F3 Knoxville

Everything is Better with Bros and Tunes

75 and muggy

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

Swinging arm stretch OYO x10, Hold in hug position
BACs IC x10 forward, IC
BACs IC x10 backward, IC
Upper back stretch—hold for 15 seconds
Chest stretch—hold for 15 seconds
Arm & shoulder stretch—hold for 15 seconds (each arm)
Shoulder stretch—hold for 15 seconds (each arm)

“Tubthumping” by British alt-punk band Chumbawumba
Execute a burpee @ “I get knocked down / But I get up again,” SSH continuously throughout song

(Total burpees = 27)

Mosey to Little Everest, Bernie Sanders to top.

Captain Therkins
At the top, circle up for Captain Therkin (Captain Thors + 5 Merkins) for time
“Started from the Bottom” by Drake (2:54)
“I Know” by Christian hip-hop artist Lecrae (3:16)

(Total = 7 sets done)

Mosey to Docks

Partner up!
50 merkins – 50 BBSUs – 50 squats
“Gravity” by Christian hip-hop artist Lecrae (featuring J.R.)
“Wake Me Up” by Swedish electronic musician and DJ Avicii

Mosey back to start point

PAX get in a circle and keep arms raised.  Pass a CMU around the circle over head. As soon as you pass, execute 10 merkins.
“Fix My Eyes” and “To the Dreamers” by Australian-American pop duo For King & Country (approximately 7 minutes)

La La Leggy
Squats x20 IC
Lunges x20 IC
Drop lunges x20 IC
Squat jumps x20 IC
Calf raises x20 IC
“Can’t Stop the Feeling!” by Justin Timberlake (3:56)

Cash Out
ATMs – Cap’n Crunch

Number off and Name-O-Rama

Attitude of Gratitude
“It’s not about latitude; it’s about attitude.”
“Are you humbly grateful or grumbly hateful?”

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Hebrews 12:1-2

“Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed.”
Hebrews 12:12-13

“Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.”
Hebrews 12:28-29

On a warm and muggy morning, the PAX enjoyed the sounds of America, from Chumbawumba to Drake. Mumblechatter was flowing before the Chumbaburpee commenced; it continued, albeit at a lesser pace, as we worked our way up the Matterhorn and down by the water. We kept moving and got better together.

Red Writer’s Greatest Hits

70 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH 25x IC
Imperial Walkers 15x IC
Dive Bombers 10x IC
Arm Circles fwd & back x15 IC

“GET UP OFFA THAT THING” (thanks Quickbooks)
Squats then a burpee every time James Brown says “GU Offa TT”

Find battle buddy, line up on curb.

Buddy 1 does 20 BBS while Buddy2 holds their feet
Buddy1 switches to wide Merkins Buddy2 sprints to cones.
—  1st cone – 5 burpees
—  2nd cone – 10 burpees
—  3rd cone – 15 burpees

Buddies switch, rinse and repeat

“BRING SALLY UP” (thanks Woodshack)
Buddy 1: Pull Me Ups on tables
Buddy 2: Wall Sits/ mumblechatter

(Switch places, rinse and repeat)

Mosey back to AO!!

“ATMS” (thanks Cap’n) IC with no rest (without leaving plank position)
15 Alt Shoulder Touches (4-ct IC)
10 Tempo Merkins (4-ct IC)
10 fast Merkins (single ct IC)

“ROXANNE” (thanks Lexicon?)
Alternate Superman to Banana every time the Police sings “Roxanne”
Modified to alternating plank positions (one arm up) and mountain climbers

Abs (Dealer’s Choice)
Flutter Kicks x20 IC
Boat / Canoe on Q
Hello Dolly x20 IC
Ab Circuit – x15 each LBS, Leg Raises, Rocking Chairs

Count-o-Rama & Name-o-Rama

After Red Writer, our Q, was on all fours “calling the buffalo” during dealers choice abs… he was reminded of a verse that he shared in the BOM:
Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly in my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest on me. That is why, for the sake of Christ, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


70 and calm

Welcome and Disclaimer

LB arm circles IC (forward x10, reverse x10)
Big Arm Circles IC x20
Cherry Pickers IC x10
SSH IC x15
Calf raises IC x20

Pick a battle buddy and mosey to the coupon pile
2 buddies = 1 pair of coupons

Mosey past the tavern to the base of the big boy hill

10 Merkins together as a pair at every station

4 segments: keep doing them while you wait for your partner
1) Base camp – coupon curl and press up
2) Stage one – Squats
3) Stage two – uphill sit-ups/crunches
4) Summit – Rocky jumps (high jump, arms over head…”Yo, Adrian” optional)

A stays at base camp doing exercise while B runs to stage one, calls for A to ascend, and starts that exercise. When A arrives, 10 Merkins together, then A progresses to stage 2 while B resumes exercise. Slingshot up the hill together with Merkins at every station. Once both reach the summit, 10 Merkins and run back to base camp together. Start over with A ascending stage one, continue

Mosey Back

Hello Dolly’s x20 IC
Box Cutters x20 IC
BB Sit-ups x20 IC

Number off and Name O Rama

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”  Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Every one of us can look back in life and, if we consider long enough, come up with one time after another that someone’s careless words (or worse, purposefully pointed ones) profoundly affected us for a long period of time, if not forever.

For me it was mostly peers, but with my dad it would be too much constructive criticism and not enough acknowledgement of a job well done. So what do I do? The same thing, at best. My wife cooks something new, or buys a new plant and the first thing I say, and good-naturedly at that, is how it could be better.

My kids make the same mistake several times, or choose the same bad choice and what rolls of my tongue? Something like “what’s wrong with you?” or worse, “stop acting like a jerk”

“There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”  Proverbs‬ ‭12:18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

How easy is it for us to be death bringers instead of life givers. It doesn’t take malice or rage. It happens in a moment of frustration during a project, or in an instant of annoyance at our kids. Our spouses, our children, the people in our lives need us to be life givers.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.”  Proverbs‬ ‭15:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

There is nothing I hate in all of F3 more than that hill…which is why we had to do it. The men attacked it with vigor and hammered out between 4 and 6 cycles. I was proud of them and the support they provided each other in the gloom. Aye!

HIIT Madness

72 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Twist and pivot x15 IC
Tempo squats x15 IC
Cherry pickers x 10 IC
Mountain climbers x20 IC
Merkins (cadence) x20 IC
Two laps around parking lot
4 exercises for 30 seconds a piece:
Butt kicks
High Knees
1 minute break
Rinse and repeat two more times (x3 total)

Next set:
Vertical mountain climbers
Mummy kicks
3 step Heisman
In and Outs
1 minute break
Rinse and repeat two more times (x3 total)

Station Work
Get a Battle Buddy to encourage and push the other man.
S1: 50 pound weight plate push in parking lot,
S2: Picnic pavilion for 30 second wall of fire,
S3: Dugout for 10 pull-ups (if not pull-ups, coupons placed near by for reverse fly),
S4: Playground for 10 burpee boxes:  normal burpee but on jump, jump up on to playground bench.

AMRAP until Q calls time

Flutter kicks x20
Big boy sit ups x20

Number Off & Name O Rama
Together as a PAX, holding each other accountable, we are stronger together, arm in arm at BOM, at F2’s, stronger together being pushed versus doing cavework or fernwork telling yourself you can do one more set, one more lap, etc.  The men of our PAX help with that extra push to help us each get more fit physically and mentally.

Just Keep Swimming

72 and Clear

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH x15 IC
Rockette x10 IC
Merkin x20 IC
Flutter Kick x 20 IC
Merkin x20 IC
Hello Dolly x20 IC
Merkin x20 IC
Pickle Pounder x20 IC

Mosey to grab 2 coupons

Coupon Circuit
Curl x25 OYO
Row x25 OYO
Fly x25 OYO

Mosey to weekday AO and choose a line

Burpee x10 on each side of line, jump over line each “up” count (OYO)

Mosey to bottom of cardiac hill

Cardiac Circuit
Bernie Sanders up cardiac: burpee x10 at 1st switchback
Run to 2nd switchback, merkin x20
Run to top, Jump Squat x20
Rinse and repeat

Mosey back to weekday AO

Indian Bearcrawls
Form two lines.  Bear crawl inch worm in two lines

Mosey to playground, find bench

Bench Circuit
Dip x20 OYO
Derkin x20 OYO
Step-up x20 each leg OYO

Mosey to parking lot on the side of the playground.

Suicide Sprints
Break into two groups and do 3 sets of suicide sprints
Mosey back to AO

BBS x30 IC
Side crunch x15 each side IC
Homer/Marge IC
Never cross dolly x10 IC
American Hammer x15 IC

Number Off and Name-O-Rama

1 John 4:1-4 Let’s have the courage to stand up against the evils of the world, to test the spirits that are not from the Lord, to rebuke the sin and temptation that is so rampant in our nation and world as a whole, if we don’t fight it then we will be consumed by it; let’s be consumed by the SPIRIT OF THE LORD!
Glad to have some FNGs on a Saturday! Everyone was pushed and did a great job of finding their limits; not a single PAX gave up or slowed down past what was needed to keep going!