F3 Knoxville

Bomb Shelter

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Nice and cool

Cherry Pickers, Little Baby Arm Circles, SSH
CMU lunges, twistand press from half court to playground. WW2’s at one end, Merkin’s at the other.

Sudden change, Indian run with CMU to Crumpet, sprint up for 15 LBC’s, mosey down for 5 Merkins. Rinse and repeat.

Indian run back to AO for dealers choice.

Finished time with LBC’s
13 PAX enjoyed the CMU braved the day.
John 14, 15-17

Defeating negative self talk. Stop and think about the conversation running through your head on any given day. Chances are that in the span of a few seconds you can talk yourself out of any positive change you want to see in your life. Small changes like setting the alarm for F3 or major life changes that you know are good for you can be easily dashed by that internal voice that say “I’m not strong enough, not smart enough, don’t have the drive or energy to make this happen.”


Here is the truth, own it: You are a well loved son of God and he wants good things for you, just like you want good things for your own children. He has given you the power of the Holy Spirit to walk with you each and every moment of your time here. Grab a hold of that power, ignore the negative self talk live your life pursuing the good things your Father has set before you.

Continue to pray for the job opportunities for the PAX and spouses
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.