F3 Knoxville

Fountain City Four Corners

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

ssh – 20
Tempo Merkins – 10
ssh – 20
Tempo squats -10
ssh – 20
Tempo Merkins – 10
ssh – 20
Tempo squats – 10

Mosey to Jane Allen and complete one loop showing each corner exercise
Bernie Sanders up the hills
Battle buddies will go opposite direction When you pass your battle buddy = 5 burpees ea

Corner one (bottom of Jane Allen) – 20 flutter kicks

Corner two (top of Jane Allen) – 20 bbs

Corner three (top of Gresham) – sand bag toss cone to cone

Corner four (bottom of Gresham) – 15 Curls & 15 OH triceps ext. with coupon

completed 2.5 rounds



“Deeds will not be less valiant because they are unpraised.” – Aragorn
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Passing of the Grey Company, The Return of the King


Faith through Doubt

  1. THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

    10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers, Little of This and That, Michael Phelps.
    Mosey to large parking lot with gardens in middle.  We will perform Iron PAX Week 0 challenge, doing the following exercises six times:
  • 24 merkins
  • 24 squats
  • 24 lunges where both legs = 1
  • 400 meter run

Those men finishing first will do the following exercises:

  • 40 Baby Crunches
  • 30 Big Boy Sit-Ups
  • 20 Side Straddle Hops (4 count)
  • 20 Hello Dollies (4 count)
  • 20 American Hammers (4 Count)
  • 20 Mountain Climbers (4 Count)
  • 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 Count)

Mosey to AO

Twelve men, no FNG’s.

The whole problem with the world is that the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.  –Bertrand Russell

As a Christian, I get pissed off by people who are so damned sure about the bible and about God.  I’m talking about the guy who arrogantly proclaims that it is sacrilegious for us to question God.  Do these people really think about God?  With all the pain, injustice, greed, and despair in this world, don’t we have a right to question?  Are we supposed to follow God like robots, like automatons, never wondering, never doubting?

As a Christian, I have found my knowledge of God and faith in God strengthened by my questioning and doubts.  For, it is through my questioning that I seek, read, talk to others with more knowledge than I, and ultimately ponder, wrestle with, and finally converse with God.

It is nice to know that I am in good company.  Look at Christ’s disciples when he was taken to be crucified.  Look at Peter.  Christ told him that he would doubt and deny him, saying that before the rooster crowed Peter would deny his three times.  And, having done so, when the rooster crowed and Peter remember what Christ said, he wept bitterly.  But, like Paul, Peter would become a great apostle who spoke for and spread the word about Christ.  And, like Paul, he was willing to be killed to do so.  And most of Christ’s other disciples, who doubted just as Peter did, also died proclaiming Christ.

I read a 2014 Oped in the New York Times by Julia Baird.  In it, she talked about the backlash he received when Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has admitted that he sometimes questioned God.  The International Business Times proclaimed his statement was the “doubt of the century.”  The Australian atheist columnist, Peter FitzSimons, tweeted, “Victory.”  The Archbishop is a man who has reasons to doubt God.  As a teenager, he cared for an alcoholic father.  He lost his first daughter to a car accident when she was seven months  old.  But, as a follower of God, his questioning has strengthened him.  He understands others because he has suffered.  He understands doubt because he has doubted.  And, he knows that Christ, whJen he died on the cross, spoke for our doubts when He cried, “My God, Why have you forsaken me?”

As Ms. Baird aptly stated in her Oped, “Just as courage is persisting in the face of fear, so faith is persisting in the face of doubt.

So brothers, when you question this world, when you question it’s creator, know that you are in good company.  Doubt, but persist in the face of your doubt.  Persist in seeking answers to your doubts.  And have faith that God understands your doubts, but seeks you.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Iron PAX – DP

THE SCENE: Clear and Cool

  • SSH IC x 20
  • BA Circ IC x 15
  • Squat IC x 10
  • Merkins IC x 10

Iron Pax – Week 0

  • The Laredo
  • 24 Squats
  • 24 Merkins
  • 24 Walking Lunges (ea leg)
  • Run 400m
  • Rinse and Repeat x 6

Ribbed led us through some Plank Destroyers

Gracious to be a part of F3 and specifically the Dog Pound PAX. As AO Q I’d like to accomplish 2 things with you 1. Create a culture of Qing. It’s the foundation of F3 and gives us a place to practice our leadership. It also gives us the opportunity to say thank you and give back to all the Q’s we’ve attended. 2. Let’s find a way to install some pull up bars!! Looking forward on working on this with you all.


Applause to Mustard for showing up with one running shoe and one keen fishing sandal. He still posted a great time!


FIA/2.0 workout

Brolympics II

RAW meets the Dumbee

THE SCENE: Low 70’s….possibly the most humid morning of the summer….ugh…



Mosey from the outhouse to the tennis court fence and back.   OYO stretch as we review the exercises.


  • 8 Stations
    • Decline Merkins
    • Big Boy Situps (30lb ruck sack)
    • Jump Rope
    • Overhead Press (35 KB, 2×25 dumbbells, golden cmu)
    • Curls (30, 25, 20 dumbbells….start heavy and lighten as needed)
    • Tricep press (2x50lb plates)
    • Squats (box of rocks, 2x30lb ruck plates, big cmu)
    • Dumbees (burpees using 15lb dumbbells)

Man doing dumbees is the timer….everyone rotates when he finishes his set.   Round 1 = 15 dumbees.  Round 2 = 10 dumbees.  Rounds 3 & 4 = 5 dumbees.

Finished with a slow mosey to the tennis court and back.


Dealers choice:  v-ups x 20;  shoulder-tap merkins x 20;  side crunch x 15 (per side)

8 strong!    Abscess, Aladdin, Driftwood, Waxjob, Cavalier, Bueller, Tweet-E, Bartman

Talked about Paul’s ministry and how we was bold, yet he also had a plan to engage with audiences where his conversation was likely to be engaging.   We should practice this in our walk as well as we try to reach others with the gospel.  Look for fertile soil where the conversation will be received.   We can be bold and smart at the same time.



  • Truckin to the Pound – Sept 14th
  • Goliath at the Gorge  – Oct 19th
  • Hardship Hill planned for April 2020
  • Iron PAX challenge getting ready to kick off

F3 500

THE SCENE: Misty wet morning, perfect for early morning beatdown

20 Side Straddle Hops on a 3 count, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 mountain climbers on a 3 count, 10 Manly Arm Rotations forward, 10 Manly Arm Rotations backwards

Mosey over to the Amphitheater for the F3 500. Battle buddy up. Battle buddies collectively do 100 Incline Merkins, 100 Big Boy Situps, 100 Pull Ups, 100 Flutter Kicks on a 3 count, 100 Overhead Claps on a 3 count. While one buddy is doing exercise the other is running a lap around the amphitheater. Once completed we moseyed over to Big Ball stairs. Bear Crawl to the top, 10 mountain climbers at the top and run back down. Mosey back over to the under the bridge. Lunge from one side to the other. 1 minute wall sit into lunge back across to 10 air squats. 20 flutters on a 3 count. 15 Cobra’s. Mosey back to the amphitheater for some mary. Then reconvene at AO.


Building off Abort’s COT talk about inertia I came across this quote about quitting. “If you quit now… you’ll end up right back where you first began, and where you first began, you were desparate to be where you are right now. Keep going.” Whether it be F3, work or life goals, don’t give up. My M compares me to a boulder on a hill. Super hard to get going but once you give it that push and it comes to the point where the slight bit of momentum catches it going forward it’ll be hard to stop. Let’s be the boulder, be tenacious in going after our goals.

Grossly underestimated the time it would take to finish the 500. Need to plan more exercises to have in the back pocket just in case.