F3 Knoxville

Leverage Your Resources

The Project


THE SCENE: Abnormally warm low 50’s light wind, and otherwise perfect weather

motivators form 7, but we stopped at 5.  I couldn’t wait to get into the workout and didn’t want to waste time
tempo squats (10)
thai fighters (12) front and back
Cherry Pickers (4) slow

Battle Buddies…
Station 1
Partner 1 does exercise while partner 2 double farmer carries blocks
balls to the wall
Elevated plank jacks (feet on wall)
derkin twist or derkins with your feet on the wall, if the twist eludes you (like it did me)
Station 2
Farmer Carry
Dirty Hookup, like shoulder taps, but you reach out and place your hand on the wall, place the second hand on the wall, then back to the ground.
Wall Squat
push up, one arm on wall, one arm on ground
Station 3
Rifle Carry
Vertical Bench press on wall
Step ups on same wall with blocks
Dips with the block in your lap
Station 4
Zombie Carry
Single arm rows from plank position
weighted bat wings

20 pickle pounders in cadence to an audience followed by 10 merkins
20 flutter kicks in cadence followed by 10 merkins
20 LBC’s in cadence followed by 10 Merkins
10 Big Boys OYO followed by 10 merkins
20 Freddie Mercury’s in cadence led by Snaggle

I shared an excerpt from a back blast I found on LinkedIn from the F3 Nation page, you can read it below.
Leverage Your Resources
Curveball and his brother
Jenner and his med school situation
Cheatsheet pray against racism
Consider doing the 43 day challenge.
January 1-February 12
1. Physical activity daily-preferably at a beatdown but can be done at home or yoga or hiking etc.
2. No alcohol
3. Drink 1 gallon of water daily
4. Eat healthy-not saying you have to do a diet but try to avoid sugars processed foods etc
5. Read 10 pages daily of something that will enrich your mind whether it’s Jocko, Goggins  read something.
6. Spend 5 minutes daily in uninterrupted prayer
7. Spend intentional time with your family or significant other daily and do something spontaneous once a week Guidelines:
Honor code
Find a Battle buddy that you trust to hold you accountable
Take before/after pictures