F3 Knoxville

If it walks like a duck…

THE SCENE: OTB @ Fountain City Park – Very wet. Mid 40s. Lots of ducks.

SSH – 25 IC 4CT

Baby Arm Circles – x15 up/down IC 4CT

Tempo Squat – x10

Cherry Pickers – x15

Mosey to the Duck Pond (aka FC Lake)

3 stations along the Broadway side at the pavilions –

  • Station 1 –
    • 20 merkins then duck walk to station 2
  • Station 2 –
    • 20 merkins then duck walk to station 3
  • Station 3 –
    • 20 merkins then run to finish the loop around the Duck Pond back to station 1.
    • Rinse and repeat 3X.

Mosey to top of hill to road in front of Gresham Middle.

Duck and Weave –

  • PAX line up single file and duck walk from one end of the lot / road to the other. Walker in the back sprints to the front weaving through the PAX until everyone goes 2x just like an Indian Run except way less fun.

Dora –

  • PAX partner up. One exercises while one runs to the other end of the drive and back. Flapjack and repeat til done.
    • 100 squats
    • 100 mountain climbers 4CT
    • 5 burpees IC

Mosey back to AO in the pavilion in the middle of FC Park.


  • 25 dips on picnic table OYO
  • 15 incline merkins on picnic table OYO
  • 15 ATMs to cash it out IC

4 PAX present. Dolittle, Swanson, Herbie, Filter on Q.
Advent = hopeful waiting.