F3 Knoxville

Curb Crawls and Dirty Hookups

THE SCENE: 52 and clear, perfect morning

Side straddle hops x20 IC
Tempo squats x10 IC
Peter Protons
Michael Phelps
Mosey over to side street running beside park.  Start ascending curb crawls – bear crawl across street to curb, turn around and place feet on the curb and perform 1 derkin.  Bear crawl back to the other side, perform 2 derkins.  Repeat bear crawl across street and increase number of derkins until reaching lucky 13.  Flutter kicks and big boys waiting on the 6 to complete. Recover

Mosey to long parking lot behind Chemistry building, pausing at the halfway point for 20 big boys and 20 squats.  Continue to long parking lot where 5 cones are set up, 100 yards from SP, 75 yards, 50 yards, 25, yards, and 10 yards from SP.

  • 100 yard dash, perform 100 SSHs, mosey back to SP and plank waiting on 6
  • 75 yard dash, perform 75 mountain climbers, mosey back to SP and plank waiting on 6
  • 50 yard dash, perform 50 LBCs, mosey back to SP and plank waiting on 6
  • 25 yard dash, perform 25 merkins, mosey back to SP and all plank while Pfeiffer takes us shopping (holding varying heights of plank)
  • 10 yard dash, perform 10 burpees, mosey back to SP and plank waiting on 6.  Recover

Mosey back to underpass near AO.  All PAX plank facing wall for dirty hookups.  From plank position going through a 4 count exercise.  1 Count, place right hand on wall, 2 count place left hand on wall (now in horizontal plank), 3 count right hand down, 4 count left hand down.  Repeato x10.

Mosey back to SP for shoulder blaster and Mary. Shoulder blasters:

  • Forward arm raise thumbs up x10
  • Forward arm raise thumbs down x10
  • Forward arm raise thumbs up on up, thumbs down on down x10
  • Lateral arm raise thumbs up x10
  • Lateral arm raise thumbs down x10
  • Lateral arm raise thumbs up on up thumbs down on down x10

Flutter kicks x20 IC
Hello Dolly’s x20 IC
Boat/canoes til time
13 Strong: Careless, Red Writer, Pfeiffer, Hooker, Doolittle, Passport, Singlet, Plunger, Filter, Uncle Rico, Quarantine, Green Card, Abort
Make sure as HIM that we are remembering all the hats we wear, and are being present in all those areas.  Try not to focus too much on one area that you forget or neglect another.

HIM by Detention

THE SCENE: 55, clear with a hint of gloom. 26 PAX including 2 FNGs that did awesome despite all the burpees

done while jogging in place

Pax line up on sideline: Jog across and back, plus 20 merkins, 20 LBC, 20 squats all IC and 10 burpees OYO . RInse and repeat 2 more times

High Knee skip to the PAVALON, that’s right Lazy Boy, the PAVALON!

  • P1 does bench pull ups while P2 does 10 burpees, switch x4 sets
  • Duck Walk from Pavalon to the cloud for 7’s Body builders and BBS
  • Mosey to the new paved trail. New part of RT 66. 1st light post-1 burpee, 2nd light post-2 burps, all the way up to 8 burps. You get the picture
  • Mosey back to the AO for BOMBS. Time ran out for the squats but with all that we did, we got some good hump day work in!

no may needed as we worked in abs along the way
Insert PAX Count & FNG Name
Insert the WORD here.
HIM…..HIgh Impact Man but as detention said so well on one of his Qs. HIM also stands for:

H= Humble. Be humble and don’t put your self first. I= Invest, invest in others that surround you. As we invest in our selves during the workout, hopefully it will give us the ability to invest in others. M= Mentally Tough. You have to be Mentally tough and be strong to be humble and invest in others. This is always on my mind ever since Detention talked about being a HIM one morning. Its something I take we me everyday and try to apply in all that I do.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Hit the speedbump

THE SCENE: 58 degrees and clear!

Mosey to Outhouse
‘Merkins 20x
Cherry Pickers 20x
Around the Worlds
Figure 8
Russian Swings 20x
American Swings 20x

3 Rounds
2x side TGU
21 Burpees
21 Russian Swings
Speed Bump Run
2x side TGU
21 Side Squats
21 American Swings

Too beat for Mary…
4 PAX …the usual crowd…
Tweet-E had a great WORD:  Gratitude.  Gratitude is much more than being thankful for the obvious things in life.  Key to having gratitude is observing those who you wish to learn from; from both the positive and negative examples.
Thanks for coming out this morning men…I would certainly have #Fartsacked had I not known you would have been there…  Where were you @Shooter, @LateNite ?

Y’all must have forgot about CMUs!

THE SCENE: We are too blessed to have weather like this! Perfect!

20 SSHs
20 merkins
10 SSHs
Cherry Pickers x5
Curls, presses, tris x10



Mosey to the “Boat” w/CMU:
CMU curls, presses & merkins x20
Mosey to steps w/CMU pressing x5 at each light pole.
At steps CMU curls, press, merkin X20
Leave CMU and run up steps and path to top, return
(Run it twice if needed to catch 6)
Mosey with CMU to Matterhorn:
CMU curl, press and merkins x20

W/o CMU, Sprint to light pole, 10 merkins, sprint to top of Matterhorn 10 merkins and Wagon Wheel back down to six and back up.

Mosey to Pavalon and partner up
50 reps each
Pull ups and Dips
Partner 1 does AMRAP pull-ups while Partner 2 does AMRAP Dips
Switch when necessary till you reach 50 of each

Sprint to top of Matterhorn 10 merkins and mosey down.
Pick up CMU do presses till 6 catches and then mosey to AO.

Ring of Fire
Flutter kicks, marge simpsons, boat, canoe, etc while someone runs around.

PAX of 20, 2 FNGs (RainFly and Doubledown)
I shared with the PAX a story of an elderly woman that I met at the hospital who was looking for her car. As I was showing her where to go find it, we started talking and she shared with me that her husband was just recently put on hospice care. I asked her more about her family and she said she had none.  she had no kids and they had just moved to the area from Florida expecting to retire here. They do not have any friends in the area and she will be alone. I walked with her for a considerable amount of time to her car.  She asked if I was married and with my answer she said make sure I hug my wife when I get home. She asked for a hug when we got to her car and I obliged her as well as asking her name so I may pray for her. I told the story not to say that I’m special For doing this, as I was just showing her where her car was, but to point out there are lots of people going through things that are difficult and we should keep an eye out for those folks. Get to know people better, reach out to people  we know but not well, and reach out to complete strangers even. Ask if you can pray for people when they share with you. Be open with your faith. The last thing she said to me when she was at her car  was, I think God put you in my path today, thank you.
We had to hard-working FNG’s today, the whole PAX worked hard and got the job done together. It was good to see everyone doing the wagon wheel for the six. No one complained  about the extra running with a CMU to bring up or brothers.
Mayberry reminded everyone of the trucking to the pound event and Toto mentioned to anyone that hasn’t Qed can reach out to another PAX member to help with a Co-Q.

Peace of Cake

THE SCENE: 50 degrees and clear sky.  Beautiful morning.

Warm-up mosey to McDonalds followed by some SSH, Cherry Pickers, Burpees, LBC’s, Some of this and that, and CDD’s.
Headed up Heart Attack Hill!  Stopped 2/3 the way up for a breather and some CDD’s. Finished out the ascent.  Took in the view and some much needed oxygen.  Headed back down.  Explored steps behind shops a few times, moseyed back to campus.  Hit the railing and tables for a few inverted rows and step-ups/dips.  Had time for more mosey; circled the physical plant building and headed back to Start.

Bartman and Toto
Peace is an inheritance from God.  It is not worldly.  It is not something we create or need to search for.  It has already been given to us; we just need to choose to accept it.  Philippians 4: 6-7  Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Just the two of us this morning, but the F3 spirit was with us.  Racked up 2.6 miles and enjoyed the inaugural 300 FT ascent up Heart Attack Hill.  Great fellowship.