F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Sunny and nice, high 60’s to low 70’s

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Windmills, 10 Rockettes, 10 Cherry Pickers
Mosey to Playground.  All my benches.  We will do elevens starting with 10 bench jumps and 1 decline merkin, working our way to 1 bench jump and 10 decline merkins.

Mosey to Pavillion.  We will do elevens starting with 10 picnic table pull-ups and 1 bench lift working our way to 1 picnic table pull-up and 10 bench lifts.  Afterward, we will do a 60 second squat with backs on wall.

Mosey on roadway south until it starts heading west.  We will stop to do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to area close to stop sign as round heads west.  20 Box Cutters.

Mosey on roadway to front of Admin Bldg.  Stop at Cone 1 which is in front of sidewalk going to stairs of admin bldg.  We will be running clockwise on roadway going around admin bldg, stopping at each cone to do the listed exercises that will be written be each cone.

  • Cone 1 (located by sidewalk to Admin Bldg):  Deon Sanders to flagpole and sprint back, staying on right sidewalk going and left sidewalk coming back.
  • Cone 2 (located on inlet by road as it heads west on south side of admin bldg):  20 Carolina DryDocks
  • Cone 3 (located at boulder pile):  Pick up appropriate size boulder and do 20 overhead presses, 20 curls 20 rows and 20 squats.
  • Cone 4 (located past parking lot and on west side of admin bldg.)  Hop to Cone 5.
  • Cone 5 (located about 25 yards past Cone 4):  Bear Crawl to Cone 6.
  • Cone 6 (located about 25 yards past Cone 5):  20 Star Jumps
  • Cone 7 (located near stop sign on northeast side of Admin Bldg):  20 Hello Dollies
  • Cone 8 (located on right of roadway as it heads past Admin Bldg.  20 Dive Bombers
  • Cone 9 (located opposite of second set of stairs to left of roadway that is east of admin bldg):  Run up and down stairs three times.

Rinse and repeat after completing the nine cones.

Mosey to AO.

20 Pickle Pounders, Boat Canoe
16 men.  We had Honcho from the Johnson City AO join us.  We also had an FNG, friend of Punch List named Nate Moore.  He is an attorney and we gave him the F3 name of Jail Bait.
We are made in God’s image.  The Bible says it.  If this is true, there is greatness within us.  We are created to do powerful things, wonderful things.

We usually don’t think that way.  We often think of ourselves as poorly made creatures who need to be molded into something completely new.  Kathleen Norris states in her book, Cloister Walk “These days when someone commits an atrocity, we tend to sigh and say, “That’s human nature”  And certainly, we humans are sinners.  But as Norris remarks, “our attitude would seem wrong-headed to the desert monks, who understood human beings to be part of the creation that God called good, special in that they were made in the image of God. . . This is why Gregory of Nyssa speaks so often of ‘returning to the grace of that image which was established in you from the beginning”

We usually seek God outside of ourselves.  This can be when we go to church, when we take a nature walk, when we read the Bible, when we see God reflected in our fellow humans.  But, because we are made in God’s image, we are also capable of seeing God within ourselves.  As Bob Benson says in his book, See You at the House, “I must listen to the voice that is within me.  For that voice, too, is the purposeful, calling voice of God to us.”

When in my twenties, I had difficulty listening to the voice of God within me.  I was in a career field that others had encouraged me into but I struggled with it and did not have a great love for it.  My heart, my soul, the voice of God within me, was telling me to try psychology, but it seemed impossible – I would have to leave a job and go back to school.  Yet, that voice kept calling to me and with the help of God’s voice through conversations with friends and those who loved me, I finally listened fully to God’s voice within me.  It has made all the difference to me.

I encourage you to start listening closely to the voice of God within you.  What is your heart saying to you?  Can you hear God’s voice within you?  Start listening to that voice for direction.  And in your prayers, listen to that voice within you.  Certainly, continue to listen to others and look outside of yourself for God’s directions to you.  But also listen within yourselves for God’s directions to you – because you are made in the image of God.

3rd F on Saturday, August 11.

Kickball tournament on Saturday, August 18.

Circuit City

THE SCENE: Mid 70’s. Humid and Muggy. Does it ever change?
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Check yo’ self before you wreck yo’ self.


21’s – Side Straddle Hop (Count 5 IC and the rest silent to 21. Everyone must stop on 21 exactly together or else..burpees as punishment!)
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
BBS x 10 IC
Baby arm circles x 10 IC
Main Circuit (8 stations):
Circuit from AO start down to new parking lots by playground. Sprint/jog in between exercises:
  1. 15 merkins
  2. 15 BBS
  3. 15 Crunchy Frogs
  4. 15 Carolina Dry Docks
  5. 5 Burpee pull Up
  6. 20 Dips
  7. Decline merkins
  8. 15 Box Jumps
Rinse and repeat for 20 min or until QIC says recover
25’s (ex. 7’s or 11’s) on baby hill
Bottom of hill workout: Hands above head squat jumps
Top of hill workout: Hand release merkins
Partner merkins sets of: x 15, 10, 5
Circle of Pain (COP) Abs!
Bear Crawl clockwise until told to stop..bear crawl counterclockwise until told to stop.
Not So Lazy Boys (my personal fav)
Snitch, Dimples, Dog Bite, Rusty, Cheatsheet, Cat Gut, Woodshack, Possum, Fabio, Toll Bridge, Hot Tub, Compost, Carney, Umbro, Bunny, Lights Out, Mayhem, Flanders, Jenner, Gibbler, Slim Shady, Chaco, Pringle, Guano, Pusher
Frustrated with kids?
Frustrated with wife?
Frustrated with job, friends, family, health?
Depleted? Tossed around by the waves of life?
Isaiah 40
Biblical times war = more than matter between nations but also deities.
Peoples of conquered nationals pqxs often adopted conqueror’s religion b/c they believed their deity was superior to their own.
Don’t lose perspective of what’s important in life.
No one and no nation is big enough to be a threat to God.
Prayers were requested and lifted up for Slide Rule’s mother passing and family. Please lift them up in this time of transition with peace, love, and comfort.
Prayers for Jenner to get an interview for med school (in Bahamas!). A 10 year dream in the making!
Make sure you add your miles to the July challenge! Rep it hard from the Asylum.
3rd F event at downtown location Overlook. August 11!

Farva’s Highway Trooper Sendoff

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy, low 80’s.

20 Side-straddle Hops, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Bottle Openers, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Baby to Wide Arm Circles Forward, 10 Baby to Wide Arm Circles Backward
Mosey toward stop sign on northeast side of Admin Bldg.  Stop at brick wall on left of road.  25 Bench raises.

Mosey to big coniferous tree just north of stop sign.  20 American Hammers.

Mosey on perimeter trail to area north of Roadshow Run.  20 Hello Dollies.  Then run to top of Roadshow Run and back.  Those who arrive back first do Baby Crunches until everyone is back.

Mosey to bottom of Mt. Everest.  20 Flutter Kicks.  Run to large tree half way up Mt. Everest and run back.  Those arriving first do baby crunches until everyone is back.

Mosey on perimeter trail to shaded area north of utilities bldg.  25 Carolina Dry Docks.

Mosey on perimeter trail to Northshore Entryway Gate.  Mosey east up road to shady area south of utilities building.  15 Tempo Merkins.

Mosey east on roadway to where there is downhill slope toward soccer fields.  Go down hill.  We will do sevens with Bicycle Kicks at bottom of hill and Burpees on top.

Mosey to stop sign on Southeast Corner of Admin Bldg.  25 Diamond Merkins.

Mosey to boulder pile.  Do 20 each of the following exercises:

  • Overhead Presses
  • Curls
  • Triceps
  • Rows
  • Squats

Mosey to AO.

Standing stretches with legs together and legs apart; leg raises while lying down on six; arm and leg raises from plank position; Boat canoe.

Eleven men, no FNG’s.pi


In Philippians, Chapter 2: 6-8 we read about:  “Christ Jesus,a 6who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped,b 7but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant,c being born in the likeness of men. 8And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross”

As Henri Nouwen states, our God is a descending God.  Jesus, who was born in a manger, chose the descending way continually.  He lived with his parents up to his 30th year in an disrespected town of Nazareth.  Although full of divine power, he equated power and popularity with temptation.  His disciples were simple men, not popular, wealthy, or religious leaders of the day.  His miracles were performed out of compassion, not to impress.  Often he even tells those whom he has cured not to tell others about it.  And, as he his life continues he becomes increasingly aware that he must fulfill his mission by sacrificing himself on a cross.  God is spat on and tortured, not lifted up in greatness.

Quoting Henri Nouwen in his “Letters to Mark” he states “God has willed to show his love for the world by descending more and more deeply into human frailty.”  And when Jesus reaches the utmost in poverty, pain lowliness and loneliness, nailed as a criminal to a cross, it is then that “we know how far God has gone to show us his love.  For it is then that Jesus has not only reached his utmost poverty, but also has shown God’s utmost love.”

3rd F at Outlook on August 11 at 8:30 am.  Talk to Pele or Lillydipper about signing up for the Fake Gloom Kickball team for a great tourney on Saturday, August 18.

The Battle Buddy Beatdown


Buddy Circuit x3

  • Buddy Presses x10
  • Leg Throwdowns x15
  • Buddy Lat Raises x10
  • Buddy Derkins x15

Alternate between Buddy Carries and Wheelbarrows between stations.

Descending Cardio Ladder

  • 1:00 Sprint, Burpees, Sprint
  • :45 Burpees, Sprint, Burpees
  • :30 Sprint, Burpees, Sprint
  • :15 Burpees, Sprint, Burpees

8-Count Merkins x12

41 PAX
Choose lasting meaning over temporary happiness. Don’t make happiness and pleasure your aim in life. We do what is hard to get strong. We are strong to help carry others out of the depths.

4 AUG- 2nd F at the Anders

11 AUG- 3rd F at the Outlook

Another Day in Paradise




Head – Shoulders – Knees – and Toes
Ran to area where everyone could do tabata: 20 seconds on/10second rest: pull ups, sit ups, push ups, squats

Ran back to starting point, tabata sets again with burpee variations

Core stuff
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Is spirituality about getting closer or getting better?