F3 Knoxville

The coop

THE SCENE: Just another February morning in the valley

Mosey to track some walking rdls and knee hugs along the way

  • The Cooper +
  • 10 burpees , 10 Squats, 10 HR Merkins
  • 1 lap around track
  • repeat decreasing reps by one.
  • 1 lap each round

On way back to grindstone from stop sign by track 10 walking lunges 10 steps. Repeat for about 50 yrds

10 leg raises 10 2ct flutter kicks

Being a father is such a special thing for a man. I have seen what it means to be a father from a lot of different perspectives. From losing my father at a young age, becoming a father at 21, or being a step father to a young man who’s own father is not in his life as he should be I have seen the affect a father has on family and kids.

I wanted to share three quotes from a book i have about being a father

Any man can be a father. It takes someone special to be a dad”

To become a father is not hard. To be a father, however, is.”

“It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.”


Gettin Jacked

THE SCENE: 40Degrees and raining!

Mosey over under the pavilion because it’s too cold for rain (for me)
How to do a solo Dora..

Go through the list of exercises. Anytime you hit a failure point or need a break, stop and do 20 SSH.

  • 50 – Jacked up Merkins (Merkin with a plank jack at the top and the bottom each time)
  • 50 – BBS w/ CMU Overhead
  • 75 – Goblet Squats
  • 75 – OH Press
  • 100 – Curls
  • 100 – Calf raise w/ CMU Overhead
  • Take a trip to the bridge and back

Next up is a ladder. Add the next exercise each round.

  • 5 – Burpees
  • 10 – Rows
  • 15 – Grave Diggers
  • 20 – Curl, Press, Tri
  • 25 – CMU Oblique leaning things


  • Flutter kicks ~1 minute
  • 20 BBS
  • LBC Until Time

4 for the rainy cold morning
Quick word today, 1 Timothy 4:8

For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. 

It’s very easy to be consumed with your image and physical fitness and devoting too much time towards it. Be aware of the important things in your life that should be important to improving your relationship to Christ, family, and friends. Those are the things that will matter when you move on from the material world and will be the legacy you are remembered by from your family. Not your fitness level or the items you possessed.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Leg day!!

THE SCENE: Cool but clear morning

Short mosey around the playground .
Planned partner workout, but with 3 HIMs present modified to taking turns between the three of us. 1 member rolls a die three times to determine location, exercise and rep count. Other two do steps ups while they wait for first to return and then rotate out

  1. bridge
  2. pavilion
  3. playground
  4. grinder
  5. road by the cars
  6. picnic table

1. BBS 2. LBC 3. Jump squats 4. flutter kicks 5. Box cutter 6. Iron squats

Rep count: 10, 5, 10, 5, 10, 20

No time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
I tend to find inspiration in weird places. My kids have been watching Encanto all the time recently and one of the songs sticks with me. It’s about the “strong one” and at one point she says “I’m pretty sure I’m worthless if I can’t be of service.” That reminds me of the pressure sometimes us men can feel, but we need to step back and make sure we realize that it’s not true.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Murder Bunny Homicide

THE SCENE: 28 degrees and frosty

Cherry Pickers x5; Piano Tappers x5; SSH x20; Tempo Squat x10
This was created by Poopdeck from F3 JeffCo (south of St. Louis)

Five cones set out on field next to the grinder. Start at first cone and Murder Bunny to second cone. Run back to first cone then back to second cone, do 5 Blockees then Murder Bunny to third cone. Run back to first cone then back to third cone, do 5 Blockees then Murder Bunny to fourth cone. Run back to first cone then back to fourth cone, do 5 Blockees the Murder Bunny to the fifth cone. Run back to the first cone then back to the fifth cone, do 5 Blockees then Overhead Carry back to the first cone. Do 20 Goblet Squats, 20 Tricep Extensions, and 20 Curls.

Rinse and repeat until time is called

Boxcutters x15; Flutter Kicks x15; Big Boy Sit Ups x20; LBCs for time

Smuggler, Swerve, Scoutmaster, and Webelo helped me solve the Murder Bunny Homicide

Stole this from a post that my friend Poopdeck put up the other day (edited to shorten):

“I don’t just show up to work out.  I show up to be there for other men. We need to be there for each other to build each other up.  F3 is an outlet. Almost like a men’s recess.  I went from a silo’d life with little to no friends…to a life where I now have a group of men who I know and consider very close friends.    I show up for them.  They show up for me.  I’m not lonely anymore.  I have peers that I know have my back.  Peers that are going through the same struggles in life.  Men I trust.  Men I can vent to. Like minded men looking to grow physically and mentally.  Like minded men looking for companionship. The cold does not hinder our capability to be better men.  Time is not a thing. Age isn’t a limitation. Your fitness level does not matter.  There are no excuses!!! Men, stop being that sad clown with excuses.  If you are seeking male companionship, needing somebody to talk to, or need that outlet to relieve stress, remember that F3 is a solution!  Men need men to grow.  Iron sharpens iron!!  Stop hiding. All you need is the will to be a better man.  I was struggling.  F3 changed my life.”

Who do we each know that needs to be part of F3?

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Magnificent 7 Doing 67

THE SCENE: Cool, about 32 degrees

SSH x 20.

LBAC x 10 (both ways)

Overhead claps x 27.

Partner up, because no soldiers should ever fight alone. We did a modified Dora, so here we go. While one partner does the exercise, the other partner will melungeon to the cones and back. Challenge: other than for the blockees, you will not set your block down.

  • Exercise 1 – Thrusters x 67.
  • Exercise 2 – CMU Big boys x 67.
  • Exercise 3 – Curls x 67.
  • Death round – Blockees x 67.
  • Rinse and repeat.
  • All pax completed one round and were deep in the second when recover was called.

We worked right up until time.

For today’s workout, I wanted to honor Bill Barnfield, my wife’s grandfather. This past weekend, I preached the funeral of his wife of 67 years. Bill is a committed man. He served as a medic in the Korean War, and saw heavy action that he still can barely talk about. After returning from the war, he married, raised four kids, and worked, worshipped, and honored his family. In the last few years of her life, he served his wife in a way that should humble each of us. He loved, cherished, and served her even when the pandemic hastened here dementia, and she no longer knew who he was. He meant what he said in his vows, and he completed his mission of loving her until death do us part. I believe he got his commitment and grit from the example of his Savior, who also had a mission. Philippians 2:5-8 says, “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” We ended on a challenge to examine where we needed to step up our commitment.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.