F3 Knoxville

Big Ball 2021 Year In Review

Big Ball

THE SCENE: 55 and damp, thankfully the rain stopped just in time for us to run around outside

SSH, Amazon’s Shoulder Shredders, Tempo Squats, Cherry Pickers
Like last year, this work out served as a recap of memorable beat downs from this year at the Big Ball. Everything we did was something someone else introduced us to or was based off another work out

  • Control Freak Burpos (Night Shift from NC): Burpos (Burpees minus the jump, staying in a squat when standing) on a “control freak” cadence, meaning each position in the exercise was determined by how I called it out during the count. Example, one rep we went 1-2-3-4-3-4-3-4-5-6, meaning we did 3 push ups in the burpo. 10 reps total
  • Plank Frog (Fixer Upper): Like leap frog but in a plank. Two lines formed, everyone held a plank, whoever was in the back of the line jumped over everyone else and took place in the front of the line in a plank again. We did this until everyone crossed the field.
  • Billy Madison/12 Days of Christmas (Frizzles/Drive Thru, Wedding Singer, and Huffy): Billy Madison is 12 rounds of escalator, building upon each other from 1 to 12, 12 days of Christmas is the inverse. So in honor of these 4 Q’s we did the 12th round. Each man gave us an exercise, once we had 12 listed we did 10 reps of each followed by a lap around the amphitheater. Exercises were: Flutterkicks, Burpees, Hello Dollys, Long Duck Dongs, Rows, Squat Jumps, Smurf Jacks, Bus Drivers, Big Boy Sit Ups, American Hammers, Calf Raises, and Merkins
  • Doras (Pfieffer): Pfieffer led us through similar Doras on a game day in the pouring rain. One partner did Burpee Broad Jumps while the other worked on chipping away at 100x Merkins and 100x Squats. We played with Judge Judy rules, so the first pair to finish got to call recover for everyone
  • Building Blocks (Tank): 4 cones were placed on the sidewalk next to the lawn. We started at one end of the lawn and ended at the other. Each cone had an exercise, and reps increased by 5 each cone. Round 1 was running to each cone with Merkins (5, 10, 15, 20), then a jog back once finished. Round 2 was bear crawl to each cone with squats. Round 3 was bunny hops with Big Boy Sit Ups

I was hoping to finish with some ATMs (Abort) but we ran out of time
Had Poison from VA and FNG Icebreaker join us
Talked about how New Years serves as a great opportunity to not only look forward and set goals and hopes for the future but to also reflect on the past as well. I encouraged us to think through what are things from this past year that we want to hold onto as we move forward and what are things we want to reach for next year. For me something that hits both those categories, which has been my closing word after every Q this semester, has been continuing to develop the habit and discipline of “preaching the Gospel to yourself daily”, as Jerry Bridges puts it