F3 Knoxville

Joy of Tire Flips

THE SCENE: more hot and humid weather

10 Projectivator, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 15 Imperial walkers, 10 tempo squats
Mosey to the recruitment center. Grab a CMU and circle up. As a timer for each exercise, 5 PAX, one at a time, do 3 tire flips as all others do the exercise. After a set of 15 total tire flips, switch to the next exercise in the list. The exercises are as follows:

  • Merkins
  • OHP
  • Tricep extensions
  • Curls
  • Rows
  • LBCs
  • Heavy Freddie’s
  • Goblet squats
  • Heavy Lunges
  • Burpees block jump overs

We got two full rounds in. Mosey back to the shovel flag.

No time left for Mary.
24 for a surprise celebration!
“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” – James 1:2‭-‬4 NASB1995

This is definitely one of my favorite passages, but it is tough. We are instructed here to consider it joyful to encounter trials. These trials have a purpose: to perfect our faith. Perfected faith results in a heavenly home when our life on earth is over. So, sometimes life is hard, but if we endure, our faith will be perfected.

So YHC noticed a few weeks ago, that I was approaching my 100th Q for F3 Knoxville. However, I had no idea that my brothers had orchestrated a celebration in my honor! What an amazing group of men that are in this brotherhood! Thank you all so much for the love and support.
Convergence at JUCO on July 2nd!

Working it through with friends

THE SCENE: Stunningly Beautiful Saturday morning. Cannot think of any way to make it better.

  • SSH
  • Windmills
  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • Burpees


  • Short form Dora
    • 20 merkins at the parallel bars
    • 30 squats at the pool wall
    • 40 LBCs at the picnic tables
  • Playground
    • Climb and slide
    • Creep and crawl
    • Repeat
  • Amphitheater hill
    • Bear crawl up the hill
    • Bunny hop up the hill
    • Frog hop up the hill
  • Joke Circle
  • Follow the leader at the fountain
  • Playground repeat
  • Mosey to Friendship Bell
    • Everybody ring it.


In addition to our PAX, we had Buttercup, Juggernaut, Peregrine Falcon, Golden Eagle, Backpack Leafblower, T-Rex, and Kitty-cat

Have you ever known someone, or maybe had a friend, that got you into trouble? Not because they told on you, but because they have ideas to do things that get you in trouble. Or maybe a friend who is mean to other people for fun? Someone you would think of as a bully?

It’s important to choose the people you spend time with carefully. We tend to become like the people we are around. Even though you may not do the mean things your friend does at first, that can’t last. Some day, unless they stop doing mean things, either you will have to stop being their friend, or you will find yourself doing the same mean things. Jesus gives a really good way to try to work through this. I’m using Matthew Chapter 18 v 15-17 as the model.

If someone is being mean or hurtful, first tell them just between the two of you. Then, if they realize what they did was wrong, then you have helped your friend and made your friendship stronger.

But if they won’t listen to you, ask other friends who saw it, and together talk to your friend about it, so your friend will know that other people agree that what they did was wrong.

If your friend still won’t listen, talk to your parents or another adult you can trust about what your friend is doing so they can help you.

But if they still won’t listen, then you should probably stop being their friend until they change. However, remember that you need to be kind to them still, even though they aren’t your friend any more. If you become mean to them, then the whole point is lost.

Always a pleasure to have Men from Juco come out!



  • The Thang
    • 4 Corners (20 reps): 1. Merkins (reg, diamond, wide, stagger)
    • 2. Legs: squat, lunge, Bobby Hurley, toe merkins
    • 3. Abs: (BBS, LBC, Heels to Heaven, side crunches)
    • 4. Burpees – 5 each corner
  • Mosey to Playground: 4 Rounds: 6 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 5 wall-ups
  • Mosey to Bell 4 “Corners” (Bear crawl to each)
    • 20 dips
    • 20 Bulgarians -10 each leg
    • 20 decline merkins
    • 20 box jumps
  • Mosey back to Shovel Flag

PAX choice – The Skewer, Rosalita, Basilisk, Protractor, Hairy Rocket in Plank

6STRONG: Kick, Mathlete, Borg, Tuba, Skewer, and me, Snaggletooth

Accountability. This is a tough one. Here’s what Q Source has to say about it:

“Submission To Standard Through Enforcement and Consequence

The HIM seeks Accountability because his life is not his own.

No matter how dedicated or deliberate a HIM is in the building of his Guardrails, there will be some stretches of his road that he will not be able to shore up through his own Bricklaying. These are a man’s Blind Spots , the hard-wired gaps in his nature that he cannot protect without help.”

“The Survivor is ruled by his Blind Spots. Like an insatiable parasite they slowly suck the life out of him. The Sad Clown softly submits to his Blind Spots, seeking to uncomfortably coexist with them long enough to die without ever having to asking for help eradicating them. His is a life of solitary denial and Hopelessness.

The HIM is different. Because he is a Servant who lives for his Mission, he treats his Blind Spots like any other Obstacle in his life–as a Problem that impedes Movement. Because a Problem can and must be remedied, the HIM does so by seeking Accountability. For a Blind Spot, that is the only thing that works. Although this requires him to admit his Problem to others, the HIM presses forward because his pride and sense of self are less important than the people he Serves.

After all, because he is Living Third, his life is not his own.

Accountability shines the light of Hope into a man’s Blind Spots.”

The need for accountability is hardwired and we only seek it out when we know for sure that we can’t accelerate on our own and we’re actually drowning without help. When life goes sideways, when we get sloppy, we remember what the bricklaying and guardrails are for. And when we realize that we can’t do it on our own – “we are powerless to change” – then we reach out for help. This is where I am. I am a mess – with just enough brain cells to know that I need help. This requires honesty that I don’t want because it will expose my vulnerability. I find this in each circle of my life: between God and myself, my wife and myself, my 2.0s and my community. So I am reaching out to our Shield Lock because I need help and need someone to know it. There are other ways that I reach out for help: counseling, friendship, reading books and practices that help me slow down and look inside. We’re not losers because we need help. We’re actually hardwired to need help.


Convergence July 2, Shield Lock on Friday 5:00, Shield Lock Camping Trip

Billy Boy Goes Back to School at Rampart

THE SCENE: A muggy 71 degrees. Too dang hot for a penguin to just be walking around here!

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Dutifully executed…twice!


  • SSH x15
  • Knoxville Cherry Pickers ® x5 (Are ground cherries a thing?)
  • Willie Mays Hayes x8
  • Tempo Merks x10
  • Tempo Squats x10
  • FLBAC x10
  • RLBAC x10
  • Grady Corn x10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x10
  • Chatty Cherry Pickers ® x10
  • SSH x15

PAX performed a Billy Madison routine. The goal was to get Billy all the way through high school graduation. To complete first grade, pax performed 12 reps of exercise 1 and moseyed a lap around the parking lot. For second grade, PAX completed 12 reps of exercise 1 and exercise 2 then took a lap. Grade three, exercises 1, 2, and 3 twelve times each, lap, and so on. Exercises were as follows. PAX ALMOST completed the 12th grade, thus Billy can still claim to be the “smartest man alive!” …and we cannot. …yet.

    1. OH Claps (Slap Hands!)
    2. SSH
    3. Big Boys (“It was my shoe!” mmhmm!)
    4. Merkins
    5. Shoulder Taps
    6. Squats
    7. Toe Merkins
    8. Monkey Humpers
    9. Heels to Heaven
    10. Dry Docks
    11. Flutter Kicks
    12. Burpees

YHC knows y’all enjoyed the soundtrack as much as he did. For all you Culture Club fans, etc., here it is.

  1. Old John Braddelum – Alan Mills (Personal fave when counting in cadence. Wow!)
  2. ABC – The Jackson 5
  3. The Stroke – Billy Squier (apparently about the music business and not…well…)
  4. Carry on Wayward Son – Kansas
  5. I’ll Tumble 4 Ya – Culture Club
  6. Jump Around – House of Pain (Clearly not edited. Pastor apologizes)
  7. Beat on the Brat – Ramones
  8. Renegade – Styx
  9. Rock ‘n’ Roll (Part 2) – Gary Glitter (Obviously from Happy Gilmore but we needed a break, right?)
  10. Tuesday’s Gone – Skynyrd (Also from HG but… just… it’s Skynyrd, ok?)

No time for Mary. DON’T tell us our business, devil woman!


9 PAX including 2 FNGs at Rampart this morning! Welcome “Doppler” and “Rango”!


Reminder of our motto at Rampart: 1 Cor 16:13-14: “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong, do everything in love.”

1 Peter 5:8-11 reads,Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.”

YHC has stopped praying that God would keep me from being tempted. After 40 years, YHC has realized, it’s not going to happen. “And lead us not into the time of trial” is a better translation of the Lord’s Prayer. Peter tells us that God doesn’t tempt us. We are tested. Temptation will always be there in one form or another. Even Jesus was actually tempted!

Instead, YHC has been praying for STRENGTH against temptation.

One practical thing YHC been learning is about will power. Will Power matters more than IQ. Willpower is a better predictor of success than intellegence. Some of you have seen the Marshmallow Test (see a version of it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yo4WF3cSd9Q). The crazy fact is that these 15 minutes of discipline and willpower could predict kids’ future the next 15+ years. Kids with grit and will power perform better in life than kids that have a high IQ!

Here’s what we need to know about willpower: IT’S A MUSCLE – It gets tired. How do you hack your will power? Pre commit. Made decisions and act on them early to keep yourselves from having to make those decisions when you’re weak. Odysseus’ men plugged their ears and had them tie himself to the mast of the ship to avoid the song of the sirens and running the ship into the rocks.

This is the psychology of the HC (hard commit). When you make the decision the night before, you won’t be tempted to complain about a leg cramp and roll over the next morning when it’s time to get up. Make the decision when your willpower is strong to avoid the fartsack. This is true about many things. Examples are as follows:

Food – Precommit and eliminate prompts. YHC struggles with lunch. It’s a weakness. I now make it ahead of time including healthy snacks so that I don’t mess up.

  • TV – unplug it
  • Social Media – delete it and use browser
  • Impure thoughts – delete or remove whatever prompts them

Bottom Line: Be Alert to those temptations and weaknesses you have and make good decisions EARLY!


  • Welcome FNGs Doppler (RESPECT!) and Rango!
  • YHC is proud of our FNGs for listening or …not listening… to the M about coming to this ridiculous morning beatdown. Looking forward to seeing you guys Wednesday!
  • YHC found himself downwind of Airborne who lived up to his name after a weeklong camping trip eating beanie weenies… Don’t be downwind of Airborne after a week-long camping trip eating beanie weenies.
  • 2DE was afraid to live up to his name and made a necessary and quick egress after the COT! Just go man!
  • “Slap hands!” – Wingman
  • YHC is downright impressed with whatever happened the week while gone. T-Claps to the High Impact Man, Skeletor for some stellar leadership in the AOQ’s absence.


  • VQ from Piston coming at you Wednesday! Truly excited to see what this HIM has for us! He’s been working hard these last couple of months. Be sure to HC and be there for your brother!
  • Convergence at JUCO on July 2!



DISCLAIMER: WELCOME F3 (Fitness. Fellowship. Faith) – Snaggletooth – NOT A PROFESSIONAL
 FREE WORKOUT – Own volition – take care/modify as needed
 CELL PHONE for emergencies

1. SSH
2. Tempo Squat x7
3. Tempo Merk x5
4. Mtn Climber x10
5. LBAC F/B X7
6. Moroccan x7
7. Grady Corns x7
8. Chattanooga Cherry Pickers x7
9. Burpees 5 OYO
10. Knoxville Cherry Pickers 5-IC
11. Stretch OYO

Grab CMU’s, to Ft Hill

1. 25 Curls – farmer carry (2 CMU)
2. 25 Tri Ext – farmer carry (2 CMU)
3. 25 Stagger Merkins – murder bunny
4. 20 Thrusters – rifle carry
5. 15 Blockees – rifle carry
6. 20 Heavy BBS – murder bunny
7. 25 Heavy Squat Jump – farmer carry (2 CMU)
8. 25 Heavy Lunges – farmer carry (2 CMU)
9. 20 Good Mornings – put away 1 CMU
10. 25 Curls
11. 50% Run
12. 100% Sprint

Skeletor, Olive Oil, Wingman, Airborne, Snaggletooth, and FNG Tootie (Nate Riddle) – WELCOME!


2 meditative readings of Psalm 23. 1st time listen and pay attention to the word or phrase that stands out. 2nd time listen – this is God’s word to you. How do you respond to it?

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
3 He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.

4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord



Until they can get their own CMUs, I like bringing ours from The Project. I figure it’s a treat. Rampart put in a good hustle – especially FNG Tootie!

Thunderclaps to the men of RAMPART – I was running a couple minutes late and they started warming up until I could get settled in with them. (Those 15 minutes early make a difference!) But these guys came to get better – and they already keep a high bar with great comradery. I was honored to join these fine men while their AOQ was downrange. Keep up the good work guys!