relationship building
Starting at the bottom of Walnut we worked our way up to a full sprint all the way up

  • Sprint up to the parking garage entrance, 30 LBCs, mosey to the bottom, regroup
  • Sprint to Hill Ave, 30 LBCs, 20 merkins, mosey to the bottom, regroup
  • Sprint all the way to the church, 30 LBCs, 20 merkins, and 10 burpees, regroup

Slow mosey back towards the AO with Plunger lunges across the catwalk over Henley
Stop under the Clinch overpass in the park, take a seat on the wall
2 sets of wall sits, the first one longer than the last while I regale the men with stories of foolish youth (that got me a name like Frenchie).

Modified Gas Pumpers x 15 IC 4CT
Leg lift hold and some Hello Dollies
Boat Canoe

16 PAX this morning got some good work done, including 1 FNG, welcome Old Spice! (Ben Cox)

Romans 8:18-30 makes clear:
The world is broken, humanity is broken. We should not be dumbfounded by suffering in this world.
We also need to be careful not to minimize the suffering of others. The encouragement we should give to others is that there is a day coming when their suffering will end! NOT that their suffering is illegitimate or self-inflicted.
Rather we must remember that this PRESENT and REAL suffering pales in comparison to the future glory we will experience with Christ.
But what about today? Here, now?
There are times when I don’t know what to pray. I don’t know what to say. In those moments, when I don’t know what to pray, when I’m heart broken and don’t understand. When I don’t know what to say to God, the SPIRIT himself intercedes for me.
God does not want to minimize our struggles. He’s reminding us that He draws near to us, that His Spirit is with us and comforts us at all times.

My first time leading at Big Ball, what a place!

Pfeiffer and Abort, a couple of inspiring HIMs there. Rucking beforehand, and chewing up and spitting out everything a Q can dish out. Good work men.

As always, it’s an honor and a privilege to lead a workout.

The Maryville CSAUP event is coming up on the 24th, and the re-scheduled event at Wesley House is this Sunday, February 11th, from 2-3pm.

Remember Mama Jo

THE SCENE: At the Dog Pound 33 degrees and cloudy w an occasional sprinkle


50x SSH, Imperial Squat x 15, Jerkin x 15

  • Choose your 👶🏽 (25lb weight) from the truck and Mosey to the top parking lot
  • Four corners: 20 squat jumps and bear crawl to next corner, 20 Box Cutters then lunge, LBCs then sideways bear crawl, mountain climbers then duck walk, rinse and repeat
  • Doras: 100 Curls, Presses, and Triceps w 👶🏽, while B.B. runs to end and does 20 Dry docks…mosey back to AO
  • Dora’s: Prisoners x 50, 15 Diamond 💎 merkins
  • Tunnel of Love
  • Suicide Burpees


Shared the impact my Grandmother had on me and others and she worried too much. Ended up dying on Valentines Day. Message is to simplify your life and decrease stress.


Reverse Rt 66 Challenge

THE SCENE: Clear 30 degrees with a nice breeze.

Cherry Pickers IC x 10

Little arm circles front and back IC x 15

Warm up jog at 50% across AO parking lot with high knees coming back

75% jog across parking lot with butt kickers coming back

Formed two lines and mosey to the top of Cardiac
Reverse Route 66 going down Cardiac. Each exercise started at the top and went down in reps as we went down Cardiac. 11 reps at first light pole, 10 reps at second, all the way to one rep at the bottom. Then we ran back to the top and started the next exercise. The exercises are listed below.

  • Burpees
  • Merkins
  • Star Jacks
  • Big Boys
  • Dry Docks
  • 4ct flutter kicks

More exercises were planned but we ran out of time.
Mosey back to AO where Frenchie led us in about a minute of Boat/Canoes.
31 PAX including one FNG: Kyle Baisley email: [email protected]
Discussed how we all face suffering in this life and that just like going up and down cardiac it can be very difficult. On cardiac we could persevere because we had brothers pushing us and encouraging us and we knew the workout was going to end. In life as Christians we endure suffering and face many trials. We are able to face these trials because we have hope in eternity with Christ and we have other Christian brothers and sisters who help encourage us and carry these burdens. Encouraged the PAX to go out and help carry burdens of those suffering and to remind those suffering of the fact that we have an eternal hope and that their suffering won’t last forever.