F3 Knoxville

Cards at the pav-a-lon

The Dog Pound Ropes & Bells

The scene: 60ish and a few sprinkles

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Around the Worlds x 10 each direction
Figure 8s x 10 each direction
Burpees OYO x 10

The Thang:
• Deck of Cards – numeric value equals number of reps for the following exercises. Face cards count as 10. Ace = 11. Joker = 10 count rest. Run to top of hill and back every 10 cards or so.
o Diamond – stability ball merkins (merkin on a soccer ball)
o Hearts – Goblet squat with kettle bell
o Clubs – pull-ups
o Spades – heel ups (with soccer ball between ankles)

Leg lifts (with ball) x 20
ABCs (with ball)
Inch worm out & back on ball

Count off and name-o-rama

What does it mean to wait on God? The bible tells us many times to “wait on the Lord” – in most instances it is referring to the Lord’s return, but there are situations where it’s also talking about waiting on the Lord to move in a situation. What should we do while we’re waiting? When the Bible says to wait on God – the translations mean to wait with eager expectation, as though we know something is about to happen. We all have situations where we’re asking God for help. While we are waiting we should be doing everything we can to help ourselves: pray about it, be obedient to Gods word, and have faith & confidence that he will indeed move in his perfect time. In doing these things we take an active role in waiting instead of just sitting around passively.