F3 Knoxville

Ape (Couldn’t) Escape

THE SCENE: Ridiculously warm for November. Sweating anticipated.  Promise of rain… eventually.

  • Windmills x15 IC
  • 2 Burpees OYO
  • LBAC x20 IC fwd and back
  • 4 Burpees OYO
  • Imperial Walkers x15 IC
  • 6 Burpees OYO
  • Cossack Squats x10 or so
  • 8 Burpees OYO
  • Pickle Pusher Merkins x10 IC
  • RIP Bartman’s shoes
  • Hand clap under high knees x20 IC
  • Finish out the warmup: 10 Burpees OYO

Mosey toward the maintenance building. Stop halfway in the parking lot, use lines for

  • Lunges
  • Bear Crawl
  • Crab Walk
  • Sprint

Continue mosey to the retaining wall behind the maintenance building

  • Ape Escape: Feet on the wall, grab the bottom of the fence and traverse the entire wall sideways.
  • Dang, that’s way too hard! No apes gonna escape today.
  • Drop to the ground, bear crawl to the end of the wall instead.

Grab a landscaping CMU and head to the top of the stairs

  • Curls x30
  • Lying CMU pullovers x20
  • Weighted BBS x20

Head back downstairs and grab another CMU for Round the Block Merkins: Set CMUs with rough sides facing outward, wide merkin width apart. One merkin with hands on blocks, then maintain plank and flip blocks on side, one merkin. Flip blocks forward to angled side, one merkin, flip blocks backward to other angled side, one merkin. R&R some number of times.

20 OHP, and it’s time to return the CMUs. Mosey to the grassy hill, Bernie up for 20 more BBS, then mosey back toward the AO, stopping halfway for 20 dips.

4 rounds of Row Row Row your Boat (simultaneous Boat/Canoe and American Hammers)
Hello Dollys x21 IC
5 PAX today
I’m heading to Washington DC tomorrow with a couple busloads of 7th graders from CAK for their big field trip.  Supposedly I’m one of the adults… It’s a great opportunity for the kids to go and see where decisions are made that affect the entire country, and even the world.  To some degree, our ability as individuals to affect those decisions doesn’t seem so great, but the Bible says that the fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.  Throughout scripture and history we can see how God can work His will through kings and other leaders, even those who are intentionally trying to go against Him.  Don’t forget to lift up our leaders daily in prayer.

The rain held off just long enough for us to get done, with a little bit of cooling sprinkle coming in on the BOM.  Just my second visit out to JUCO, and look forward to many more beatdowns out there.  Love to see the puddles of sweat that accumulate under brothers working hard to get better together!

Prayer: Safe travels for CAK group and for Bartman’s son on a band trip. Booster’s friend JJ (sp?) who is losing a leg to arthritis.
Announce: Abscess and Steam leading LeConte hike next weekend.

Buck in a Yoga Room

THE SCENE: 30 and unexpectedly cold.

Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
Squat x 15 IC


Mosey to Side-Lot
11’s (circles)
Top Burpees
Bottom Merkins
Plank until everyone finishes.
Mosey back to AO via benches for 40 step-ups
#135 For Time:
21 Squats 42 Ice Skaters
15 Squats 30 Ice Skaters
9 Squats 18 Ice Skaters
Find a Battlebuddy
21 High-Five Low Knuckles Burpees
15 Pistol squats – each leg
9 High-Five Low Knuckles Burpees

Side Crunches
American Hammers (Captain’ would be proud!)
Flutter Kicks
Hello Dolly!

4 PAX!
Don’t charge forward without having a plan and knowing the context of where your plan might take you!

Island Hopping

THE SCENE: 65 and spotty rain



  • This/that stretch + leg stretches
  • SSH x 20  IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Burpees x 5 OYO


  1. Island Hopping
    • Mosey around the building stopping at each covered area to dodge the rain
    • 5 merkins, 5 squats, 5 dips, 5 burpees at the first island, increase reps by 5 at each stop.
    • Finished 3 rounds then the rain let up so we ventured out for some variety
  2. Mosey to handrail…..circuit training
    • 3 rounds of the following
      • Easy ups under handrail x 10
      • Beary Sanders up the stairs
      • Box jumps on picnic table x 10
  3. Mosey to parking lot…..more island hopping
    • 3 rounds of the following
      • Island #1:  Squats x 10
      • run up stairs & across parking lot
      • Island #2:  Iron Mike x 10
      • run to the top of the hill
      • Island #3:  Squat Jumps x 10
  4. Mosey back to AO.
    • Stop at every parking lot island & alternate 10 merkins / 10 squats


  • Flutter kicks x 20  IC
  • Box cutters x 20  IC
  • LBC AMRAP for final minute

3 PAX:  Booster, Treehugger, Bartman

I’ve been listening to the audio Bible lately.  I encouraged the PAX to give it a try.   Normally when I read I only get through 1-2 chapters at a time, but with the audio version I can easily listen to entire books in one setting.   It’s helpful to gain the perspective of hearing it all at one time so that everything is in context.



Okay, What Now?

THE SCENE: 50 Degrees with a nice breeze

  • Mosey a couple laps around the parking lot
  • SSH (IC x 43)
  • BAC (IC x 10 F&R)
  • Imperial Walkers (IC x 15)


  • Mosey to The Sophomore
  • 11’s: Plank-Tuck Merkins and Bobby Hurley’s
  • Mosey to the coupon pile
  • Curls x 10, Squats x 10, Overhead Presses x 10, Run the Steps.  Rinse and Repeat x 3
  • Mosey to the courtyard walls
  • Dips x 10, Declined Merkins x 10. Rinse and Repeat
  • Mosey back to the Flag

BBS for the jack rabbits.

17 HIM’s this morning including 1 FNG.  Welcome Bologna!


We are going to have times in our lives when we feel like hitting the reset button.  Times when we need to stop, take stock of our current situation, and then find the direction and motivation to move forward.

Galatians 6:9-10  So lets’ not get tired of doing what is good.  At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.  Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone – especially to those in the family of faith.

What a great way to start my 44th year on the Big Ball.  The PAX showed up ready to burn some goo; mumble chatter was high and the effort was amazing.

JUCO with 3 FNGs

THE SCENE: Crisp morning with some nice dew in an unfamiliar place.


10 x Cherry Pickers

10 x Tempo Squats

3 burpees

10 up/down merkins

Lil bit of this and that

10 x Little baby Arm Circles forward and backward



Split Open and Melt

10 burpees, merkins, squats followed by nine, then eight of each etc.

Mosey to some benches

Alternated dips and box jumps for ~30 seconds each two sets of each exercise

Mosey back with some lunges thrown in on the way back to the AO

Back at the AO

Partner ab work

Raised leg pushdowns

Followed by some suicide sprints to be capped off with some cadence flutter kicks


8 PAX with 3 FNGs

Often we end up in places we may not like. It is best to accept personal responsibility and try to alter the future with introspection and change within. I encourage you all to find one or two things to be better at each week. If you were to do that diligently, I imagine you would be far happier at the end of the year than not. Personally, I am a bit distant with friends and family. I have been trying to be more open and communicative with them.