F3 Knoxville

Raining FNGs

The Scene: 60, cloudy, on the verge of rain….gloomy

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH IC x 20
This / that stretch
Merkins 4ct IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10


  • 7’s on the hill: burpees at bottom / 4 count mountain climbers at top
  • Box crawls: 4 cones in a square. Bear crawl the square while always facing one direction. After one lap around the square, run a lap down the stairs, over to next stairs, then reverse crawl up the stairs. Rinse & repeat entire set x 5.
  • Suicides: 4 cones, do 2,4,6,8 reps at each cone of the following: Iron Mikes, wide merkins, Bobby Hurleys
  • Wheelbarrow merkins. Battle buddy up & wheelbarrow across 5 parking lot lines. Do 5 merkins at each line.

Hello Dolly IC x 20
Box cutters IC x 20

Count off and name-o-rama

When I think of our nation’s military history it gives me chills. We enjoy freedoms today because of the sacrifices made by prior generations. Today is June 5…the day before D-day. 73 years ago, thousands of American men were spending their time on this day preparing to storm the beaches of Normandy tomorrow morning. They were securing their gear, thinking of their loved ones, homesick, scared, confused and they probably all had knots in their stomachs. Then, on June 6th, those same men swallowed down their fear and performed flawlessly while securing the beach. It’s estimated that 2,500 American’s lost their lives that day fighting for freedom. Let’s not forget them or the sacrifice they made so that we may have a brighter future.

Great to see so many FNGs today! Tclaps to those guys for gutting it out!


The scene: 60, cloudy


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Little Baby Arm Circle – front / back IC x 10
This / that stretch
Cherry Picker IC x 5
Burpees OYO x 10
CMU: 10 curls, 10 OH press, 10 tricep press, 10 squat

The Thang:
• Suicide lottery. 5 cone suicide course with cones about 10 yards apart from each other. Pass a bucket around with exercises written on cardboard tickets. PAX draw a ticket & run suicide course, completing the exercise you drew from the bucket each cone. Rinse, shuffle, repeat.
• Final lap: everyone does burpees

Box cutters IC x 20
American Hammers IC x 15
Ring of fire – leg levers. 2 rounds

Count off and name-o-rama

You reap what you sow. The world tells us to sow our wild oats while we’re young and then settle down later to be responsible men, husbands and fathers. The problem with this is that the bible clearly tells us we will reap what we sow. Is it any wonder that the man who spent his teenage years partying now has a hard time staying away from the same crowd? Or the man who spent his time looking at pornography while young now struggles with this in his life? As fathers this is something we need to be aware of with our children. I want my children to experience life to the fullest – I want them to experience joy, sadness, success, failure, love, heartache, friendship and animosity as they round out to be adults. However, as my oldest child enters his high school years I am increasingly aware of my responsibility as a father to set appropriate guardrails so that my children experience all they can, while not establishing bad habits that they will reap later in life.

Today was Peyton’s last day with the PAX before he relocates to FL. We’re all going to miss him in the gloom! Peyton is a HIM and the Orlando F3 PAX will be better because of him. Tclaps brother!

The Tower of Power

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

2. Warm-Up Exercises

– Side-Straddle Hop (jumping jack)

– 25 count

– In cadence ready position exercise 1,2,3 = 1

– Cherry Picker (stretch down to feet & back)

– 20 count

– In cadence ready position exercise 1,2,3 = 1

– Copperhead Lunge (slow lunge)

– 15 count alternating legs

– In cadence ready position exercise 1,2,3 = 1

– Merkin (push-up)

– 10 count

– In cadence ready position exercise 1,2,3 = 1

3. Mosey to Parking Garage Down From the Y

– 1st stop OTW: Bottom of stairs to bridge across Henley St.

– 10 Merkins

4. The Tower of Power (Parking Garage across from Fire Depot)

    • 9 floors
    • Start with 5 reps on Floor 1 end with 45 reps on Floor 9
      • 1st 3 Floors = Burpees
        • 5 burpees + 10 burpees + 15 burpees
      • 2nd 3 Floors = Side-Straddle Hops ( 1 count )
        • 20 SSPs + 25 SSPs + 30 SSPs
      • 3rd 3 Floors = Merkins
        • 35 Merkins + 40 Merkins + 45 Merkins
    • 9th Floor (Roof)
      • Abs circle
        • American Hammers
          • 30 count
          • In cadence ready position exercise 1,2,3 = 1
        • Flutter Kicks
          • 30 count
            • In cadence ready position exercise 1,2,3 = 1
        • 20 Big Boy Crunches On your own and when your done plank it up

5. Mosey Back to Big Ball

– Stop at edge of field before flags

  • I believe that F3 and the fellowship that is created and forged here has helped men carry their brothers through things that they couldn’t do alone – it’s done that for me I know.
  • So we’re physically going to live that out right now!
  • Casualty drag or fireman carry your brother halfway across the field and then switch

6. Circle of Trust

– Number off

– Name-o-rama

– FNGs


– Great work this morning – thanks for pushing each other

– So for this morning I’m gonna share something I’ve been pretty worried and anxious about with y’all. So my mom and sister are leaving Thursday to go to Europe for the whole summer and it’s just been weighing down on my heart for the past month with the state that the world is in and the terrible and evil terrorist attack that happened just last week even furthered my anxiety in regards to them leaving. And so questions started running through my head like “What if they don’t come back?” And I think processing these thoughts and praying about it helped me realize that that is exactly what the enemy wants to exceed at pulling us away from our faith in God and pushing us toward some dark places. But God has a funny way of showing up in the 11th hour, coming to our rescue and helping calm our hearts and so yesterday the verse of the day I get on my phone was 1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you”

– And one of my favorite sayings is “Keep the Faith” and I find that so hard to do a lot of the time. But then God shows up. So as we go out into jobs, school, families, and just living day to day in this world – I encourage all of us to Keep The Faith because whatever darkness or hard place you might be going through right now, He’ll show up. We wouldn’t be here today if that wasn’t true. That’s all I got.

– Any prayer requests?

– Pray it out

Matterhorn’s Backside

The Scene – 60’s
F3 Welcome and Disclaimer
SSH x 25 (IC)
Curls for the girls x 50
Overhead Press x 50
Burpees x 10 OYO

Tha Thang
Battan Death Run to bottom of Matterhorn
20 Merkins
Mosey to Pavalon
40 pull ups
40 Dips
Mosey to Top of Matterhorn
50 Squats
Mosey down back side of Matterhorn towards Northshore doing the following exercises along the way
20 CDD
40 Marge/ Homer leg raises
20 Walking lunges
10 Burpees
Mosey to AO for Mary

LBC x 100 – Mayberry
Peter Parkers – Tweety
10 Burpees – Proton

Count off and Name – O – Rama
Forgiveness. Jesus spoke about us forgiving the people that sin against us multiple times. It is included in the Lord’s Prayer and again in the verses right after the Lord’s Prayer. Even the disciples had a difficult time with this commandment. Matthew 6: 14-15, Matthew 18: 21-35. I think our forgiveness is to benefit the wronged more than it is a benefit to the sinner.
Prayer Requests
Lazy Boy babysitting for a few days, My oldest going to D.C. for a school trip and my M traveling

Woodshack and Ratchet found their way back to the Dog Pound this morning. Great mumble chatter as alwasys.

Tombstone Toss

The scene: low 70’s & clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Merkins IC x 10
SSH IC x 10
Tempo Squat IC x 10
This / That stretches

Tha Thang:

Mosey to knee wall in courtyard
• 10 incline merkins, 10 decline merkins, run to bottom of stairs & back.
• Rinse & repeat x 3

Mosey to hill at back of property
• 6’s on the hill: burpees at bottom, squats at top

Mosey to coupon pile
• Pick out a rock
• Curls x 10, OH Press x 10, Tricep Press x 10.
• Rinse & repeat x 3

Mosey with rock to bottom of Sophomore
• Tombstone toss up the hill
• Throw rock as far as possible using a squat press motion
• Lunge to rock, then throw it again
• Rinse & repeat until all the way up the hill

Mosey back to AO
• Stop at each tree & alternate 10 merkins, 10 squats

Ring of fire x 2: leg levers
In & outs (gas pumps) x 20
V-up roll-ups OYO x 10
Nose wipers x 10

Count off and name-o-rama

Today is Memorial Day. Work hard, enjoy the day and be thankful for those men & women who have given their lives so that we have the freedoms we enjoy each and every day.