F3 Knoxville

Nobody Picked up the Q

THE SCENE: Just a hint of a chill at circle up.  36 degrees-ish

Started out with 20 SSH on the 4 count then mosey’d to lower parking lot for 12 tie fighters right and left. Butt kickers half way then jog to other end.  Tempo merkins and imperial walkers, then high knees and jog back.
Partner up for DORA’s at the bottom of baby hill.  Partner 1 starts sets of 150 merkins and 150 4ct flutter while partner 2 goes up hill for 3 burpees and back to relieve partner 1.

When completed head towards Bermuda triangle for 3 jump squats at every other light pole to cross walk.  When 6 was up, grab a rock for 20 4ct curls and 20 4ct OH press.

Mosey to bottom of Everest for 20 4ct LBCs and 20 4ct Freddie Mercury.  Head up Everest…

At top perform 10 bar-b-que squats and head to overlook…

At overlook DORA’s with partner again this time with Squats and LBCs as exercises while partner runs loop.

Mosey back to AO


2 Minutes for some Captain Thor’s

Discussed the “Sphere of Influence” and the importance of us reflecting Christ to the ones around us.  Our job is to impact the group around us and the idea is for it to grow exponentially.

The Ole Barkley Loop

THE SCENE: Mid 30’s.  Not too bad but ready to get a bit warmer

Started with 20 SSH on 4ct, a little coach Wayne Dunn, 10 4ct Tie Fighters each side, 10 Imperial Squat walkers, 10 4ct mountain climbers, and some tempo merkins
Mosey up to the overlook for a Barkley trail circuit.  Stop Sign, Top of the Hill behind the Asylum, other stop sign, and coliseum.  At each stop preform 20

  • Merkins
  • 4ct LBC
  • C Dry Docks
  • Jump Squats

Just enough time for a few Freddie Mercury’s

Referenced “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien and related it to the things we carry as men.  The things we hang onto that we need to lay at God’s feet.  Matthew 11:28-30


My Team Lost!

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy skies, temp in lower 60s.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 5 Burpees, 10 Mountain Climbers, 4 Burpees, 10 Windmills, 3 Burpees, 10 Twisties, 2 Burpees, 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward, 1 Burpee, Little of This and That

Mosey toward stop sign at northeastern end of the admin bldg.  We will stop at the guard rail to do 15 merkins.  Then we will mosey northwest on the perimeter trail and stop when it meets the trail that parallels Lyons Bend.  We will stop to do 20 American Hammers.

Next we will run up Roadshow Run doing the following:

  • At top of first set of steps do 10 Diamond Merkins then run back to trailhead.
  • Run to top of second set of steps and do 10 Diamond Merkins.  Then run back to trailhead.
  • Run to the top of the last set of steps and do 10 Diamond Merkins.  Then circle back down Roadshow Run to pick up the six.

Next we will do a counterclockwise circle, stopping to do the following exercises

  • At bottom of the steps leading to Bat Cave do 20 Carolina Dry Docks
  • At grove area near the summit of Mt. Everest do 5 Burpees
  • At top of Mt. Everest do 20 Flutter Kicks, 4 ct.
  • At Bat Cave do 20 Star Jumps
  • Rinse and Repeat two more times.

Mosey to the stop sign at the northeastern corner of the Admin Bldg.  We will be following a path and stopping at cones on the way.  The path will go on sidewalk, then to steps of Admin Bldg, then back on sidewalk to roadway that leads to coliseum, then on that roadway north back to stop sign.  We will run on this path except where indicated below.  We will stop at cones to do the following exercises:

  • Cone 1 at end of sidewalk:  20 Hello Dollies
  • Cone 2 on steps of Admin Bldg:  20 Calf Raises
  • Cone 3 at start of other sidewalk that goes to coliseum roadway:  20 Merkins
  • Cone 4 at parking area by coliseum roadway:  20 Jump Squat then Bernie Sanders to Cone 5
  • Cone 5 by stop sign an Northeastern corner of Admin Bldg:  20 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Rinse and repeat two more times

Mosey back to AO

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Reverse Big Boys.
17 men, no FNGs.
My Team Lost!

Being a sports fan is fantastic.  It has been so nice to see fans back in stadiums this year versus seeing those doggone pictures of fans they would put in the seats last year during Covid.  The roar of the crowd helps makes sports what it is.  And, I am a sports fanatic.  There is nothing wrong with that . . . unless I make sports my false idol.  God states in Exodus 20:3 that “You shall have no other Gods before me.”  I think there are many who make sports their God and sometimes I am guilty of it. Think of the amount of time people spend focusing on a sport like football or basketball versus focusing on God.  And think of how much emotion people put into sports versus worship.  Again, I am guilty.  My friend Pele can tell you one of the most frequent statements I make when my Baylor Bears are losing:  “I hate life!”  I say it in fun, but I must admit that I am guilty of feeling kind of like that when my alma mater loses.  Heck, my weekend was almost ruined when both Baylor and Tennessee lost on the same day during March Madness this year.  Only my son Bennett’s engagement to his fiancé, Sarah, saved me from going into a despondent funk.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t go nuts for our favorite sports teams.  That is actually a beautiful thing and I think God sees it that way.  But when people are so consumed by it that their lives become lopsided . . . and, when people are willing to give hush money to others just so that their favorite college can win . . . that is going too far.

As an athlete, sports has taught me so much:  the thrill of competition; the ecstasy of winning; how to put my team and teammates above myself; how to practice, practice, and practice to become become better at a task; how to serve with others in unison for a common cause; how to sacrifice; and, how to lose.  Because sports is about both winning and losing.  I thank sports for what it has taught me.  But sports, I will not make you my idol.  I will put no idols before God.

Prayers of thanks for 3rd birthday of Pusher’s grandson and Jetlag’s son.  Prayers for Swimmie’s grandfather who is having surgery for cancer.  Prayers for the people in Ukraine in the war there.
Starting new F3 site at Kingston in April.

Control the Controllables

THE SCENE: The fakest fake gloom possible

32 SSH to celebrate the Vols win, cherry pickers, this and that, rockettes, and stretch to get ready to run.

  • BB with crouching tiger merkins and inchworm-merkin-squat
  • BB with Apollo Onos and American Hammers / V-sit OH claps
  • Bear Crawl fun!
  • BB with Criss-Cross Squats and Lunges
  • BB with Butterfly Big Boys and Sprints
  • BB up with some Burpee action

A dozen HIMs getting better
Things at work have gotten chippy.  My office works with 100+ units and we’re always the end of the line, so when others upstream don’t do their part, it’s our problem to fix.  When other’s don’t pull their weight, we have to make up the slack.  With that, resentment can build and things that shouldn’t be said get said.  It’s helpful to remember the wisdom to “control the controllables”.  Attitude.  Action.  Effort.  I can choose to let things upset me, or choose to keep a positive outlook.  I can choose to participate in the negativity, or choose more positive actions.  I can choose to lower my quality of work, or I can choose to perform at my highest level.

You can’t control much of anything that goes on around you.  But, you can control your Attitude, Action, and Effort.

Bracket Reveal

THE SCENE: nice and cool. Threat of rain never materialized. Perfect

8 motivators in honor of Kentucky’s 8 national championships
Everyone drew a team and their seed and was sent to the corresponding pod

  • San Diego: top seeds. Easiest pod. AMRAP of shuttle sprints. Big boys. Lunges
  • Greenville: decent seeds. AMRAP of squats, flutters, merkins
  • lndianapolis. Harder road to navigate.  AMRAP  of step ups. Decline merkins. Butt touches
  • Buffalo: lowest seeds. Run a mild then bump the other pods

Stretched to One Shining Moment. (The Luther Vandross version…not that other abomination.
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Matthew 6:34. Live for today. Don’t wish your life away looking to the future. Serve God and others today. Tomorrow will be fine on its own
This word is still weird
F3 bracket challenge benefitting Wesley House

CSAUP in 49 short weeks