F3 Knoxville

Son of a Preacher Man

THE SCENE: Y’all knew it was going to be cold and wet, and you dragged yourselves out there anyway. Q’s got to up his game on a day like that.  

I don’t know anything at all about working out except what I learned from the pax, so SSH (thanks every single Q ever), Cherry Pickers (no thanks to whoever mis-named them), Rockettes, The Junk Science (my humble contribution; you’re welcome), and in honor of the high desert’s very own Preacher, we did The Preacher. Bumped from 10 to 15 after a fittingly profane text from Tucson.
A little Route 66 inspired by Lily. The Cloud gave us some Box Baby Boxes, and because there is apparently some unresolved conflict in my life, we visited with my old buddy Jack Webb.

Light rain and a light mosey towards Cardiac but not quite to Cardiac. Picked up some babies by the side of the road and shared them with our buddies. Shout out to Honeydew for carrying the two of us through the Doras.

There comes a time in a man’s life when whatever’s inside has to come out, and Cardiac is built for just such a purpose.

What happens during the Crawdad Comeback is both private and communal; a man experiences his limitations and his freedom; there is running forward and in reverse. It is a time of paradox and, potentially, vomit.

The great Mickey won the final sprint to the AO, and by an embarrassingly wide margin. *Author’s note, he donated the winner’s proceeds to Jumbo, who had wisely saved his energies for his forthcoming 100m breaststroke domination in Kingsport today.

It being the weekend, we cashed out like men, and then we limped away.

“Man has places in his heart which do not yet exist, and into them enters suffering in order that they may have existence.” Leon Bloy, with thanks to John Stone.
AE soccer game at Regal stadium Thursday. There was a Jinx sighting at Thursday’s board meeting! Word on the street is that High Heels prefers his lake house to sweating with us on Saturdays from now until like October.

Roy’s Birthday

THE SCENE: Cool at circle up…around 38 degrees.  We warmed up quick

Started out with 20 SSH on 4ct then mosey to curb…10 tempo merkins, mosey to other side, 10 4ct plank jacks, mosey back, 10 baby arm circles front, mosey back, 10 baby arm circles back, mosey back…10 Imperial walkers on 4ct
Mosey to Circus Maximus.  Descending ladder that started out with 10 exercises then two laps.  Drop an exercise every time circuit is complete. Exercises were… (Oh, it was all done to Roy Orbison’s greatest hits to celebrate his birthday!)

  • Merkins
  • Dry Docks
  • Skaters
  • Peter Parkers
  • Jump Squats
  • Lunge
  • Plank Jacks
  • OH Claps
  • Burpees
  • Diamond Merkins

All done at 10 rep single count

Completed about 4 rounds then mosey to the cloud for some 11’s (dips and incline merkins)

Then an ab session of 20 4ct freddy mercury, 20 4ct flutter, and 20 4ct LBC’s

Mosey to bottom of baby everest for 3 trips up with 5 squats at the top each time.




I can no longer condemn or hate a brother for whom I pray, no matter how much trouble he causes me.

If anyone should have a reason to hate or resent an enemy it was Bonhoeffer, who was arrested by the Nazi’s for opposing Hitler and refusing to incorporate Nazi teachings into his church.  He was executed for his resistance.  Christ calls us to pray for our enemies, and Bonhoeffer makes a great case that in doing so it changes our hearts towards them.  Pray for your enemies.


The Switchgrass and Squirtle show: In Rememberance

THE SCENE: 60s Sunny and Windy

15X Little Baby Arm Circles (front then backwards)

22X 4ct Side Straddle Hops

Little Bit of This

Little Bit of That

22X Jump Squat

Run the Space Needle

22X Jump Squat

Switchgrass has the Mic:

2 Rounds

1st Round:  (Bottom of Everest) 22 Merkins, 22 Big Boy Sit Ups, 22 Air Squats

(Midway Up) 22 Burpees

(Top of Everest)  22 Calf Raises, 22 American Hammers / Durkins, 22 Hello Dollys

2nd Round:  (Bottom) 44 Merkins, 44 Big Boy Sit ups, 44 Air Squats,

(Midway) Still 22 Burpees

(Top) 44 Calf Raises, 44 American Hammers / Durkins, 44 Hello Dollys


Squirtle Takes the Mic:

Mosey over to the amphitheater. (Workout modification to share space with other park patron running his dog)

Bottom of hill 5 Merkins, Bear Crawl up hill, 10 Merkins, Mosey back down hill, 15 Merkins, Bear Crawl up then 20 Merkins, Mosey back down.

Repeat same workout but with Carolina Dry Docks.

Repeat but with Diamond Merkins and Crab Crawl or Reverse Bear Crawl

Repeat with Hand Release Merkins and Crab Crawl or Reverse Bear Crawl

Mary: 22 Hello Dollies in Cadence, 22 Box Cutters, 22 Reverse Box Cutters


13 Pax no Fngs.

In memory of and making aware that 22 Veterans commit suicide everyday. Even if they aren’t a vet please reach out and help pull a brother or sister out of darkness. Show and give them hope that people really do care. – Switchgrass

We all feel from time to time that we are in a bad place, a place that hurts, a place that makes you want to quit. But there is a light at the end of that dark tunnel. God knows and cares about your situation, your pain and your life.

He has a gift for you: Encouragement

We find that many people in the bible, like us, had been easily discouraged, depressed, and felt like giving up.

Moses for example, before he was used by God to deliver the Israelites from slavery, he wanted to give up at several points when circumstances didn’t meet his expectations.

Imagine getting to a stage in your life where you think you are too old and the idea that freeing the Israelites was a mistake. And then God showing up in a burning bush to revive your desire, power and might to accomplish that task.

If you’re still breathing, God’s not done with you. Your life has purpose and meaning.

  • Condensed from the You Version Holy Bible App, 13 Reasons to Keep Going, daily devotional plan.


Keep Austin East and Jinxy in our prayers. Remembering Jetlag, Squirtle’s and other Pax’s friends and family members who fell victim to suicide.
No announcements

Blessed by burdens

THE SCENE: Mid 50s slight breeze and drizzle

10 baby arm circles in cadence

10 reverse baby arm circles in cadence

10 cherry pickers in cadence

10 mountain climbers in cadence

10 merkins

25 SSH in cadence
6 stations 2 exercises at each descending ladder rep scheme 50-40-30-20-10. Each pax carries CMU from station to station and after last station carries it up mini cardiac before starting next round

  • Step-ups/big boys
  • Swings/ box cutters
  • OH Press/LBCS
  • Rows/Hello Dollies
  • Squats/Freddy mercuries
  • derkins/flutter kicks

14 pax no FNGs
“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved” (Psalm 55:22). As men we carry a lot of burdens to provide and protect our concentrica. We can either allow that burden to weigh us down or we can use that to strengthen us. After God asked Jesus to carry a cross, we can carry a CMU representing our burdens.

Leg Day

THE SCENE: Asylum…clear but chilly

Lets do this thing

Cindy Gets Eaten by A Bear: partner 1 completes a round of Cindy( 5 table rows, 10 merkins, 15 squats) while partner 2 does the Bear Complex. Alternate for 10 minutes

Leg Day 2021 pyramid o pain

  • 10 pistols
  • 20 step ups
  • 30 weighted lunges
  • 40 weighted calf raises
  • 50 weighted butt touches
  • 40 sumo deadlift high pull
  • 30 back squats
  • 20 Bulgarian bench dips
  • 10 pickle pounders

RInse and repeat

Circle Merk to the Crue

Bring Sally Up squats

Jeremiah 2:13

God is waiting patiently for us. With Living water.  All we would ever need.

We…I…need to stop building our own cisterns that hold our own water. They will crumble and all will be lost.

Christ is right there for us. Always. If you seek him

prayers for our community and especially for Safe Haven
Gibbler no longer smells