F3 Knoxville

Games and Thangs

THE SCENE: Spring time for the Arsenal. 50 degrees out

Musical Run:

PAX split into two lines across court. One of the PAX runs and high fives the first person in the opposite line. Everyone continues to run and do SSH while in line. A timer goes off every 30 seconds. When it goes off the PAX member running has to stop and do monkey hampers for 15 seconds while rest the PAX does Squats
Card Game

Rock paper scissors

Tic tac toe

Patty Cake

Partner up and farmer carry down court buy in. Play each game with partner

PAX roulette
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

“There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.”

– Ray Goforth
I just wanted to brag about my job as a marital arts instructor. Since I was 15 I’ve been told to get a “real job.” I could’ve listened to those who were afraid to put themselves out there, or those who wanted to do better than me, but instead I used it has motivation to push myself. I love what I do, and I will always continue to do it!
Monday is the Anniversary of the Arsenal. Challenge for everyone is to bring an FNG or a PAX member who’s been absent

Don’t Look Up

THE SCENE: A little chiller than was expected but the sky was clear which at our AO makes for a beautiful gloom

Little Baby arm Circles 8 2ct, shoulder stretches, mosey with some frankenstein’s and knee hugs. Bernie up Blindman’s hill 5 squats at top, bernie up the next hill to stop sign. hold plank for the 6. mosey to top of Heartbreak hill

  • Thang 1
  • Clockwork Merkins- at top of Heartbreak hill
    • Feet stay in same spot, start at 12 o’clock ( head up hill) – 5 merkins
    • Rotate to 3 o’clock – 5 Merkins
    • 6 o’clock- 5 Merkins
    • 9 o’clock- 5 Merkins
  • Thang 2
    • Jacobs ladder up Heartbreak hill
    • start at bottom of hill. run to top
    • Increasing reps of burpees at top of Heartbreak hill- 1-7
    • BBS till 6 finished
  • Thang 3
    • Spaghetti Hill repeats
    • pax paired up  (one group of three)
    • Pax A- Run to top of Spaghetti hill – starting at intersection with Heartbreak hill
    • Pax B- 5 Freddie Mercury and 5 Peter Parkers- both on 2ct till Pax A gets back to start
    • Switch and go for time- got three rounds in for each pax
  • Mosey back to the AO. Some high knees between light post and then Bernie between light post because we did not do enough running.

Stepped foot on the grindstone right at 6:15 perfect timing no time for mary
My message to the HIM’s today was its ok to be vulnerable.

I took time to share some challenges i have had over the past few weeks and how those struggles reminded me of a time in my life where i was in a very dark place due to my own faults and failures and was looking to end my life.

No matter what you are going through, there has probably been a man at F3 that has been through a similar struggle. Don’t hold it in and let it boil over. Share, be vulnerable, and lean on the brothers around you. I’m grateful i found f3 but had i found it 10 years ago i may have a different life story.
Thank you Walt for helping me name todays beatdown. Great words when you’re running up hills all morning, “Don’t look up”

Also it was nice when you’re at the top of Spaghetti Hill and you just take a moment, while catching your breath, to look out over the city. Even in the dark, a clear sky and the lights really reminded me how beautiful our city is.

Death by Dora

THE SCENE: Cool but clear

10 SSH
Dora style workout with death by squats mixed in. If you don’t finish the squats in the minute, reset count back to one and continue. Run for the Dora was across the grinder and exercises were as follows

  • 100 shoulder press
  • 200 lunges
  • 300 curlS

Flutter kicks x15, LBCs for time


7 including a 2.0


“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear” Nelson Mandela
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

A Bit Foolish

THE SCENE: Low 60s with rain



Windmills x10; SSH x20; Mosey to the pavilion

Partner up, partner one does step ups while partner two does an exercise that flip flop. Start with 10 reps per exercise and work up to 40 increasing by 10 each round than start back down. Run to top of Blind Man’s Hill and back after each round. Exercises were:

  • Merkins
  • Big Boy Sit Ups
  • Squats

Assorted planks; Overhead Claps x20

Smuggler, Baby Weight, Scoutmaster, Webelo, Rep Sleepy


Drifter mentioned in Slack yesterday that I was in rare form and appreciated me bringing some joy to the gloom. It got me thinking about how all of us have that side to us that some may consider foolish. Listen to these quotes:

Mix a little foolishness with your prudence; it’s good to be silly at the right moment.

— Horace, Roman poet

I was young and foolish then; now I am old and foolisher.

— Mark Twain

Until you’re ready to look foolish, you’ll never have the possibility of being great.

— Cher

I think that we as men are often hesitant to show our foolish side but then here we are at 5:30am in the rain working out outside. Don’t be afraid to let all parts of your personality come through when dealing with others, sometimes the biggest breakthrough can be found in what the world calls foolish.

“For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭1:18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

So Dicey

THE SCENE: Extremely wet and light/moderate rain – 59 degrees


Lunges, hamstring stretches, and arm stretches across the b-ball court sideline.


Mosey to the Pavilion. Roll 6 sided dice and perform corresponding workouts below. 1st roll was the exact number on dice, 2nd roll was the number on the dice x2; Rinse and repeat. At the 10 min, 25 min, and 40 min marks, PAX stopped their workouts and went for a run around the loop (10 min mark) and one minute wall sits (25 min and 40 min marks)

  • 1 – Run loop from the warmup
  • 2 – Merkins x23
  • 3 – Squats x23
  • 4 – Big Boy Sit Ups x23
  • 5 – Heel Touches x23
  • 6 – Dips x24
  • 8 – Flutter Kicks (4-ct) x23
  • 10 – Burpees x23
  • 12 – Line Jumps x23


No time remaining.


Simple message: MIND AND MANAGE YOUR BUSINESS! Our Pastor recently completed a three week series on Work, Money, and Marriage. It was a great reminder for us to stop comparing our lives and our situations to others in all aspects of life. When comparison enters our life, our mindset changes from being a learner to being a critic. Manage your own situations and households. Focus solely on your own relationship with Christ, your spouse, your family, your friends, your colleagues, etc.
