Q: Cosmo 2 , Hot Tub (John Muller)
PAX: Cosmo 2, Hot Tub (John Muller)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: none. We are old.
THE THANG: 5 miles.
MARY: little bit with Hands
COT: refer to the legend Hands
Fitness. Fellowship. Faith.
Founding AO
THE THANG: 5 miles.
MARY: little bit with Hands
COT: refer to the legend Hands
COT: Let P3 school us
Round 1 –
BB1 runs to the cloud and does 50 Big Bois
BB2 stays and does AMRAP of “Cindy”
Round 2 –
BB1 runs to cloud and does 40 Freddie Mercury’s (4-count)
BB2 stays and does AMRAP of “Cindy”
Round 3 –
BB1 runs to the cloud and does 30 V-ups
BB2 stays and does AMRAP of “Cindy”
Round 4 –
BB1 runts to the cloud and does 50 Supermans.
BB2 stays and does AMRAP of “Cindy”
Round 5 –
BB1 runs to the cloud and does 50 Hello Dollies
BB2 stays and does AMRAP of “Cindy”
Rinse and Repeat
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hardship Hill next week!
Reminder that we are on the Lord’s time and not our own. The Will of God may not be clear to us on our terms, but discernment is a gift.
“We take time, we listen, we wait, we test, we listen some more, we converse, we wait some more, knowing that ultimately discernment is the gift of Gods Spirit.”
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Q calendar is open. Please signup – just pick a location, lead the ride and provide a COT of what is on your mind. If you ride by yourself, you are equipped to Q.
There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written. John 21:25
Which is more difficult to absorb—the infinite vastness of God’s work in Christ or the very small and personal ways he works? John wanted to write down everything, big and small, but realized he couldn’t because we carry the greatness of God in very tiny vessels.
Our lives, too, can be the books that tell the story of the things Jesus has done—more than can ever be written dwells in each of us. How are we going to do this? How are we going to show up?
If you are interested in learning more, please send me a message on slack. You will be hearing more soon as we explore ways to bring this message to a workout near you!
We had an enlightening conversation about the 3rd F and how to carry out the F3 mission with an emphasis on the third F.
Thanks to all of the men who came out and participated.