F3 Knoxville

Hardship Hill Training Session

THE SCENE:   52 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: All veterans – skipped.

Grady corns
Tempo squats
Mountain climbers

Mosey to the recruiting center


We did a little Hardship Hill preparation training…

4 stations (obstacles) in the parking lot – 4 more across the street.  1-minute EMOM timer

Visit an obstacle and do the exercise until timer goes off.  Then run to the wall, scramble up and over, and run across the street to the next station.  Obstacles were;

  • Tire hit
  • Ball Slams
  • I Merkins
  • Alternating waves
  • Heavy lunges
  • Stack squat
  • Jump rope
  • 10 thrusters + 15 curls (repeat)

First lap is finished – whew!  Recover to your canopy and plop yourself down in a chair.  Someone throws you a beer and someone else thrusts a bowl of chili into your hand – great!  While you’re there just relaxing, grab a CMU and do;

  • 30 triceps
  • 30 curls
  • 10 Chaco burpees

Now, get your muddy shoes back on your feet, because here come your teammates over the last obstacle and it’s your turn to run another lap.  This time, obstacles were;

  • Slam ball throw
  • Tire flip
  • Battle rope slams
  • “H” Merkins
  • Goblet squats
  • Good mornings
  • Jump rope
  • 10 thrusters + 15 triceps (repeat)

Second lap is finished – good golly!  Recover to your canopy and collapse onto a blanket in the grass.  Ah, your wife is there, and she brought you your house slippers and a warm mug of hot cocoa – thanks, wife!  Everyone on your team is smoked, so a couple of JUCO studs offer to run your team’s next lap – sweet.  While you’re relaxing, grab a CMU and do;

  • Single arm OHP – 10 each side
  • 20 CMU swings
  • 30 triceps

What the?!?!  Here come those JUCO guys over the last obstacle – how the heck did they get around the course so quickly?  Oh no – your teammate who is supposed to run next is in the port-a-john.  You’re already beat, but you have to do another lap.  Too tired to run, this time we’ll crawl.  EMOM bear crawl to the wall, touch, then sprint to the next station. Obstacles reverted back to;

  • Tire hit
  • Ball Slams
  • I Merkins
  • Alternating waves
  • Heavy lunges
  • Stack squat
  • Jump rope
  • 10 thrusters + 15 curls (repeat)

Finished!  You won’t be taking home any wooden trophies this year – but you finished the race without any significant injuries.  We’ll count that as a win.


No time


Me and 5 of the best men I know


I told a short story about an acquaintance, Sarah.  My wife and I have known her and her husband, Ty, for nearly as long as we’ve lived in TN.  They used to live near us but moved several years ago and we’ve fallen out of touch.  Last week, my wife forwarded a blog post to me – it was then that I found out Sarah has been battling a rare and aggressive cancer.  In her post, she writes about how there are only three clinics in the nation which specialize in treating this cancer – and that her family feels strongly that she should seek treatment at MD Anderson in Houston.  So, they are planning for her to move to Houston for 3-4 months.  Looks like months of prep, surgery in December, twice-a-day radiation treatments…

She talks about sitting in the hotel lobby after the initial consult and calling a friend to unburden herself.  “Knowing that I will be hardly able to walk, where do I live and how do I get myself to the treatments?  How do we plan for our young daughters to visit if I don’t know how I’ll be feeling?  How do I keep running our small business remotely?  How the heck are we going to pay for all of this?  I don’t want to be needy and ask people for help…”  Her friend responded, “If you don’t let people come alongside you and help, then you are robbing them of the joy of participation.”

I love that phrase – “the Joy of Participation”.  Generosity is participation.  When you are generous with your time, your money, your resources – you are participating in other people’s challenges and dreams.  That can be a source of a tremendous amount of joy.

In his book, “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, Steven Covey talks about the difference between living with a scarcity mindset and living with an abundance mindset.  When you have a scarcity mindset, you protect and hoard all that you have.  When you live with an abundance mindset, you give joyfully knowing that you have more than enough to meet your own needs.  He didn’t make up that concept – it’s in Scripture.

Proverbs 11:24 NLT, “Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything.”


Yesterday afternoon, my oldest son and I drove to Chattanooga to pick up a bike.  I’ve been looking for a mountain bike for him for more than a year – checking Facebook marketplace nearly every day – visiting the local shops over and over.  For bike manufacturers and retailers, the last 18 months have been crazy busy – and for consumers, it’s been crazy difficult to find bikes.  It seems like for every bike that comes in, there are 10 people on a waitlist for it.  But with some careful planning, we were finally able to get him one and he is thrilled.  Seeing him ride it last night was great – and I know that all the joyful times we will have riding will be worth all the time and planning that went into getting that bike.

That got me thinking…  What would it be like if I sought the Joy of Participation (i.e., the joy of giving generously) with the same deliberateness and dedication that I sought the joy of biking with my son?  What if I planned for and pursued generosity in the same way that I plan for a vacation?    

Isaiah 32:8 NLT, “Generous people PLAN to do what is generous…”


Sarah’s story; https://www.thehappyenvelope.com/cancer-journey/the-joy-of-participation

Remember to be praying for Erector and his extended family this week

Biohack had a great suggestion related to planning your generosity – set-up a separate bank account and have funds auto-drafted into it monthly.  That way you’ll have those resources ready when you get an opportunity to participate in someone’s dream or struggle.


Hardship Hill set-up on October 1, race on October 2

Monster Mash Bash – October 28th

IPC Week 3 – “B” the EMOM

THE SCENE: Rain, then rain, then more rain and 70 degrees. Another Beautiful morning.

20 SSH

11 Imperial Squawkers

15 Tempo Squats

Stretch at own pace, quads and achilles


  • IPC Week 3 orientation with demonstration of Kraken Burpees and BDE Burpees
  • Mosey to the track and sync/start EMOMs at both cones of the 50 yard section
  • Start timer
  • Perform 50 Kraken Burpees, but run to other cone every time the EMOM sounds and resume Krakens.
  • When 50 are completed, run 400m, stop at same cone you started at.
  • Perform 50 BDE Burpees, but run to other cone every time the EMOM sounds and resume BDEs.
  • When 50 are completed, run 800m, stop at same cone you started at.
  • Perform 50 2-count Bonnie Blairs/Jumping Lunges, but run to other cone every time the EMOM sounds and resume Bonnie Blairs.
  • When 50 are completed, run 1200m, stop at same cone you started at.
  • Record time from group timer.
  • No one modified.
  • All PAX regrouped as they completed their respective cycles and finished as a group.

No time
Word on the way back from track with lots of good talk, but I being of sound mind did forget the Count-Off & Name-O-Rama
2 Peter 3:14  Strengthen yourselves, so that in the end god finds you at peace with him.

Then we discusses how life is tough, because faithfulness only is proven through the tough times.  An example was Noah and being alone after God killed every other living being who Noah had lived with or known for hundreds of years, except for his family.  Now the ensuing loneliness might be a chance to not be at peace with God.  The discussion turned to the fact that being blessed, like Noah was, can be a burden.  Lots of good talk.

The response to the Word was an encouragement to me.  Thanks.

Iron Pax Recovery Workout: Steeplechase

THE SCENE: 66 and “Cloudy with a Chance…”

Projectivator x5, Tempo Squat x5, Cherry Picker x5, Tempo Merkins x5, individual stretch, mosey to Pool Wall.

THA-THANG: “The Steeplechase”

  • Pool Wall: 5 Wurpees (burpee+wall-up)
  • Playground: 5 pull-ups + 5 chin-ups (forward/backward grip)
  • Amphitheater: 5 boxjump+5 Bonnie Blair; Bernie up hill; 5 BBS+5 Heels-to-Heaven (2-ct); Bear Crawl down hill; Mucho Chesto (1 round): 10merks+10 diamond merks+10 werkins+10 stagger right+10 stagger left merkins; mosey up sidewalk to road
  • Karaoke (right/left), Side shuffle (right/left), Mosey to Lake
  • Lake: Lazy Dora (partner up): 100 shoulder taps + plank (switch every 10 reps till 100)+lap; 200 LBC + 6-in Leg Lift (switch every 20 reps till 200)+lap; [CALLED RECOVERY FOR TIME] 300 Squats + Al Gore (switch every 25 till 300)+lap.
  • [DID NOT GET TO K-2(5) FOR 5 HILLS – too bad, so sad]
  • Here what we missed – 5 Hills:
    1. 5 Burpees – sprint hill – 5 burpees at top
    2. 5 Bobby Hurley (2-ct) – hill – 5 BH at top
    3. 5 starfish (2-ct) – hill – 5 starfish at top
    4. 5 lunges (each leg) – hill – 5 lunges at top
    5. 5 diamond pushups – hill – 5 diamond pushups at top
  • Mosey to Friendship Bell – Mosey to Shovel Flag

NO TIME FOR MARY – BORG led us in some Cool Down Yoga/isometric stretches and good wisdom. Good stuff – DM Borg for more info.

6 Knuckleheads recovered from Iron Pax Madness! Welcome FNG Jacob AKA Mr Burns (of The Simpsons fame)

Romans 12:1-2 in 2 translations for meditation

A Living Sacrifice
12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (ESV)

Place Your Life Before God
12 1-2 So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. (The Message)

Like most men, I have spent a lot of time trying to get better, trying to BE BETTER – a good example is F3. Unfortunately, a lot of our self-improvement efforts amount to sin management, behavior modification, improving from the OUTSIDE-IN. The Bible clearly teaches the opposite: we can’t do it. Our hope lies in trusting what God has done, IS DOING, for us. As we give our “everyday, ordinary life” to God, as we believe/trust/relax in God and what He’s doing, He transforms us from the INSIDE-OUT. He’s playing the Long Game for us – developing “well-formed maturity” in us. Let Him do it.

Thursdays at The Project are typically Heavy PT (CMU work, tire flips, cut telephone poles, battle rope, etc) but after Tuesday’s Iron Pax we thought a recovery workout was in order. (Sorry Tuba! Heavy PT is our jam!)

Welcome FNG Jacob/Mr Burns; Iron Pax; Hardship Hill; Project Pax to Pray for this week: Bobbit; Coffeeteria @ Dunkin

Where are my eyes

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

  • High knees
  • Projectivators
  • Moroccan nightclubs
  • Little baby arm circles
  • Tempo squats
  • Imperial squawkers
  • Tempo merkins


Hit the parallel bars (20 inv. Rows + 20 merkins) and wall (10 Wall-pees) on the way

Baby steps @ Recruiting center

  • 6 thrusters and a blockee x3
  • Mosey around the parking lot
  • 6 Airplane! And a blockee x3
    • Airplane = on 6, crunch up with block then extend arms and legs
  • Mosey around the parking lot
  • 6 curl-presses and a blockee x3
  • Mosey around the parking lot
  • Line up along the short end of parking lot
  • Lunge two parking spaces with cmu, then bear crawl back and do 10 dry-docks, then go back and get the cmu. Cross the parking lot
  • Next two, transit 2 spaces, then do 10 of the listed exercise. Cross the parking lot
    • Rifle Carry – Good mornings
    • Farmer Carry – Tricep ext.
  • Finish up with some high speed work
  • 40 seconds – AMRAP – 20 seconds off
    • Curls
    • Heavy Hammers
    • Right row
    • Left row
    • Heavy Flutter Kicks
    • Double stack squats
    • Heavy LBCs

Just enough time to put our heels to heaven.

In these days, it seems like uncertainty abounds. When we don’t know what is true or who to trust, it is tempting to just pick something or someone and cling to it. Life feels easier when you have a simple answer, even if the answer is wrong. It is really unpleasant to reside in unknowing, to accept the chaos each day. It seems better to hide your eyes, turn to distractions, but that just stores up suffering for later.

Instead, it is better to accept the unknowing of today by abiding in this transcendent truth: that we can place our trust in our Father above. The plan is not ours to know, even the Son did not know the day or the hour, but if we place our trust in the only One who is truly trustworthy, then our future is secured.

Psalm 121

1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from?

2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

3 He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber;

4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

5 The Lord watches over you— the Lord is your shade at your right hand;

6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

7 The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life;

8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

Thanks to Manilow for the glamor shots!
IPC week 2 coming up. Hardship hill.

Simple…but not easy

THE SCENE:  63 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Stretch OYO

Grab a block and head to the track…


Iron PAX Challenge, Week 1.  Three rounds for time…  Simple…but not easy.

Round 1

Round 2 Round 3

800-meter run

25-yard murder bunny

10 shoulder tap merkins

25-yard reverse murder bunny

20 blockees with thruster

20 burpee jumpovers, horizontal

20 burpee jumpovers, vertical

25-yard murder bunny

10 shoulder tap merkins

25-yard reverse murder bunny


No time




Philippians 4:6-7, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything…”  Simple…but not easy.


Each Tuesday, we’ll select a different member of the PAX to focus our prayers on for the next week.  Praying for that man, his family, his challenges, for his victory.  This week, it’s Snaggletooth and his family.


Erector – get well, brother

Snaggletooth – for clear direction about the next chapter of life, for courage, for faith.  Thanksgiving for his wonderful family, and his brother-in-law, who is stepping into an adventure.