THE SCENE: Mostly Cloudy, 50°F, Feels like 50°F, Humidity 68%, Wind 1mph from NW F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER WARM-O-RAMA:
SSH 20x IC
LBAC 10x -> & <- IC
Overhead claps 15x IC
Seal claps 15x IC
Merkins 10x IC
Little this little that
Mosey to Filter’s car for coupons (bricks)
Mosey to Gresham lot with bricks
Wonder ducks (in a people’s chair)
Arms side straight out
Back to side
Arms straight front
Back to side
Curl to chest
Push out
Back to chest
Push up
Back to side
Duck walk one parking space
Add 1 rep and repeat to mid lot
Mosey to church lot
Captian Thors ladder goal of 21 (we made it to 16)
Run scripts lot between sets
15x Flutter kicks IC
15x hello Dolly IC
Endurance in our daily walk with Christ is like endurance in workouts. We have to build it daily always striving to find God’s will for our lives and trusting that the plans He has for us are better than any we could devise on our own MOLESKIN:
THE SCENE: 40 degrees, sleeting a wee bit. F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER WARM-O-RAMA:
SSH – x20 IC 4CT
Little bit of this, little bit of that
Cherry Pickers – x10 IC
Indian run (half of the loop) around the park once. Stop at pavilion to do 15 decline merkins OYO. Run another lap (half as indian run) and stop at pavilion for 25 dips OYO. Run another lap (half as indian run) and head toward church parking lot.
Welsh Dragon halfway across parking lot.
Bear crawl forward 4CT, 1 merkin, 1 plank jack, 1 set of back-of-shoulder taps, repeat until you’ve crossed half the lot. Mosey to Duck Pond.
Duck Pond Doras –
1 partner does the exercise while the other partner runs a lap around the pond. (50 burpee penalty for everyone if you fall in)
150 LBC
150 Kobra Kais
150 Mountain Climbers 2CT
150 Squat Jumps
plank until final runner finishes his lap
Mosey back to church lot. Welsh Dragon across the entire lot this time (but hey it’s downhill this direction!)
20ct rest. Mosey back to AO
Flutter Kicks 20x 4ct
Box Cutters 10x
Edward Scissorlegs 15x
Flutter Kicks 15x 4ct COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA
Duggar, Clinger, Frasier, Ghost, Half Caff, Filte CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:
Frasier led us in a quick devotional: Rest, Respect, Reliance. Isaiah 40: 28-31 “Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not grow faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”
Lots of prayers around for our families and our fellow PAX. Continue to lift one another up. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Hardship Hill is May 18!! Let’s see how many PAX we can get to sign up. If we don’t have enough for a full 5-hour team, we can merge with Brickyard or Big Ball as needed.
THE SCENE: 50 degrees. Cloudy. Little rain toward the end. F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER
Warmed up in an adjacent pavilion b/c we couldn’t all fit in the normal one!
SSH X20 4ct IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Annie’s – x8 each forward and backward each.
Little bit of this, little bit of that…
Imperial Walkers x10 4CT THA-THANG:
Relay run with the 20lb baby around the Fountain City Park loop 1 time. Turn around and run up to the Gresham Hill continuing the relay run with the 20lb baby.
Welsh Dragons (Happy St. David’s Day!)
Bear crawl position the whole time. Move forward 4 steps.
Do 1 merkin
Do 1 plank jack
Do 1 pair of back of shoulder taps
Bear crawl forward another 4 steps.
Rinse and repeat for ~30ft adding 1 rep to each move every time.
Rest and then turn around and go halfway back-ish toward where we started starting over at 1 rep each.
Relay run with 20lb baby back down Gresham Hill around the side to the Duck Pond.
The Quacken Circuit
8 station circuit around the Duck Pond. 20 reps of listed exercise at each station, except the last station which is 10 Kraken Burpees (regular burpee with 3 hand-release merkins at the bottom). Repeat the loop 2x or until time.
#1 – 20 Squats
#2 – 20 Merkins
#3 – 20 Overhead Claps 2CT
#4 – 20 LBCs
#5 – 20 American Hammers 2CT
#6 – 20 Mountain Climbers 2CT
#7 – 20 SSH 2CT
#8 – 10 Kraken Burpees (3 hand-release merkins at the bottom)
Ran out of time, but almost finished 2nd loop
Relay run back to the AO with 20lb baby.
Out of time! We had too much fun. COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA
18 HIMs made it out for the launch! Herbie, Abort, Half caff, Mr. Wedgie, SiPad, Bowflex, Chaucer, Hamm, Belding, Fast-n-Easy, Swanson, Quagmire, Detention, Ghost, Tank, Doubtfire, Erector, Filter CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:
Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.” MOLESKIN:
4 takeaways for today:
Accountability – Hold one another accountable to make it out here. Encourage one another to get better and be better. Hold one another accountable in our regular lives outside our workout times as well.
Q! Sign up to Q! Everyone has the ability, wherewithal and capacity to do it. We can help. You can do it.
Mend House – Come out and post with these guys on Wednesdays at 6pm. They’re a great group of guys to workout with and we all benefit from being around one another.
Give Back – Give back to the AOs where you post. Volunteer for a cleanup day or help do things around the park / school / etc. I know we can definitely help the Lions Club keep FC Park clean and running well for everyone to use. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Chili cook-off tonight 6-8pm at Fort Loudoun Yacht Club. Reach out to Rusty or Doubtfire for more info.
Launch of The Quacken AO in Fountain City on March 1, 2019.
THE SCENE: Low 40s, partly cloudy, still wet from last night. F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER
I’m not a professional! 🙂 1 FNG! So many letters in the title of this post. WARM-O-RAMA:
SSH – x27 IC (I got distracted and we did too many, sorry!)
Cherry Pickers – x10 IC
Annie’s – x7 each arm front and back, then switch. IC
Imperial Walkers – x10 4CT THA-THANG:
Mosey to church parking lot. Partner up. 1 Partner runs to the top of Hotel Drive while the other does the exercises at the bottom. Keep switching out until all exercises are done.
50 – Body Builder Burpees
100 – Overhead Claps 2CT
150 – Merkins
200 – BBS
250 – Squats
Bearpees in the parking lot from one end to the other.
Bearcrawl 4 “steps” and then do 1 burpee.
4 HIMs – one of those an FNG! Welcome, O.T.C.! Herbie, Frasier, and Filter round out the count. CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:
Pat Summitt’s Definite Dozen – Take Full Responsibility
Take ownership of your actions. Admit when you screw up. Be accountable. Hold one another accountable. MOLESKIN:
Prayers for Herbie’s kid w/ strep, Frasier’s travels, Filter’s mom, MIL, and Aunt-in-law. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
March 1 is the official AO launch! This location is officially up on the F3 Knoxville website, too, if you’d like to share with an FNG. It’s starting to feel official!
Mosey from the Mend House to the Gresham Parking Lot
Burpees 0
SSH 10x 4ct IC
Burpees 2
LBAC 10x 4ct IC Forward & Backward
Burpees 4
Cherry Pickers 10 4ct IC
Burpees 6
Air Squats 10x IC
Burpees 8
Overhead claps 10 4ct IC
Burpees 10
Ascending Bear Crawls
1 Merkin, Bear crawl across the lot, 2 Merkins, Bear crawl, …. to 10 Merkins
BBS – Start with 1 (increase by 1 each time)
Run to end of the lot
Leg Lifts – Start with 20 (reduce by 1 by each time)
Continue until numbers are flip-flopped.
Circle of Pain – Merkins (start with 5 down to 1)
11 Hims, 9 from Mend House (2 FNGs)
CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: As a group of men we need to hold one another up, strengthen and encourage each other. Just as a body has different aspects to build it up, we each have unique strengths that can apply to the group.
Ephesians 4:16
16 from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.
The Quaken will launch on March 1st. Mark your calendars.