F3 Knoxville

Don’t Look Back In Anger (I Heard You Say)


THE SCENE: Warm, humid, no rain, lots of mayflies

SSH x 40 (4 ct)

Burpees x 3

Mosey to flag pole

Do these exercises, 43 reps each

Box jumps


Decline Merkins

Big boy sit-ups




Then, bear crawl to south gate of the loop and run around the loop back to the flag pole

Drop the top exercise and do the others and repeat the bear-crawl/running lap

Rinse and repeat until complete or out of time (we ran out of time)

Mosey back to the AO

We only had about a minute or so for Mary, so we held planks until time.
10 total PAX

Subset of divisiveness (which I talked about at the Asylum on Saturday) is cancel culture.

Cancel culture is contrary to Christian beliefs and the lessons that the Bible teaches.

It is also against the old adage that we teach our kids – your mistakes do not define you, and this one from church – love the sinner, not the sin.

The Bible is full of examples of how a person is not defined by his worst traits, deeds, or words, but here is one.  Saul was not a good man – he persecuted Christians among other things.  Jesus blinds him, converts him, and turns Saul into Paul, who was a great man.  Paul did a lot of good work, is a pillar of Christianity, and is traditionally attributed with writing 13 of the 27 books of the New Testament.

Where would Christianity be without Paul?

In today’s cancel climate, Paul would be canceled because of Saul and with him a lot of the New Testament.  Let that sink in.

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”  Ephesians 4:32

My favorite band is Oasis, who had a song titled “Don’t Look Back in Anger.”  That’s good advice from a band that was drunk and high for most of the 90s.  No need to cancel good music because of bad behavior.  Otherwise, we would not have any good music.

Prayers for Training Wheels and his son traveling out west (look out for Title IX), Mrs. Lillydipper, and Mrs. Choir Boy
Mend House clothing drive, La-Z-Boy celebrity Q on Wednesday