F3 Knoxville

Bait & Switch Do-Si-Do

THE SCENE: 44 degrees & gloomy.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Yes, all the right things

SSH, Tie-Fighters, Spider Merkins, Windmills, Rocky Balboa’s, Butt-Touchers & Bernie in the Lot

  • 10 Merkins at the bottom of Baby Everest for a faint
  • Route 66 with Partners:
    • Going Up, Partners Alternate work out at Each Pole
      • 1 Man-Maker or Squats
    • LBC’s (While Waiting on the 6)
    • Going Down, Partners help each Other Up at Every other light pole
  • Picket’s Charge with 3 Burpees at Landings
  • Partner Stations at the Overlook (Partners Alternate Which Exercise Each Round):
    1. Station
      • Big Boys (10)
      • X-Factor (10 – 4 Count)
    2. Station
      • Box Jumps (10)
      • Step-Ups (10)
    3. Station
      • Box Cutters (10 – 4 Count)
      • Imperial Squat Walkers (10 – 4 Count)
    4. Station
      • Box Jumps (10)
      • Step-Ups (10)
    5. Station
      • Lt. Dan (10)
      • Hand Release Merkins (10)
    6. Station
      • Calf Raises (10 – 4 Count)
      • Carolina Dry Docks (10)

Captain Thor
7 HIM’s.
Following the second greatest commandment of loving our neighbor by being present for others. Inspired by early podcast interview by Steam of Junk and how others in the COT circled around and were their for a HIM in need.
Wesley House Donations, via Matlock’s March Madness Bracket Challenge

Baseball & Magnets

THE SCENE: Misty, slightly chilly morning. Perfect short sleeve hoodie weather…

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Done and done well. 


SSH IC x10 | LBAC IC x10 each way | Michael Phelps | Little of This, Little of That | Tempo Squats IC x10 


Mosey to Coliseum with a pit stop for 10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 10 BBS on the way

Ghostman Baseball at the Coliseum 

Partner up and one partner runs to first, completes the exercise, returns home while their partner does the Home exercise. Switch when running partner returns. Second round: Run to 1st, do the exercise, run to second, do the exercise, return home. Continue the pattern until you reach home. You do not need to run back from home. 

  • First Base (1st tree up the right side)
    • 10 Squat Jumps
    • Hello Dolly at Home 
  • Second Base (Steps of the Admin building)
    • 20 calf raises
    • Flutter Kicks at Home 
  • Third Base 
    • 30 Imperial Squat Walkers 
    • V-ups at Home 
  • Home Plate 
    • 5 Body Builder +’s 
    • LBCs at Home

Opposites Attract 

Partner up. 5 partner Merkins (facing each other, do a merkin and clap hands at the top, switching hands each time). Run to the opposite end of the coliseum, do 5 Burpees, race back to the middle. The losing partner has to do an extra Body Builder+ when returned to the middle. 5 Rounds, dropping 1 Burpee each round.

Fellowship Mosey transitioning to Regular Mosey back to the AO 


SSH IC x10 | “Feet together down” stretch for the last 10 seconds before time is called 


12 PAX; 0 FNGs


Job 1:21 “The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away.” 

I have spent most of my life in comfort. In recent years I have had hard times (financially, mentally, spiritually, physically, etc.), but not near as difficult as those that are truly in need. Today, I saw the men of the Asylum AM step up for a family that they did not even know, for a guy who is a regular at a completely different AO across town. I put the word out last night that a family at my school was in need. They don’t have the resources to get their daughter to school in order to graduate. The nature of my school (which, while a Knox County Public High school) is that it has ‘less than ideal’ transportation options and this family does not have the means to buy gas in order to get their daughter to school. She is a senior on the cusp of graduation and needs to attend regularly to earn her diploma. The generosity of the PAX of the Asylum, both in attendance and not, was overwhelming to me. I will be able to present this family with a $250 gas card from Weigals tomorrow morning. 

I say it often, but it is ALWAYS worth repeating… The High Impact Men of F3 and F3Knoxville are the best men I know. Jumping at opportunities to make our community a better place. I don’t know where I would be without this group, and I know that if I ever need anything, an F3 HIM will be right there to help me along the way. 


Continue donations to The Wesley House

Convergence at JUCO on July 2nd 

Bro-lympics coming in November 2022

Subscribe. Download. Listen. Share. The F3Knoxville Family of Podcasts

Steam Can’t Count Because He’s Not A Professional, But It Was Still A Pretty Good Q

[ The Scene ]

TBSIA (The Best Sunrise In America) was slowly beginning to arrive on the scene.

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning
  • A few things before we begin however:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition
    • If you need to modify anything we do this morning feel free to do so. But in that moment of potential modification ask yourself this question: CAN I DO BETTER? Then ask the HIM on your left and right if they can as well.

[ Warm o Rama ]

  • Motivator: 5 (Steam can’t count to 5 for Motivators so he will need a Q101 soon)
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 F / 10×4 B
  • Mountain Climber: 10×4
  • Merkin: 10×4

[ The Thang ]

(Mosey to the flagpole)

(1) Flagpole — 5s

  • 5 Xs: 25 reps on a 1 count
    • SSH
    • Merkin
    • Squat
    • LBC
    • American Hammers
  • 5 stations
    • Flagpole: 25 SSH
    • Corner 1 of parking lot: 25 merkins
    • Corner 2 of parking lot: 25 squats
    • Corner 3 of parking lot: 25 LBCs
    • Corner 4 of parking lot: 25 AHs
  • The movements
    • 5 rounds
    • Doing your SSHs here, running to corner 1 and doing that exercise, running back here, and rinse and repeat what you just did, but adding the next corner into the mix
    • For example: SSH, merkins, squats — back to the flagpole
    • Adding a corner each time until you’ve done all 4 corners in one round
  • Recover back here when you’re done

(Mosey to The 3 Strands)

(2) The 3 Strands

  • Strand 1 (Far Left) — run to the other side + execute 5 man-makers + run back on strand 1
  • Strand 2 (Middle) — run to the other side + execute 10 man-makers + run back to the other side
  • Strand 3 (Far Right) — run to turn other side + execute 15 man makers + run back to the other side
  • You’re always starting on this side, and running back to this side after the man-makers

(Mosey to The Dock)

(3) The Dock

  • Core 4 25×4
    • LBCs
    • Cockroaches
    • Flutter kicks
    • Reverse BBS

(Mosey back to the Pavilion)

  • 10 step ups
  • Run to the parking lot (AO)
  • Execute 50 SSH (1 count)
  • Rinse and Repeat

[ Mary ]

Down + Back sprints and squats and merkins across the parking lot

Cash-Out: ATMs

[ COT ]

  • # off
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs
  • BOM

[ The Zelensky Leadership Model ]

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s response to a potential airlift from the U.S., in light of Russia invading Ukraine, has gotten a lot of attention and spotlight over the past week or so. Here was Zelensky’s response: “I need ammunition, not a ride.”

Take the politics, the names, positions, locations out of this and what do you have? You have an incredible leadership principle +  model. In this specific situation, you have a leader asking for the tools to stay in the fight, rather than taking the first chance to get out. And don’t we do the opposite of this in our lives sometimes?

If you subscribe to the Christian faith, here’s what this can sound like, at least for me sometimes:

“God if you would just airlift me out of this situation.”

“God please get me out of this.”

If you don’t, and more culturally speaking, the soundtrack of this goes something like this:

“That’s not my job/problem.”

“This is a sign that this isn’t what the universe has for me.”


“God supply me what I need to stay in the fight.”

“God – you have me here for a reason. Please supply me with the tools to do your will.”


“What tools do I have at my disposal to attempt to make this situation better?”

So what is the “ammunition” that helps us keep the faith + fight the good fight, even when the fight we’re in seems insurmountable? If you’re a follower of Jesus is the Bible or the word of God. So then we take this leadership principle from Zelensky and ask ourselves “Am I asking for ammunition to fight the enemy or simply looking and waiting for a way out?” 

Takeaway: The world needs more High Impact Men that are willing to stay in the fight and ask for the ammo/tools to battle, than jump ship after the first shot is fired. Because here’s what HIM do: 3 things

  • They don’t flee from the fight, they stay rooted in the darkest of night
  • They don’t look for an extraction point, they find and create rallying points
  • They don’t escape, they elevate

Quit looking for rides out and start asking for ammunition to stay rooted where you are.

No Hard Feelings

THE SCENE: Cloudy, temp in 50s

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Imperial Squat Walkers, 10 Gas Pumps, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Windmills, 10 Twisties.
Mosey to Bat Cave.  We will do the following going counterclockwise:

  • Run down stairs and do 20 Carolina Dry Docks.
  • Run to grove of trees at climb of Mt. Everest and do 10 Burpees.
  • Run to summit of Mt. Everest and do 20 Hello Dollies.
  • Run to Bat Cave and do 20 Star Jumps.
  • Rinse and repeat two more times.

Mosey to stop sign at southeastern corner of Administration Bldg.  Do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to Area 51.  We will split into teams of two for Doras.  While one partner runs to the curb by the hill at Area 51, does 5 decline merkins, then runs back, the other partner works on the exercises listed below.  Teammates then switch.  Here are the exercises:

  • 200 Rocky Balboas, both feet = 1.
  • 200 Flutter Kicks, both feet = 1.
  • 200 Bicycle Kicks, both feet = 1
  • 200 Baby Crunches

Mosey to park entrance on Northshore, then take perimeter trail past the utility bldg.  We will stop to do 20 lunges, both legs = 1.

Mosey to bottom of Mt. Everest.  We will stop to do 50 Baby Crunches.  We will then run up Everest.  Those reaching the roadway first do more Baby Crunches until the six is there.

Run to top of the Space Needle and then mosey to the AO.

Ten men, no FNGs.



I gave a message about this topic and this song by the Avett Brothers a few years ago.  I think the topic is important enough and the song is amazing enough to cover again.  The topic is Forgiveness and the song by the Avett brothers is “No Hard Feelings.”

The Lord commands us to forgive.  In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus taught us to pray, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”  In Matthew 6:14 Jesus says, “If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”  And, in discussing the idea of forgiveness, Jesus said to forgive one who has sinned against you not seven times but seventy times seven times.

These commandments are made not only for the benefit of those who have sinned against us but for us who must do the forgiving.  If we hang on to the anger, the bitterness, the hurt of being wronged, these “hard feelings” can eat us up inside.  In their song, “No Hard Feelings”, the Avett brothers recognize the destructiveness that unforgiving hard feelings can have despite the goodness that life offers us:

Lord knows they haven’t done
Much good for anyone
Kept me afraid and cold
With so much to have and hold.

Yet in their song, the Avett brothers recognize the difficulty that we, as humans, have in forgiving.  It is difficult enough those people in that other political party or the neighbors who keep their front yard messy.  But how do we forgive someone who has truly hurt us or one of our family members?  The quality of “true forgiveness” is a Christ-like virtue that we must continually strive to attain.  The narrator hopes for that state by saying,

When the sun hangs low in the west
And the light in my chest
Won’t be kept held at bay any longer
When the jealousy fades away
And it’s ash and dust for cash and lust
And it’s just hallelujah
And love in thoughts and love in the words
Love in the songs they sing in the church
And no hard feelings.

The fact is that we humans, as sinners, find it so very hard to forgive.  Christ asks us to turn the other cheek.  That takes a bravery that is quite difficult for us to muster.  In the Avett Brothers song, the narrator looks at his own life and wonders if by his death he can accomplish the task.  The song uses a beautiful image of walking straight to the life after death and running into the savior.   The narrator of the song yearns for the final result of godlike forgiveness within himself by chanting the final line of the song four straight times:

Will I join with the ocean blue
Or run into the savior true
And shake hands laughing
And walk through the night
Straight to the light
Holding the love I’ve known in my life
And no hard feelings

Lord knows they haven’t done
Much good for anyone
Kept me afraid and cold
With so much to have and hold
Under the curving sky
I’m finally learning why
It matters to me and you
To say it and mean it too
For life and its loveliness
And all of its ugliness
Good as it’s been to me
I have no enemies
I have no enemies
I have no enemies
I have no enemies.

Prayers for Down Under’s son, Hunter, age 17, who had hoped to go into military after high school where he is in ROTC.  He learned that due to a medical condition, he will not be qualified to go into the military.  Prayers of thanks for the mother of Steam’s future bride.  Steam’s future mother-in-law found out that her breast cancer is now in remission after chemotherapy and radiation.  Prayers for our brother, Sparkler, as he continues to recover from his rotator cuff surgery.
Board Meeting!

Drum Major 51

THE SCENE: A beautiful sunny evening at about 70 degrees.

51 single count side straddle hops

10 windmills

5 merkins/1 burpee

10 baby arm circles each way

Little of this and that

10 rockettes

5 big boys/1 burpee


Mosey to hill by wall just up mini-cardiac


5 box jumps/step ups up top

1 big boy at bottom

Until get to 1 at top and 5 at bottom


Mosey to rock pile along path on park’s east side

15 curls

15 overhead press

21 rows

(2nd 51)

15 triceps

15 front lifts

21 squats


(rinse and repeat everything)


Mosey to the Bermuda Triangle

Battle buddy up

1 buddy runs to hill and back while other stays and knocks out

51 squats

51 imperial walkers

51 merkins

51 LBCs


Mosey to base of Everest

15 flutter kicks

5 burpees/1 big boys

5 burpees/1 merkin

Then released everyone to run the summit of Everest and then all the way to the AO. Have to do 51 hand release merkins split up as each sees fit by the time or at the AO meetup.

15 box cutters and some post workout stretches to finish us off
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Discussed how leadership involves letting go and trusting those you lead to be be good leaders, people and citizens in your absence. I then read the following quotes on the subject:

No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it. —Andrew Carnegie

A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves. —Lao Tzu

The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it. —Theodore Roosevelt

A good leader is a person who takes a little more than his share of the blame and a little less than his share of the credit. —John Maxwell

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