F3 Knoxville

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

THE SCENE: Cool and Damp

Warm Up
Side Straddle Hops@15
Arms Circles B/F@10
Arm Stretches
Michael Phelps
Cherry Pickers@9
Memory Match Game
Match an exercise and only do that exercise. Mismatch and do both exercises.  Match to eliminate the exercise from the game.
10 Burpees 5 Burpee Sit Throughs 15 Groiners 20 Squats
5 Burpee Sit Throughs 15 Merkins Bear Crawl 15 Groiners
15 Merkins 15 Pickle Pounders 15 Bigboys 10 Burpess
20 Squats Bear Crawl 15 Pickle Pounders 15 Big Boys
Workout ( The Kraken) 10 Each w/ CMU
Bent Over Rows
Sumo Squats
Overhead Press
Upright Rows
Incline Merkins
Decline Merkins
Cling and Press
15 BB, 15 Pickle Pounders, 15 Box Cutters, LBC’s  (1 Minute)


(12 Total) Butterfingers, Chaco, Dreamer,Drifter, Emeril, Fins, Neighbor, Pinocchio, Snorkel, Squeaker, Squiggly, Tin Man

I’ve found myself thinking about the necessity of humility lately.  I’ve started a new job, and I’m still in that awkward phase of trying to figure out where I fit in. However, it occurred to me that my own ego might be getting in the way.  When we put our own self-worth above others we find ourselves alone with only our own ego to defend.  True humility allows us to listen, ask for help, and opens our minds to new points of view.  It should not to be confused with modesty, because while modesty is also a good trait to possess it doesn’t always reflect our true feelings.  In summary, let’s all strive to have a little more humility in our lives so that we can be better leaders, parents, spouses, and friends.



Catch Ya On the Flipside

THE SCENE: Not even 70 degrees. Is this really July?

Cherry Pickers x8 IC
SSH x25 IC
Cossack Squats x8 each leg
Warmup lap around the tennis court
Rainbow Drops x10 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC

Grab a CMU and head to the grassy field by the playground. Cones set up in a square about 16 yards apart.
Each cone has a card with an exercise.
Bears and Blocks to the first cone and do that exercise.
Bears and Blocks to next cone and do first cone exercise plus next cone exercise.
Continue to 3rd and fourth cone, adding exercises escalator style.
Abs for the six.
Once six is up, Blocks and Bears (backward bear crawl with block) to first cone. Drop that exercise, do the other three.
continue back down the escalator. Exercises:
10 Hand Release Merkins
30 Pickle Pounders
20 Carolina Dry Docks
16 Catalina Wine Mixer (8 each arm)

Guess what… Every card has a flipside! Repeat above, except crab walk carrying CMU on abdomen.
First round forward, second round backward. Exercises:
10 Knee-Up-Down each leg (same as Catalina except going from standing to kneeling and back)
30 Monkey Humpers
10 Donkey Kicks
15 Squat Jumps

Cool-down lap around the tennis court.
Flutter kicks x20 IC
Switch to slutter kicks without breaking cadence – x15
Left-Right-Middle crunches x15
Crab Kicks x15 IC
Big Boys x20 IC

6 PAX this morning, plus a flying EH who stayed for about a lap and a half around the cones. Didn’t make it to Name-O-Rama. Hope to see him again…
Word courtesy of F3 Ruud (Curt Williams) – Texted to our small group men:
“The Spirit has really been impressing Phil 4:6-7 on me lately. Not just for the really difficult stuff – which is when I would more likely think of this – but lately He’s been instructing me that this is for EVERYTHING (duh… like it says). It has taken such a load off of the many smaller daily concerns and decisions and really helps increase the listening (even though I’m still a poor listener).”

Phil 4:4-7 (ESV)
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Glad to have Repeat and Dilbert come down and play in the grass with us! Wish we had known the FNG wasn’t going to be able to stay. Hope he got enough taste to come back…
Praise for Drifter’s M and upcoming 2.0 doing well! Lots of prayer all around for loved ones battling cancer. Seems like it’s all around.
Don’t forget Kickball (8/18)
Quarterly 3rd F August 11 at the Overlook
2nd annual Truckin’ to the Pound 8/25


THE SCENE:  Clear skies, calm winds, 66 degrees, 97% humidity

SSH x13, Cherry pickers x10, Imperial squat walkers x10, Baby arm circles x10 forward and backward

Jog length of parking lot, skip length of lot, jog length of lot, karaoke length of lot. (approx. 300 yards)

Completed 3 sets of partner suicide circuits followed by 0.34 mile circuit run.  Each suicide circuit consisted of 3 rounds of 80 yard runs and CMU workouts.

  • Suicide Circuit 1:  #1 PAX runs while #2 PAX bent rows CMU, switch.  #1 runs while #2 curls CMU, switch.  #1 runs while #2 CMU swings, switch.  Total distance 480 yards each.
  • 0.34 mile Circuit:  Running with three stops to perform 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats.  At the burpee stop each PAX inhales … holds … exhales and says, “As long as I can breathe, I can … (fill in the blank)”
  • Suicide Circuit 2:  #1 PAX runs while #2 PAX CMU lunges, switch.  #1 runs while #2 upright CMU row, switch.  #1 runs while #2 CMU single arm deadlifts, switch.  Total distance 480 yards each PAX.
  • 0.34 mile Circuit:  Running with three stops to perform 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 squats.  At the burpee stop each PAX inhales … holds … exhales and says, “As long as I can breathe, I can … (fill in the blank)”
  • Suicide Circuit 3:  #1 PAX runs while #2 PAX CMU clean & press, switch.  #1 runs while #2 bent CMU row, switch.  #1 runs while #2 CMU squats, switch.  Total distance 480 yards each PAX.
  • 0.34 mile Circuit:  Running with one stop to perform 10 merkins.  At the merkin stop each PAX inhales … holds … exhales and says, “As long as I can breathe, I can … (fill in the blank)”

Box cutter x10, flutter kicks x10, floor wipes x10, wide flutter kicks x10 (all 4 count).  Cashed out with little  baby crunches.
10 PAX present.
Recall those things you thought about when you called out the phrase, “As long as I can breathe, I can …”  What came to mind?  Now listen to these words spoken by Tommie Harris, former pro football player.

Did your “I can” expand its scope after listening to Tommie?  We all need to think about our “I cans” and utilize the strength derived from every breathe to make them happen today, tomorrow, next week, and in the years to come.
Keep all those involved with the day center drowning death of two 23 month old twins in our prayers.  There is a lot of pain, anger, guilt, and remorse.
August 11th is 3rd F at site behind Stephano’s Pizza.  Sign up for Bomb Shelter kickball team to support Garret on August 18th.  CSAUP on August 25th (see newsletter).

Only 30 Seconds

THE SCENE: 70’s, quite pleasant


1/3 mile lap


Chest series – 30 sec on/10 sec rest each

  • Wide fly merkin
  • CMU press
  • Side to side merkin
  • CMU press
  • Side Balance merkin
  • CMU press

Run 1/3 mile lap

Leg series – 30 sec on/10 sec rest each. Switched to the flutters for second set of the series.

  • Goblet Squat
  • Scissors/CMU OH Flutters
  • Bobby Hurley
  • Scissors/CMU OH Flutters
  • Side to side lunge
  • Scissors/CMU OH Flutters

Run 1/3 mile lap

Did 2 rounds of each above series then…

Abs series – 30 sec on/10 sec rest each

  • AM Hammers w/ CMU
  • Coffin Situps w/ CMU

Did 2 rounds then 1 more lap for 2 miles


12 men

Be present in what you are currently doing. Give it your full attention. Don’t always be distracted, looking to what’s next but focus on the task at hand (work, family, other relationships)
August 11 at 0830 – 3rd F at The Outlook

Turbo 11s

THE SCENE: Mid 60’s

  • Cherry Pickers x10 IC
  • Little of this/that
  • Shoulder Shredder (x100 overhead claps, 4 count, IC)
  • 11’s on Mt Crumpet – Squats & Ranger Merkins at top, Box cutters & Dry docks at bottom
  • To get to the top, you must bernie half way up, run back down, then you can run to the top


  • Partner up! 3 rounds of the following:
  • Suicides across grinder, parter does merkins while waiting for you to get back, then swap
  • Bear crawl to third bench & crawl bear back, parter does flutter kicks while waiting, then swap
  • Run short loop, parter does box squats while waiting, then swap

LBC’s until the end
5 HIMs
Be your own person. With the influence of media and social media, I think the world is beginning to lose the ability to form your own opinions. We’re always seeing politics on TV, and people bashing other people for not agreeing with their lifestyle and opinion.

What really matters is what you think. Every single one of us is fortunate enough to live in a country where we are allowed to form our own opinions, so use that right. In all generations, there are people that take everything they hear or see from others as fact and don’t investigate for themselves.