F3 Knoxville

One Shining Moment

THE SCENE: Beautiful, mid 70s, sunny… almost a tad HOT!


SSH x 20 (IC), Cherry pickers x 10, Steve Earles x 20 (IC), Baby Arm Circles forward (x10) and backward (x10), little of this and that, Vertical leaps x 10 w/ increasing intensity.

Moseyed to little-used field over by Area 51.  16 cones set up for March Madness.

Sweet 16 Suicides: run to each cone and back, 8 on each side.  Remove the “losing teams” from field.

Elite 8’s: Do four sets of 8’s (same as Sevens but with one added rep, so 1/7, 2/6, etc.) between the cones, which represent the teams in the Elite 8 of the NCAA basketball tournament, as follows:

  • DUKE Blue Devil Bobby Hurleys (of course…!) / MICHIGAN STATE Mountain Climbers (4-Ct). Sometimes you have to crawl before you walk… BEAR CRAWL between cones
  • GONZAGA BULLDOG Burpees / TEXAS TECH Tempo Squats.  Sometimes you have to backpedal to get back on defense! Bernie Sanders between cones!
  • VIRGINIA CAVALIER Carolina Dry Docks / PURDUE Plank Jacks Two of the best defenses in the tournament… Defensive position and shuffle between cones!
  • KENTUCKY WILDCAT Werkins / AUBURN American Hammers (4-ct). Sometimes you have to just run normally.

Continue on to the ROAD TO THE FINAL FOUR!

Things get harder in the Final Four…  Run up and down the hill to the road, doing the following exercises:

  1. MICHIGAN STATE Mountain Climbers at base (x10, 4-Ct), TEXAS TECH Tempo Squats (x10) at Top (because TT came out on top!)
  2. AUBURN American Hammers (x10, 4-ct) at base, VIRGINIA CAVALIER Carolina Dry Docks (x10) at top.  Still need to get to the top of the mountain baby!

Mosey to stop sign at corner of circle drive.

CHAMPIONSHIP: TEXAS TECH Tempo Squats (x10) at sign, then sprint to first No Parking Sign and VIRGINIA CAVALIER Carolina Dry Docks (x10) at for the win, baby!

3 BURPEES to simulate the jumping and excitement of the victory, then…

30-count stargazers to soak it all in.


Basketball is all about the… X’s and O’s!! (on 6, X position, 6 inches off ground, then V with arms and legs together in the air.)

Six strong. (J-Lo not tagged)

At the end of the NCAA tournament, CBS always shows an awesome montage called One Shining Moment that documents the incredible highs, and the crushing lows of the past few weeks’ action-packed games.  I recently read an article about an athlete who created a shining moment for a special fan.

Alex Bregman, 25-year old infielder for the Houston Astros, has a group of friends that he hangs out and lives with (The Boys) and they do a lot of things on social media, like random acts of kindness, practical jokes, etc. Late last year, a relative of a young fan messaged Bregman on Instagram to say that the fan was dying of Stage 4 brain cancer and that he’d asked to be buried in Bregman’s jersey. “A signed note or jersey would make his entire life”, the relative wrote. Bregman asked for his address. That week-end, Bregman and the Boys, leaving their cameras behind, drove up to the young man’s house and spent an hour at his bedside. Two days later, Bregman received another message from the relative. “He died this morning.  We are so grateful you saw him and made him laugh before he made his way home.”

Bregman took the time to give this young man One Shining Moment. An act of kindness can make the difference in someone’s life.  Reach out to say hello to an old friend.  Be Present (per Crawdad at our last Third F) when someone is going through a tough time.  Do whatever you can to give a fellow human being One Shining Moment in their day, or week, or life.  It will mean all the difference in the world to them.


“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles that we may be able to comfort others with troubles, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

Pass it on.  Be someone’s shining light in their times of trouble, just as God is your shining light, your beacon, your hope when you are faced with your personal tribulations.


Be aware that some workout groups (not ours… yet) have been approached by city officials and it has been suggested that they should pay for their workout time/space.  Let’s hope this is not a glimpse into the future… Also, be on the lookout for an announcement in May to help our brother Pinto out by doing some yardwork as he continues to recover from his heart attack.

A trip on the Panda Express

THE SCENE: 61 degrees. Cloudy. Very nice burpee weather.

High Knees – x10 IC 4CT

Cherry Pickers – x10 IC

Tempo Squat – x10 IC

Annie’s – x10 front and back IC

Moroccan Night Clubs – x20 2CT

Little Bit of This… Little Bit of That.

Relay run to Gresham Middle stairs for some 11s. Run to the lampost about halfway up the hill. Don’t forget to read the motivational message each time in case you need motivation – Today it is up to me to be the best that I can be! YHC has renamed this the Panda Express routine since we all miss our post-Super Bowl flying headlock con queso.

  • Kraken Burpees at the bottom
  • Merkins at the top

25 BBS OYO after everyone finishes at the top. No time for the Dora I had planned so we moseyed back to the AO for some Mary.

Each PAX was asked to lead the group in any exercise with 20 reps.

  • Filter – 25 more BBS OYO
  • Ghost – 20 SSH 4CT IC
  • Clinger – 20 American Hammers 4CT IC
  • Herbie – 20 Flutter Kicks 4CT IC
  • Frasier – 20-second plank

5 PAX present! – Frasier, Ghost, Clinger, Herbie, Filter
Isaiah 40:31 -But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

YHC discussed running the Knoxville Half Marathon and how there’s so much support along the way in addition to the various marathon-related Bible verses that people display on the route. Sometimes the “run and not grow weary” bit can seem cheesy, but it was very applicable and motivating – even if YHC didn’t feel like it at the time.

More importantly though, we should focus on the “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength” during this Lenten season as we approach Easter and the Cross.

May 4 – Powell High School 5K. Get with Herbie for questions.
May 18 – Hardship Hill – there’s still room to sign up!!!

God Has Our Six

THE SCENE: Cloudy with temps in 60’s.

20 Plank Jacks, 15 Squat Jumps, 10 Rockettes, Plank Stretches, 10 Cherry Pickers
Mosey northeast to perimeter trail near intersection of primary park roadway and roadway going to admin bldg.  We will be doing nickel, dime, quarters (running one light to stop and do 5 of exercise, running two lights to do 10 of exercise and running five more lights to do 25 of the exercise.  We will initially head west on perimeter trail, following it all the way to southern ball field area.  Here are the exercises we will be doing

  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Merkins
  • Star Jumps
  • Hello Dollies
  • Diamond Merkins
  • Smurf Jacks
  • American Hammers
  • Carolina Drydocks
  • Iron Mikes
  • Flutter Kicks (four count)
  • Dive Bombers
  • Plank Jacks

Mosey to Outdoor Chapel.  We will do sevens starting with one Decline Merkin at stage area and six Mountain Climbers at other end of chapel.

Mosey to AO.

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
One psychological definition of anxiety states that it is 1. the overestimation of threat and 2. the underestimation of competency to handle the threat.  It is not uncommon for us to experience anxiety, particularly when we take on new things.  For example, when taking on a new challenge (such as starting a new job) we tend to worry about the many things that could go wrong – in so doing we exaggerate the likelihood of bad things occurring.  Those of you who have never taken the Q at an F3 workout may worry that the guys would not like what you have put together, that what you planned will not be hard enough or that it would be too hard, that you will plan too much or too little, or that you will screw up when leading the exercises. You may not think about it being common to make mistakes when you do your first Q and that the other guys will understand that and accept you.  When taking on new challenges we also tend to underestimate our competency.  When taking on a new job you may forget that you were hired because of abilities and skills that the employer saw in you and that you can learn and adapt to new situations.  When thinking of leading a Q you may underestimate how much you have learned from being involved in F3 workouts, how even though you have never led a Q your ability to do so will be just as good as other guys who have never led a Q, how you can write out a good outline for a workout, how you can adapt your workout as you move along, how you can be inventive and come up with new ways of doing things, how when delivering the message guys will be interested in your experiences and what you have learned in life.

Take on new challenges.  Remember it is common to feel some anxiety when you do so.  But remember that you are probably overestimating the threats of the new challenge as well as the negative reactions to your making mistakes.  Remember your abilities, your ability to adapt, your ability to get up when you have been knocked down, and that God and friends are there to turn to when mistakes are made because in taking on new challenges you are supposed to make mistakes.

Remembering these words from Christ in Matthew, Chapter 6, may also help:

25 eTherefore I tell you, fdo not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 gLook at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. hAre you not of more value than they? 27 And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his ispan of life?7 28 And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, 29 yet I tell you, jeven Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.


Dog Day Sun and Run at Asylum

THE SCENE: Sunny, Slight Breeze – Temp in the 50’s

SSH – IC 20

Candy Corns – 4CT IC – 24

Windmills – IC 12

Cherry Pickers – IC 15

Merkins (slow) IC – 10

Mosey Down Stairs to West Pathway- turn right

  • RTE 66 Round 1
    • BBS at each light post – starting with 1, increase by 1 to 11 (Rabbits sweep back)
    • Alternate Bearcrawl and Bernie between posts
  • RTE 66 Round 2
    • Diver Bomber at each light post – starting with 1, increase by 1 to 11 (Rabbits sweep back)
    • Alternate Lunge and Run between posts
  • Long Mosey to CMU pile by baseball fields – each grab CMU
    • 25 curls IC
    • 25 Rows IC
    • 25 Press IC
    • R n R
  • Mosey to Picnic Shelter
    • 11’s – Alternate bench dips with Squat Jumps
  • Mosey up winding path to Monument – wait for 10 ct
  • Slow Mosey back to AO
  • Hello Dolly – IC 25
  • Ring of Fire Planks – one round of 4 Merkins while rest of Ring holds plank, second round of just one Plank


9 HIMs + Dog. Welcome FNG @ Chapter 11 (Patrick Woodside)

In our personal circles, in our families and at work we have certain “go to” people we count on for support all the time – like our spouses or certain team members. We delegate tasks many times at the last minute and many times without asking and/or maybe they just know what to do and do it- alot.  We count on them and we wouldn’t be able to do what we need to do without them. We need to take the time to recognize their constant support and give something back- maybe pick up some of their tasks unannounced. Reach out, acknowledge their constant efforts and let them know our appreciation.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
See Jinxy for Heatbreak Hill Team – Asylum Team name is “Boardroom”

Alligator Crawls?

33 and breezy

Welcome & Disclaimer


SSH 4ct x25 IC
Dive Bombers x15 IC
Tempo Squats 4ct x15 IC
Line up on curb
Balboas 4ct x15 IC
85% to other curb and back
Merkins  x15 IC
Balboas 4ct x15 IC
85% to other curb and back
BAC Fwd 4ct x10 IC
BAC Bkwd 4ct x10 IC
Overhead Claps 4ct x10 IC
Balboas 4ct x15 IC
85% to other curb and back

Line up to mosey to adjacent parking lots.


Everyone starts at the orange cones and performs the following exercises.  Start at 6 reps for each exercise and each round add 2 reps until you get to 12, then come back down to 6 subtracting 2 reps each time.

Exercises and travel method to each cone:

  • Start: Burpee Broad Jumps to first yellow cone
  • Cone 1: Narrow Squats then run to 2nd cone
  • Cone 2: 4ct Mountain Climbers then alligator crawl to 3rd cone
  • Cone 3: Ranger Merkins then lunge to 4th cone
  • Cone 4: Iron Mikes then run around the parking lot to the start

Run around parking lot back to start

Mosey to Baby Hill


Hill Dock Squats
Start at the base of Baby Hill.
At the bottom of hill do x10 Dry Docks.
Run to the top of the hill.
At the top of hill do x10 Jump Squats.

Rinse and repeat x3

Mosey to SP and circle up.


Flutter kicks 4ct x25 IC
American Hammers 4ct x20 IC
Flutter kicks 4ct x20 IC
American Hammers 4ct x20 IC


Number off and Name-O-Rama – 22 PAX


Matthew 5:43-48
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?  And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”

The word “perfect” doesn’t mean without error, it means mature.  Our lives are to be marked by daily growth.  Sometimes it will be slow and slight, sometimes large and loud, but either way we should be seeking to grow physically, mentally, relationally, and spiritually everyday.

The growth point in this passage is love, specifically loving those who don’t love us.  It’s easy to love those we like, but what we are called to as HIMs is to even love those who stand against us.  This does NOT mean we let people trample over us or take us off mission.  It means we relate in a way that is void of hate or anger.  How we live and relate is what sets us apart.  We live on mission for a purpose.

This week you will face “enemies.”  Some you will know personally, some you won’t.  Brothers, choose love!  I will warn you now, you can’t do it in your own strength.  The good news is you don’t have to.  When faced with a difficult situation, seek help from above.  Pray that God would grant you the love for others that he has for you.


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch