F3 Knoxville

God Our Father

THE SCENE: Thunderstorms, temps in high 70s and muggy.

We started out under the Pavilion because it was raining like crazy with lightening and thunder.

25 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10m Cherry Pickers, 10 Twisties, 10 Little Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward, Little of This and That


Run around the Pavilion 5 times.

Next, we did a Ladder with 30 seconds each of the following exercises, going up ladder than down while cutting first exercise out etc. so that by the end we did each exercise for five periods of 30 seconds.

  • Burpees
  • Bench Dips
  • Decline Merkins off Benches
  • Iron Mikes
  • American Hammers

Lunge around Pavilion one time.  Next, we did 30 second Al Gore with backs to wall.

Run around pavilion 4 times.

Elevens starting with 10 Picnic Table Pull-ups and 1 Bench Step-up.

With the rain subsiding we moseyed to the parking lot just north of the Pavilion.  We ran to the four corners doing the following exercises.  After the exercises we ran all the way around the parking lot one time.

  • Corner 1, 10 Smurf Jacks
  • Corner 2, 10 Star Jumps
  • Corner 3, 10 Bobby Hurleys
  • Corner 4, 10 Squat Jumps

Mosey back to Pavilion to do 20 Bench Step-ups.

Mosey back to the same parking lot.  We circles the parking lot again, stopping at each corner to do the following exercises, then running all the way around the parking lot when finished:

  • Corner 1, 20 Hello Dollies
  • Corner 2, 20 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Corner 3, 20 Flutter Kicks
  • Corner 4, 20 Bicycle Kicks

Next we went to the curb on the eastern side of the parking lot.  We did the following types of runs the eastern curb to the western curb:

  • Half speed sprint to western curb.
  • Bernie Sanders to the eastern curb.
  • Karaoke Right to the western curb.
  • Karaoke Left to the eastern curb.
  • Butt kick run to the western curb.
  • High knees run to the eastern curb.
  • Sprint to the western curb.
  • Sprint to the eastern curb.

Eight men, no FNGs.  Mr. Jinxy joined us for the BOM and went to Coffeeteria with us.
God Is Our Parent

Romans 8: 38-39 says, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

1 John 4:16: “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”

In the Bible we are told to call God “our father.”  We are also taught that there is no greater love than that of God for us.  We are His children.  When I take time to dwell upon that, it gives me great comfort.  Because those of us who are fathers know how incredible our love is for our children.

I found that out after my oldest child, Faith, was born.  I remember going to work the few weeks after she was born and sometimes hearing babies cry in the clinic I worked at.  I had heard similar cries before Faith was born.  But those same types of cries now stirred up something in me, as if I was hearing her cry and needed to comfort her by instinct.

As parents we ache for our children.  My son, Bennett, played on the freshman basketball team at West High School.  He was a good player but found himself sitting on the bench in most games.  I remember the tears on the rides home from the games, his frustration and anger at not being able to play for even a few minutes in a game.  I ached for him, I hurt for him, I felt tears myself on those long rides home.  I remember Faith going through a time of depression in high school, worrying about her, hoping that each day she would just be ok.  She was such a hard working and efficient student yet would get so down on herself.

And I recall such happy times as well, moments when I felt so overjoyed and proud of my children.  I remember Faith having the primary role in a musical at Bearden Middle School and the ovation she got from the audience.  I took a walk that night by myself, dreams of Faith performing on Broadway in my head.  I remember Bennett winning the Geography Bee at Bearden Elementary School.  My son Bennett, shockingly winning over these other smart kids who seemed to always get the accolades.  I recall Jan and I going to Starbuck later that morning, just to share a cup of coffee and giggle with pride.

Those little moments as parents when we ache, when we hurt, when we laugh, when we bask in the happiness of the actions of our children may seem so small to someone else.  But it is so huge for us as parents.  If Jan and I can have that kind of love for our children, how great must God’s love be for us.  Think of God watching your own hurts, your own victories.  Think of Him hurting for you.  Think of him shouting for joy with your own victories.  Is that really possible?  If God is all powerful, if God is our creator, if God is Love, then the answer is yes.  Think of that when you go through the rest of your day.  Think of that when you go to sleep to night.  God, your loving father, is with you.

Prayers for Mr. Jinxy and his wife as they come to an important real estate decision regarding his wife’s business operation.
Service opportunity at the Cerebral Palsy Center on Saturday, August 6.

Ride The Lightning

THE SCENE: Humid with storms in the distance.

20 SSH on the 4ct, some Wayne Dunn’s over to 10 4ct Mountain climbers, then some baby arm circles front and back with a seal clap.  Ready to mosey
Mosey’d to hill on the dragon for a circuit of exercises with rep counts of 20,15,10,5.

The idea was to perform 20 reps at the bottom of the hill, then run up and do 15…back down for 10, and up for the final 5

Exercises were

  • Merkins
  • Dry Docks
  • Froggy Squats
  • Imperial Walkers
  • 4ct LBCS

Once complete mosey to asylum building (idea was to use metal stairs but lightning dictated otherwise) and completed 20 4ct flutters

Mosey’d back to the pavilion for some partner DORA’s rep total AMRAP

Exercises were dips, rows, and flutters.  While partner one does exercise, partner two ran around AO light pole.

Finished on the cloud with some wayne dunn’s and some leg stretches.




Not really.  See above

Spoke on leadership.  More specifically Spiritual Leadership.  “Let us not pass the buck of leadership because we think ourselves incapable.”

Man Glitter in a Box

THE SCENE: Cooler, but still oppressive. 73 degrees, lots of humidity and no wind.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the things

SSH, Tempo Merkins, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, TN Rockin’ Chair, Rocky Balboa’s with Karaoke

  • 10 Spider Merkins, run up Baby Everest, 3 Man Makers at the summit
  • Route 66 with Merkins on the way up and Squats on the way down
  • Run up Pickett’s Charge with Burpees at each plateau
  • DORAs at the Overlook with 6 Stations
    • Round 1
      1. Calf Raises
      2. Boxcutters
      3. Step-Ups
      4. Big Boys
      5. Merkins
      6. Lt. Dans
    • Round 2
      1. Carolina Dry Docks
      2. Imperial Squat Walkers
      3. Derkins
      4. X-Factors
      5. Sumo Squats
      6. Hello Dollys

Tha-Thang was enough. No time for Mary.
23 HIMs, including several from Big Ball who came to visit. Also Doublewide’s 2.0 Newton was part of our crew.
Matthew 5:9 and excerpts from Mark Richt’s book “Make the Call”. Learning to think outside the box to work on sharing God’s love with others, but seeking a way to be real with others using compassion & unique approaches.

Cleanup Service Opportunity, details forthcoming from Rainbow. Crab Legs invited everyone to a Poker Night charity event at Shults Brau for CCAHT (August 18th at 6:00pm).


F3 Q: 7.5.22

Asylum PM


“FTWS” = Five Things With Steam

[ The Scene ]

  • 90s
  • Hot
  • Steamy

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • A few things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own belief
    • You know your injuries if you have any so if you need to modify anything we do today feel free to do so, but push yourselves and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.
  • FNGs?

[ Warm o Rama ]

  • SSH (10×4)
    • Run down to the tree and back
  • Merkins (10×4)
    • Run down to the tree and back
  • Lunges (10×4)
    • Run down to the tree and back
  • Gas Pedals (10×4)
    • Run down to the tree and back
  • Imperial Walkers (10×4)
    • Run down to the tree and back

[ The Thang ]

— 5 Things, 5 Places —

(Mosey to the top of theColiseum)

[1] 5 Things, Part 1

  • Do one of the 5 things (one at a time) and then run up the space needle and back
  • Rinse and repeat until you complete all 5
  • 5 reps, everything on a 4 count
  • Recover at the rope when done

(Mosey to the tree to the left (towards Haslam Rock)

[2] 5 Things, Part 2

  • Do one of the 5 things, (one at a time) then run to the wall and do another of the 5 things
  • Ping pong style
  • 10 reps, everything on a 4 count
  • Recover at the tree when done

(Mosey to the corner of the road across from Haslam Rock)

[3] 5 Things, Part 3

  • Do one of the 5 things (one at a time), then run down to the large tree down there and do the same thing #2ForTuesday
  • Run back up to this tree and rinse and repeat with the next exercise of the 5 things
  • 15 reps, everything on a 1 count
  • Recover at this tree

(Mosey back up to the top of the coliseum)

[4] 5 Things, Part 4

  • Do 10 reps of one the 5 things (one at a time), then run down to the stairs and do the other 10 reps
  • Run back up here and pick back up with the next exercise
  • 20 reps total, all on a 1 count
  • Recover up here when you’re done

(Mosey to the AO)

[5] 5 Things, Part 5

  • Execute one of the 5 things at each cone
  • 25 reps, all on a 1 count
  • When you finish the last cone, mosey back to the AO

[ Mary ]

SWS — Stretching With Steam

[ COT ]

  • # off — 15
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs — 0
  • BOM — 5 Things, 15 Minutes, 5 Months
  • 3 points
  • Last Tuesday I shared some of the things I’ve struggled with so far this year.
  • Today during the workout we did the same 5 things over and over, and just increased the intensity a little.

Here’s point #1 — pick 5 things you’ve done over and over so far this year, and re-evaluate.

Here’s Point #2 — These are 5 things that I am going to be focusing in on for the rest of the year and would like to invite you into as well. Maybe some of these will apply to you and maybe some won’t and that’s okay, you can modify as needed.

(1) Pray

  • Go there, faster

(2) Read a chapter a day

  • Doesn’t matter what it is

(3) Write down something you learned

  • Write it down, jot it down in your notes app or on your phone

(4) Intentional silence

  • This year’s been loud so far. Not in a negative way necessarily, but in a lot going on kind of way

(5) HABITs

  • Honesty (It requires honesty)
  • Availability (Are you available?)
  • Becoming (The Becoming process)
  • Intentional (Purposeful)
  • Time (Non-renewable resource)

Here’s Point #3 — 15 minutes is about 1% of your day

  • Out of the 5, what are your core 3 for the rest of the year, that you can dedicate 1% of your day to
  • Or choose your own (5 total —> 3 daily, 2 weekly)

Zone Improvement Plan


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
90 ℉ 50% 95 ℉ 4.7 mi/h SSW

Delivered as desired. I am not a professional.


As PAX arrive give them each a golf ball and have them write an exercise on it (using Sharpie and be careful to let dry a bit).
25 SSHs,  10 Tie Fighters, 15 Grady Corns, 10 Rockettes.


Head down the stairs to flat area at bottom. Have each PAX put their golf ball into a cooler. Cooler is already half full with ice water, bottled water, and some golf balls that I have marked up before arriving.

Next to cooler: Clock Merkins – 5 Merkins at Noon, 3, 6, and 9 o’clock.

Mosey to hillside north of park entrance road.
On the hill and in the shade,
10 Incline Merkins (Head up the the hill)
Mosey 30 yds to next shady area.
10 Merkins facing 3 o’clock. Right arm down hillside.
Mosey 30 yds to next shady area.
10 Decline Merkins facing 6 o’clock.
Mosey 30 yds to next shady area.
10 Merkins facing 9 o’clock. Left arm down hillside.

Reverse path and do same 4 stations as you make your way back to the cooler.

At the cooler, a PAX reaches into cooler (cooling his wrists) and picks a golf ball. Another PAX rolls dice to see home many of the drawn exercises will be done. Between 15 and 30 count. Repeat with different PAX until time is called. Some rules I implemented. After 4 exercises, we ran a lap around wooded area (.2 miles up steep grade back to and down staircase to cooler). I also included some golf balls with the ‘Lap’ as the exercise. So, you could end up running sooner than expected. Only 10 burpees and man-makers.

Mosey back up stairs to Flag.
American Hammers/Big Boy Situps. 20/5.
18 Brothers.


For the safety of all those traveling and staying home this coming week. For all the sick and suffering.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.


Convergence July 2nd at JUCO