F3 Knoxville

Clock Puncher

AO: thequacken
Q: Z-Pack
PAX: Lizzy, Tenderfoot, Rich Jordan, Brick, High Heels, Duggar
FNGs: None
Windmill Stretch IC
Baby Arm Circles IC
Merkins IC
Squat and Reach IC
Mountain Climbers IC

In an open grassy area in the park place four cones to make a clock face at 12 0’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock positions. The cones should be about 10 – 15 yards from a center spot on the clock face.

Starting from the center use a cmu and murder-bunny to the 12 o’clock cone. At the 12 o’clock cone do 15 cmu squat-overhead press. Then bunny-murder back to the center. Back in the center do flutter kicks – 4ct, 15 reps.

Next, bear crawl to the 3 o’clock cone and do 5 Tres Merkins (diamond Merkin, regular Merkin, wide hand position Merkin). Crawl- bear back to the center and do Dead Bugs – 4ct, 15 reps.

Next, murder-bunny to the 6 o’clock cone and do 15 cmu squirrels. Murder-bunny or bunny-murder back to the center and do heals to heaven – 25 reps.

Next, bear crawl to the 9 o’clock cone and do 15 man-makers. Crawl bear back to the center and do 25 big boy situps.

After making one trip around the clock, rinse and repeat the clock until time is up.

included in The Thang

Upcoming events- Dragon Boat race, F3 Uncovered convergence, and Marine Mud Run

Paul’s courage by faith
Acts 21:7-15